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I think i need to give up on Pakistan.

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Brothers, i used to be a regular poster on this forum. As i was glad to find a place where i can have a intellegent conversation about Pakistan and get a insight look into Pakistan from the people. This forum is incredible due to the various nationality opinions, you have the Indians, the Bengalis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranians, Sri Lankans, etc.


Ever since i found out OBL was killed in Pakistan, i gave up on Pakistan. The reason why no matter what you have to look at in two ways.

1: The USA invaded our soverignty. It was close enough to attack our capital and there would have been nothing we can do to stop them. For God sake they passed our defence (the only thing i thoguht Pakistan was good with).

2: Our Army, ISI and goverment allowed them to do this. Meaning everything that is needed to make a country great has turned againist it's people. I don't know what war game is happening but 34,000 lives have been lost. It's not just numbers those were Humans, those were people with lifes who were taken away.

I am fed up with conspiracy theories or bs made up, i want the truth. What is going on? I am honestly suprise Pakistan is still alive now. It should have disentragrated in the 1st year, but we survived. But that was when their was another threat, now the threat is in our own borders.

I am afraid one day i will watch the news and i sucide bomber, bombed the clifton child playground in Karachi,purposly killing little innocent boys and girls who have yet to make a life. I can't take all the violence happening in my home country. What the hell i am supposed to do, i can't support it, i am useless, all i am doing is typing in comments but wtf is that really?

I would say rthese to the following nations.

China - Become a super-power, bring the power back to the East and please help us your our only hope. It's because of you guys Pakistan is still standing.

India - Don't let Pakistan bring you down. We were once Brothers, you are the best of us, you have mutured and realise violence leads nowhere. People of India keep your work help restore the honour South Asia once had.

Bangladesh - Sorry for what we did in 1971. Your idependence has showed the world how a nation is meant to rise, continue on and achieve greatness.

And All Muslim nations Goverments - Their is nothing Islamic in what you do, strach the name of Islam from your countries. You slaghter your own people, sell bllood for oil and destroyed us, may Allah show you mercy to the crimes you have committed because you are gonna need it.

Time Assassin, I can understand how you are feeling right now. It's a hard time being a Pakistani right now, especially when the media focus is all on Pakistan, & the administration isn't doing much to make things better. However, we all see our bad days. I've seen my 2 uncles (dad's brothers) getting shot in Karachi as a result of sectarian violence, but Pakistan is my home, even though I've lived outside of Pakistan for 15 years. I don't know how to explain it to you. Maybe it's all because we are all in the same boat, we (people of all ethnicities) all face the same difficulties, & we all have the same peaceful desires & the will to live decent/respectable lives in the most adverse of situations, I don't know. Pakistan will be my first & last home. I'm looking back to move back if I hopefully get a job within the year. It's hard to be separated from your love for such a long time. But that's just me though.
mate good bye. I wont miss you.

Bash islam as much as we want.
But those who can see know that until recently 70% of the rank holders were from pakistan and residing in pakistan.By rank holders i mean the qutab abdaal . ghous and such.
The enemies know the importance of pakistan in sustaining islam and they are waging a well thought war againt islam. to cut its roots and finish it in our hearts and minds. to sow the seeds of confusion and paranoia agsinst islam and they have succeeded.
lolzzz aray aray i was just replying to his pleading India do this and that bringing my country into it.

anyway time assassin WE were NEVER brothers. if you think so you can individually join them but we had not created Pakistan to join them again.

rest PAKISTAN ZINDABAD :pakistan: kamzoor dil ka hazrat dosray mulk jaa sakatay hain
Pakistanis needs to realize that no one is at a war with Islam, but there are some that are using violent Jihadi ideologies to achieve their strategic objectives in the world, & that just doesn't include Pakistan. The fact that many Muslims are brainwashed that 'a war is being fought against Islam' is worrying, because it depicts that violent Jihadi ideologies are rising, & the imperialists are winning.
Your country is not doing so well right now because

1) You let the Arabian version of Islam in your country. Jinnah himself said 'The Islam we follow in the sub-continent is different. Arabian version of Islam with extremist ideology will not worn in the sub-continent.'

2)Your muslim friends betrayed you? Saudi Arabia and UAE are funding these talibans and extremists.
Even after giving shelter, jobs and food to millions of Afghans, they hate you. In fact they wanna make their own Pashtunistan in your country.

3) You guys never became independent in real terms. You always relied on foreign powers. US first, then US and China and now China.

4) You guys always thought India was your enemy number one. But did not see this coming. So all your weapons are India centric and no perticular doctrine to fight the extremism.

Anyways as much as we hate Pakistani establishment. We love Pakistani brothers and sisters. [Even though some people on this forum would argue that we're different people.] I seriously feel bad seeing Pakistan in this condition. Anyways best of luck to you guys.

'Loose the game, don't loose the hope.'
@Time Assasin - Once Should Never give Up On His Nation [Motherland] , No matter What
Present condition In pakistan Is critical No doubt , But That doesnt mean You should Lose Hope upon your Nation.
lolzzz aray aray i was just replying to his pleading India do this and that bringing my country into it.

anyway time assassin WE were NEVER brothers. if you think so you can individually join them but we had not created Pakistan to join them again.

rest PAKISTAN ZINDABAD :pakistan: kamzoor dil ka hazrat dosray mulk jaa sakatay hain

we were always brothers, weather you like it or not. For Pakistan to grow and prosper, forming a bond with India is essential. A peaceful south Asia will benefit everyone. We are not your biggest enemies like you always pan us to be.
People need to realize that politics is an ugly game, & some of the things governments of every nation do would put all of their fellow citizens in shame, no matter what country they belong to. Pakistan is no different. World politics is not for the weak hearted.
we were always brothers, weather you like it or not. For Pakistan to grow and prosper, forming a bond with India is essential. A peaceful south Asia will benefit everyone. We are not your biggest enemies like you always pan us to be.

