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'I want Muslim dead bodies': Present BSF Chief in 1991

And they say we are bigoted :lol:

First your Army murdered the father of your nation Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and an office with rank of Major became the General and Marshal Law administrator overnite in a coup.

Then Zia and all his junior rank officers who were promoted to senior ranks were toppled by Maj.Gen Khaled Musharraf.

Then Khaled Musharraf was assasinated by the Army and Zia became president in 77.

Then Zia ur Rehman also got assasinated by the Army.

Not very long ago BDR lead a mutiny slaughtered their officers in wholesale and gangraped their wives.

I mean since 1971 BD lost more Army / BDR officers in mutiny / aftermath of mutiny / punishments for mutiny than war / skirmishes with India or Myanmar.

Do you want any more proofs? I mean you still want to claim otherwise?

hindu population is not declining, its just hindus migrate to hindustan. The illegal problem you mention in your country is not a problem, its just hindus returning to hindustan.

It must be horrible living in Bangladesh as a Hindu. This usually happens when a downtrodden population all of a sudden assume power but not have competence to bear the responsibility.

Anyway I just hope you guys won't make a nation wide brouhaha next time when BSF choose to shoot one of the pole vaulters, after all they are hindus returning to hindustan.
So u Guys dont question the source as long as it is anti-hindu?
Next time pls dont be hypocratic, When some others post anti muslim thread, and u guys must accept the source...
No govt servent openly talks like this in public, people with better conscience on both sides of the border knows this...
Priceless, this is the real face of India, that they try so hard to hide, but some idiots give it away for free trashing so much work by RAW and other posters in this forum. All Muslim posters in this forum should take a look at this and print it out as a keeper or maybe spread it around in their facebook pages, so other Muslims know what many Indian Hindu's think about Muslims.

And Here is real Face of Bangladesh and Pakistan where Hindu girls are kidnapped and raped and forced to convert to Islam.

So why full transfer of population is need of hour as it is increasing becoming clear how Muslims treat their minority.
we already have read a lot of information uncovered about mass graves of Muslims in Kashmir

this is hardly new nor out of character for the BSF, CPRF, etc.

trigger-happy and undisciplined
we already have read a lot of information uncovered about mass graves of Muslims in Kashmir

this is hardly new nor out of character for the BSF, CPRF, etc.

trigger-happy and undisciplined

Weren't these Muslim supporting terrorism against India.
And as Far Pak or Bangla Hindu are concerned can you blame them for any thing like this. Hindus in Pak have done nothing to entail such kind of brutal behaviour.
Kashmiris enjoy all the freedom which Baluchis if even promised would make them give up arms.
We Indians are Muslim killers. Yet our Muslim population is keep on increasing. These police officers are not doing the job correctly I guess. We should fire them.
Weren't these Muslim supporting terrorism against India.
And as Far Pak or Bangla Hindu are concerned can you blame them for any thing like this. Hindus in Pak have done nothing to entail such kind of brutal behaviour.
Kashmiris enjoy all the freedom which Baluchis if even promised would make them give up arms.

many of them were unarmed and had nothing to do with resistance against the occupation forces....and this is unconfirmed even in western media.

as for rest of your post, it's imagination only so no need to discuss it
Hindu Nationalist "Hindutva ideology" has taken over the consciousness of a large cross section of Indian Hindu population, including its Armed forces and security apparatus, so I am not surprised to see them take revenge against Muslims for "Muslim invaders" in history.
Hindus are naturally more attached/loyal to india and so they migrate.Its 2 nation theory.:D

Typical indian post. Thanks for being honest and expressing your true desires and I know that's
what majority of your countrymen thinks. But guess what, your RSS brainwashed propaganda
doesn't mean $hit to us. We are living in the land of our ancestors who were unfortunately
pagans but with Allah(swt) grace found freedom and peace in ISLAM and accepted it. Who the hell gave you the ownership of the subcontinent?

Indian Muslim feel the same way but they don't miragte, Hindus are fleeing not migrating.
You kicked Taslima out because she showed the world yr true colors.
I thought only Hindus are migrating to Hindustan from Bangladesh. No Muslim come here. Then how this BSF manage to kill Muslims on the border? Can anyone explain?
many of them were unarmed and had nothing to do with resistance against the occupation forces....and this is unconfirmed even in western media.

as for rest of your post, it's imagination only so no need to discuss it

What about Baluchis,what about Sir Osama. What about Shias being butchered on daily bases. Any thing negative one says about Pakistan becomes a figment of imagination or jewish conspiracy.
Hindu Nationalist "Hindutva ideology" has taken over the consciousness of a large cross section of Indian Hindu population, including its Armed forces and security apparatus, so I am not surprised to see them take revenge against Muslims for "Muslim invaders" in history.

Be afraid, very afraid.
It must be horrible living in Bangladesh as a Hindu. This usually happens when a downtrodden population all of a sudden assume power but not have competence to bear the responsibility.

Anyway I just hope you guys won't make a nation wide brouhaha next time when BSF choose to shoot one of the pole vaulters, after all they are hindus returning to hindustan.

shoot them all, your own people.

I thought only Hindus are migrating to Hindustan from Bangladesh. No Muslim come here. Then how this BSF manage to kill Muslims on the border? Can anyone explain?

cattle farmers, your indians come here aswell to sell their cows. They come here for better profit since it is not legal to slaughter cows in your side of the border due to you folks worshiping cows.
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