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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

It lasted for more than 60 years and Israel only became stronger relatively to its Arab neighbours.

You do not like the idea that democratic responsible countries are also nuclear weapons countries and you prefer that rogue and dictatorial regimes will develop these weapons in order to lead this world into disaster and bring suffering to billions of people (in addition to the misery of their own people). And you call it "justice".

Keep dreaming that the West and Israel would sit idle and let your terrible fantasies to materialised.
It lasted for more than 60 years and Israel only became stronger relatively to its Arab neighbours.

You do not like the idea that democratic responsible countries are also nuclear weapons countries and you prefer that rogue and dictatorial regimes will develop these weapons in order to lead this world into disaster and bring suffering to billions of people (in addition to the misery of their own people). And you call it "justice".

Keep dreaming that the West and Israel would sit idle and let your terrible fantasies to materialised.

On what ground do you call israel responsible? Israel has been illegally occupying the land of the Palestinians, building wall inside their territory and dividing their territory and finally threatening all its neighbours with nukes if that is what you call responsible conduct. As for democracy is this why israel's big daddy has been raising and sheltering despots like Mubarak in ME?

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 PM ----------

It lasted for more than 60 years and Israel only became stronger relatively to its Arab neighbours.

You do not like the idea that democratic responsible countries are also nuclear weapons countries and you prefer that rogue and dictatorial regimes will develop these weapons in order to lead this world into disaster and bring suffering to billions of people (in addition to the misery of their own people). And you call it "justice".

Keep dreaming that the West and Israel would sit idle and let your terrible fantasies to materialised.

On what ground do you call israel responsible? Israel has been illegally occupying the land of the Palestinians, building wall inside their territory and dividing their territory and finally threatening all its neighbours with nukes if that is what you call responsible conduct. As for democracy is this why israel's big daddy has been raising and sheltering despots like Mubarak in ME?
On what ground do you call israel responsible? Israel has been illegally occupying the land of the Palestinians, building wall inside their territory and dividing their territory and finally threatening all its neighbours with nukes if that is what you call responsible conduct. As for democracy is this why israel's big daddy has been raising and sheltering despots like Mubarak in ME?

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 PM ----------

On what ground do you call israel responsible? Israel has been illegally occupying the land of the Palestinians, building wall inside their territory and dividing their territory and finally threatening all its neighbours with nukes if that is what you call responsible conduct. As for democracy is this why israel's big daddy has been raising and sheltering despots like Mubarak in ME?

Israel is a responsible democratic country. Contrary to what you argued, Israel:-

- Never threatened even one of its Arab neighbours with nukes.

- Did not "illegally occupied the land of the Palestinians", but seized this territories in the War of 1967 from Egypt and Jordan after the latter used this lands to launch terror and offensive attacks against Israel. For more than three decades Israel has negotiated on a permanent solution to the Palestinian problem, including creating a Palestinian political entity/Statehood.

- Built the security fence in order to stop suicide bombing against its civilians, and thank god the fence is a success story - no more suicide attacks against unarmed women and children.

In your distorted and vile perception, this is the nature of a "terror" state: a country that defends its innocent people from murderous terrorists while extending its hand in peace to its most worst enemies. A country that while confronting an ocean of Arab and Muslim hostility remained to only democracy in the region and gives its Arab and Muslims citizens greater rights and better life than any of their brothers in the Muslim Ummah.

If in your lexicon Israel is "irresponsible", then how will you call your beloved despot regimes in Iran, Pakistan and North Korea that have nukes or eager to develop them? These rogues are the gravest danger to the stability and prosperity of the international community, and you support these scum and call it "justice" for them to posses nukes.
Israel is a responsible democratic country. Contrary to what you argued, Israel:-

- Never threatened even one of its Arab neighbours with nukes.

- Did not "illegally occupied the land of the Palestinians", but seized this territories in the War of 1967 from Egypt and Jordan after the latter used this lands to launch terror and offensive attacks against Israel. For more than three decades Israel has negotiated on a permanent solution to the Palestinian problem, including creating a Palestinian political entity/Statehood.

- Built the security fence in order to stop suicide bombing against its civilians, and thank god the fence is a success story - no more suicide attacks against unarmed women and children.

In your distorted and vile perception, this is the nature of a "terror" state.

If in your lexicon Israel is "irresponsible", then how will you call your beloved despot regimes in Iran, Pakistan and North Korea that have nukes or eager to develop them? These rogues are the gravest danger to the stability and prosperity of the international community, and you support these scum and call it "justice" for them to posses nukes.

Again resorting to lies, of course, seizing foreign territory is illegal. BTW we're not discussing Pakistan's or North korea's nukes here, we're discussing the nukes of a terrorist entity like israel. WMDs in the hands of a terrorist entity is universally irresponsible, it doesn't matter what the warmongers in Washington or Tel Aviv say.
Israel is for jews and the nukes are their to protect them from the haters

God bless Israel
Again resorting to lies, of course, seizing foreign territory is illegal. BTW we're not discussing Pakistan's or North korea's nukes here, we're discussing the nukes of a terrorist entity like israel. WMDs in the hands of a terrorist entity is universally irresponsible, it doesn't matter what the warmongers in Washington or Tel Aviv say.

Seizing a territory during a military conflict is not illegal and that is exactly Israel did - captured a territory from its foes, Egypt and Jordan, which was used for launching terror and hostile acts against Israel.

Although it is not convenient for you, We are indeed discussing nuclear rogue regimes in order to show how ridiculous is your claim that Israel is a "terror" state. But in your view, a dictatorial, terror regime like Iran which butcher its own people allowed to develop nukes is "justice". You support the worst warmongers and terrorists of our time.
Seizing a territory during a military conflict is not illegal and that is exactly Israel did - captured a territory from its foes, Egypt and Jordan, which was used for launching terror and hostile acts against Israel.