:) well no . a country called India that stops supply of goods for which we had already paid and which violates written signed trade agreements just to damage Pakistani economy further , a country that has tried its level best to harm even sports when it comes to Pakistan , NO in such a situation India can never be trusted.

a country's who's so called educated readers get happy over killings of civilians in Pakistan well NO my dear such a country India cant be a brother but unethical enemy since an enemy with some ethics is far better than even an unethical friend but India lacks that even

its another matter may be after many centuries if Indians changed their mindset we might believe that there can be any bonding for prosperity with India
lolzzz aray aray i was just replying to his pleading India do this and that bringing my country into it.

anyway time assassin WE were NEVER brothers. if you think so you can individually join them but we had not created Pakistan to join them again.

rest PAKISTAN ZINDABAD :pakistan: kamzoor dil ka hazrat dosray mulk jaa sakatay hain

I don't mean to rub in your wounds. But this is the same kind of mindset that is responsible for the downfall of your Nation. He is bit spectical about his motherland but things like this would push further away. You're journalist. I seriously don't know how you do your journalism [which is supposed to be unbiased] without so much hatred for people and people of YOUR OWN country.

Even muslims are not getting treated like this in India.
we were always brothers, weather you like it or not. For Pakistan to grow and prosper, forming a bond with India is essential. A peaceful south Asia will benefit everyone. We are not your biggest enemies like you always pan us to be.

I think Indians overestimate the 'hate' factor Pakistanis or the Pakistan Army have for India. No one hates India. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan wants to influence its neighbors, just like India wants to influence its neighbors. Afghanistan tried to influence Pakistan in the 60s, Pakistan tries to influence Afghanistan & India, India tries to influence Sri Lanka & its other neighbors, Iran does it to its neighbors as well. There is no hate scenario, it is all about a country extending their influence in the region. If there was a hate aspect involved with India, Pakistan would never have been on amicable terms with Bangladesh either after what happened in 1971. World politics is not for the weak hearted.
:) well no . a country called India that stops supply of goods for which we had already paid and which violates written signed trade agreements just to damage Pakistani economy further , a country that has tried its level best to harm even sports when it comes to Pakistan , NO in such a situation India can never be trusted.

a country's who's so called educated readers get happy over killings of civilians in Pakistan well NO my dear such a country India cant be a brother but unethical enemy since an enemy with some ethics is far better than even an unethical friend but India lacks that even

its another matter may be after many centuries if Indians changed their mindset we might believe that there can be any bonding for prosperity with India

I can give you a list of complaints against Pakistan as well, but I surely run out of room. You can sit and argue over such things or we can move on. The animosity is on both sides, so please dont state one sided facts. You hurt us before and now we hurt you, thats how the game goes. My recommendation is to bury old grievances and move on, Pakistan needs peace in Asia more than India. Again we are not your biggest enemy, please stop with that mindset.
I don't mean to rub in your wounds. But this is the same kind of mindset that is responsible for the downfall of your Nation. He is bit spectical about his motherland but things like this would push further away. You're journalist. I seriously don't know how you do your journalism [which is supposed to be unbiased] without so much hatred for people and people of YOUR OWN country.

Even muslims are not getting treated like this in India.

lolzzz what is there which you misunderstood? i said kamzoor dil ka hazrat dosray mulk jaa sakatay hain (translation : weak hearted ones can go to other countries)

and i mean it. its our country we have bad situation we had been braving and are braving difficult situations so those who cant stand should move to other countries.

anyway dont try to be so smart by twisting and making up your BS .

I can give you a list of complaints against Pakistan as well, but I surely run out of room. You can sit and argue over such things or we can move on. The animosity is on both sides, so please dont state one sided facts. You hurt us before and now we hurt you, thats how the game goes. My recommendation is to bury old grievances and move on, Pakistan needs peace in Asia more than India. Again we are not your biggest enemy, please stop with that mindset.

surely you can give. but the list is not as long as your Indian wrongdoings against Pakistan.

if you india does not need Pakistan more than Pakistan needs you then why you guys are stuffing it down our throat.

thank you very much we dont need it cause we dont trust you. and NO we did not hurt you. it was you who had fomenting state terrorism against Pakistan.

anyway i recalled your logic is like those potatoes which Pakistan bought during floods from India and we paid for it but Indian members here were crying loud as if you guys are giving it free to us lolzz
:) well no . a country called India that stops supply of goods for which we had already paid and which violates written signed trade agreements just to damage Pakistani economy further , a country that has tried its level best to harm even sports when it comes to Pakistan , NO in such a situation India can never be trusted.

a country's who's so called educated readers get happy over killings of civilians in Pakistan well NO my dear such a country India cant be a brother but unethical enemy since an enemy with some ethics is far better than even an unethical friend but India lacks that even

its another matter may be after many centuries if Indians changed their mindset we might believe that there can be any bonding for prosperity with India

If you can show me one proof of that Indians are getting happy by reading these news then I'll eat my hat!! We too are humans! We too understand that what did 7-8 year old innocent girl do to get killed by extremist who just merely left to go school? This is the same kind of attitude I was talking about. We too have heart. We're not your enemies!
And tell me when did India do anything to harm Pakistan sport? or didn't deliver goods even after payments? In fact Pakistan is not allowing in Indian goods in their market in order to make India's economy grow less.

And let's hypothetically say that India is bad or Pakistan is bad. But what is average Indian/Pakistani's fault in this?!
You need to get out of Pakistan and see the reality. Come to UK and see the religious harmony we live in! We get all excited when we see other brown person. Cuz to these goras we're all the same!
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