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IAF might get upto 300 FGFA

I think Indians and Pakistani's have different procurement policy and hence Indians make a huge mistake when they think Pakistan will take similar amount of time to procure something.

India takes a different route, they always focus a lot on TOT. In addition defense scams made process tighter and hence their process needs multiple vendors to start with etc. On the other hand Pakistan seems to just identify what they want and do a quick deal. They are also willing to sign CIMOSA and EULA etc, never heard any issue with regards to that. So their time to procure is way faster.

Hence all Pakistan has to do it to buy 5th generation planes is get some money, their quick procurement will make sure they get it in time.

Example AWACS deal, while India took years to get that materialized. Pakistan quickly filled it.
Yes,they get everything quickly.But in that process they compromise severly on technology.Example:JF 17-they did it pretty quickly but it is by far inferior to our Su 30MKI.Agosta 90-though they have AIP and can fire harpoon but our Scorpines(1st induction-2014)will be much better in all terms.Though all of our Kilo class submarines can fire anti ship missiles.Only thing missing is AIP.Indian navy is reportedly not interested in mesma aip.Instead they are more interested in the indigenous fosforic acid fuel cells of which land based prototype is already under testing.F 22p frigate-again very fast induction but by far inferior to even upcoming Kamorta corvettes.Al khalid-very fast induction but are out classed by our delayed and so called failed Arjun mk1(both will be operational with almost same no.Al khalid 300,Arjun Mk1 250).The list goes on and on.
Yes,they get everything quickly.But in that process they compromise severly on technology.Example:JF 17-they did it pretty quickly but it is by far inferior to our Su 30MKI.Agosta 90-though they have AIP and can fire harpoon but our Scorpines(1st induction-2014)will be much better in all terms.F 22p frigate-again very fast induction but by far inferior to even upcoming Kamorta corvettes.Al khalid-very fast induction but are out classed by our delayed and so called failed Arjun mk1(both will be operational with almost same no.Al khalid 300,Arjun Mk1 250).The list goes on and on.

JF-17 block II is on it's way, the requirement for block I was low tech, BVR capable, and that is what we got.
Block II should be Medium-high tech, it wont be inferior to the MKI for too long.

As for the rest of it, it can all be debated and in the end, the winner wont be decided on this forum.
Yes,they get everything quickly.But in that process they compromise severly on technology.Example:JF 17-they did it pretty quickly but it is by far inferior to our Su 30MKI.Agosta 90-though they have AIP and can fire harpoon but our Scorpines(1st induction-2014)will be much better in all terms.F 22p frigate-again very fast induction but by far inferior to even upcoming Kamorta corvettes.Al khalid-very fast induction but are out classed by our delayed and so called failed Arjun mk1(both will be operational with almost same no.Al khalid 300,Arjun Mk1 250).The list goes on and on.

my friend su-30mki is air superiority fighter, where jf-17 is comes under light combat fighter jet. so no comparison with su-30mki. PAF cant afford costly FIGHTER, so they are concentrated on jf-17 at high numbers(i think around 250) with low cost.
JF-17 block II is on it's way, the requirement for block I was low tech, BVR capable, and that is what we got.
Block II should be Medium-high tech, it wont be inferior to the MKI for too long.

As for the rest of it, it can all be debated and in the end, the winner wont be decided on this forum.

MKI and Jf 17 not comparable ,both of different class...............................
JF-17 block II is on it's way, the requirement for block I was low tech, BVR capable, and that is what we got.
Block II should be Medium-high tech, it wont be inferior to the MKI for too long.

As for the rest of it, it can all be debated and in the end, the winner wont be decided on this forum.

oh common Even f-16 block 52 have very less chance against su-30mki. and INDIA going to induct that beast around 272. do you think su-30mki wont go for upgrades????
oh common Even f-16 block 52 have very less chance against su-30mki. and INDIA going to induct that beast around 272. do you think su-30mki wont go for upgrades????

F-16 block 52 + AIM-120C-5 is extremely formidable. Do not underestimate it.

And yes the JF-17 is INFERIOR to the Su-30mki.
But it was not made to go against the Su-30mki.
JF-17 block II is on it's way, the requirement for block I was low tech, BVR capable, and that is what we got.
Block II should be Medium-high tech, it wont be inferior to the MKI for too long.

As for the rest of it, it can all be debated and in the end, the winner wont be decided on this forum.

It's gonna take a while for that to happen though. I think the MKI's will be nearing the end of their life by then. Then again, I'm no expert...
by 2030 the IAF fighter fleet will probably look like this

250-300 FGFA (not counting trainers 250 2 seat FGFA 50 1 seat PAK FA)
250 AMCA (not counting trainers)
272-280 SU-30MKI (with upgrades)
126+ MMRCA fighter (Rafale or EF with upgrades could be more than 126)
~200 LCA Mk2 fighters (i'm going to leave it at MK2 because IAF will probably upgrade its LCA MK1 fleet to MK2 after getting used to it and then if there's a MK3 variant they could upgrade to that)

thats over 1,000 combat aircraft 550 of which are Stealth fighters
Hey baz,thanks for your sincere reply mate.I compared the fighters not on their class but the induction time and quality.By the way our first batch of MKIs are 10 years old and yet they haven't got an upgrade.All the MKis will be started to get upgraded from 2014 onwards with new engines(according to prasun sengupta and not very reliable but the fact is without new engines AESA will not be possible),AESA radars,indigenous GaN solidstate ecm like silent eagles,brahmos missiles,new long range AAMs etc.So by the time JF 17 MK2 becomes ready the MKIs will start to be upgraded.
F-16 block 52 + AIM-120C-5 is extremely formidable. Do not underestimate it.

And yes the JF-17 is INFERIOR to the Su-30mki.
But it was not made to go against the Su-30mki.

i said very less chance against su-30mki. and more over 40 su-30mki going to get AESA radar. AIM-120c-5?? but the 1st detect and 1st fire option will be with su-30mki only.
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