Although it is not convenient for you, We are indeed discussing nuclear rogue regimes in order to show how ridiculous is your claim that Israel is a "terror" state. But in your view, a dictatorial, terror regime like Iran which butcher its own people allowed to develop nukes is "justice". You support the worst warmongers and terrorists of our time.

We're discussing the nukes of a rogue state called israel. My claim is supported by at least 165 countries. Do yo know how many countries support your zionist claim?
We're discussing the nukes of a rogue state called israel. My claim is supported by at least 165 countries. Do yo know how many countries support your zionist claim?

You are repeating points that I already refuted as irrelevant - It is not a question of majority and minority, your 100 and something countries that allegedly support your lies most of them are just a bunch of failed states like Bangladesh. I do not care what failed countries think.

Read the title of this thread: "Time for IAEA to Deal with Israeli Nukes?" The answer is negative because as I showed Israel is hardly a rogue state and you have real rogue regimes that are trying to develop nukes - the international community and IAEA should deal with them immediately and not let them to inflict their (and your) "justice" on peaceful and prosperous nations.
You are repeating points that I already refuted as irrelevant - It is not a question of majority and minority, your 100 and something countries that allegedly support your lies most of them are just a bunch of failed states like Bangladesh. I do not care what failed countries think.

Read the title of this thread: "Time for IAEA to Deal with Israeli Nukes?" The answer is negative because as I showed Israel is hardly a rogue state and you have real rogue regimes that are trying to develop nukes - the international community and IAEA should deal with them immediately and not let them to inflict their (and your) "justice" on peaceful and prosperous nations.

What most people say is a crime is a crime. What you or your zionist friends say is not fact but propaganda.
What most people say is a crime is a crime. What you or your zionist friends say is not fact but propaganda.

No, it is not. Most people and most countries of the third world are either ignorant, or misperceived, or envy or hate countries which are prosperous and advanced.

As usuall, when you do not have good answers you are running away to trolling.
No, it is not. Most people and most countries of the third world are either ignorant, or misperceived, or envy or hate countries which are prosperous and advanced.

As usuall, when you do not have good answers you are running away to trolling.

Yes, we know that nazis and zionists consider third world countries as ignorant and barbaric but who cares what the nizis or the zionists believe! Following is a report on the israeli crimes against humanity:

The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war.

Those violations include:

Collective punishment:

The entire 1.5 million people who live in the crowded Gaza Strip are being punished for the actions of a few militants.

Targeting civilians:

The airstrikes were aimed at civilian areas in one of the most crowded stretches of land in the world, certainly the most densely populated area of the Middle East.

Yes, we know that nazis and zionists consider third world countries as ignorant and barbaric but who cares what the nizis or the zionists believe! Following is a report on the israeli crimes against humanity:

The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war.

Those violations include:

Collective punishment:

The entire 1.5 million people who live in the crowded Gaza Strip are being punished for the actions of a few militants.

Targeting civilians:

The airstrikes were aimed at civilian areas in one of the most crowded stretches of land in the world, certainly the most densely populated area of the Middle East.


Complete rubbish.

These are not few militants. If you have not noticed, Gaza is under the control of Hamas which is a terrorist organisation that butchered innocent civilians in Israel and fire rockets on Israeli cities and villages. Why should Israel open its border with this barbaric anti-Semite entity? We are in a state of war with it - did your beloved Iran maintained open borders with Iraq during its war with it?

Your terrorists of Hamas intentionally fire rockets from populated areas and hide weaponry under or inside civilian neighbourhoods and facilities like schools and hospitals. Hamas wants that as many as its civilians will be hurt, so anti-Semites like yourself can use it as propaganda against Israel.

You want that Israel will suffer terror attacks and rockets on its innocent civilians and do nothing to stop it - regrettably civilians are being hurt in Gaza because of Hamas inhuman behaviour. If you are so concerned about those casualties (and not of course for the Israeli innocent casualties), go and tell Hamas to renounce terrorism and its anti-Semitism.

You lost again - Israel is a responsible democratic country
Complete rubbish.

These are not few militants. If you have not noticed, Gaza is under the control of Hamas which is a terrorist organisation that butchered innocent civilians in Israel and fire rockets on Israeli cities and villages. Why should Israel open its border with this barbaric anti-Semite entity? We are in a state of war with it - did your beloved Iran maintained open borders with Iraq during its war with it?

Your terrorists of Hamas intentionally fire rockets from populated areas and hide weaponry under or inside civilian neighbourhoods and facilities like schools and hospitals. Hamas wants that as many as its civilians will be hurt, so anti-Semites like yourself can use it as propaganda against Israel.

You want that Israel will suffer terror attacks and rockets on its innocent civilians and do nothing to stop it - regrettably civilians are being hurt in Gaza because of Hamas inhuman behaviour. If you are so concerned about those casualties (and not of course for the Israeli innocent casualties), go and tell Hamas to renounce terrorism and its anti-Semitism.

You lost again - Israel is a responsible democratic country

One zionist says that I've lost and to the rest of the world it means I've won. Like america your credibility is below zero, so your nazi crap means nothing. Israel is the most irresponsible state in the world and its nukes along with those belonging to the US pose the greatest threat to mankind.
nirreich , why u argue with him? This guy lives in constant fear from Israeli nukes. He shivers 24 h a day 7 days a week. I guess he does not go out from his basement. I feel sorry for him. :(
nirreich , why u argue with him? This guy lives in constant fear from Israeli nukes. He shivers 24 h a day 7 days a week. I guess he does not go out from his basement. I feel sorry for him. :(

You're right, we're terrorised by the israeli nukes! Now, that's nuclear terrorism!
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