Moi got trolled
And Walaikum Hi.
My aim to ask this was , that there are some ppl who dont respect word of God, what a pledge is going to mean to them.
Well---the pledge is for those adults who mean to change and for the children that we want to change and commit---then there are those who don't give a sh-it.
Where is this pledge going to work------starting from schools----students---young and exciting thoughts----nothing like a pledge to honor the country and make a simple and honorable commitment-----military and defense services----they are already committed to the cause---the pledge warms the cockles of their hearts---it creates a sensation of servitude to do good and be ready to sacrifice.
Stand in front of a mirror---put your right hand on your heart and say----" I pledge allegiance to the flag of Pakistan----to the Islamic Republic that it stands for---one nation under God---indivisible with liberty and justice for all ".
This pledge is no difference than a pledge that you would need to take if you have a Khalifah-----. You are giving a " Bait "-----so instead of giving it to a person---you have chosen to give it to your nation----and the reason that you want to repeat it every so often is to remind you of your promise and commitment.
Now this 'Bait' is much superior to any other 'Bait'----.
What if the person that you gave your 'Bait' commitment turn out to be a thief---a leacher--a criminal---a zardari----so what happens then----you have been deceived---you have been cheated----you have been lied to---so where does that 'Bait' to a Khalifah stands----.
A nation does not cheat---steal or lie to you----it would neither deceive you----all it would reflect back is what you the citizen does----.
Try the pledge for 30 days money back guarantee---if it don't change you----if it don't work for you---no strings attached----just drop it by the wayside---we will find it---we will pick it up---we will collect it---and you the citizien can move ahead with your life.
So---repeat after me---stand tall---right hand on your heart---and start---" I pledge allegiance to the flag of Pakistan---to the Islamic Republic that it stands for---one nation under God---indivisible with justice and liberty for all ".
30 days is all I ask----. The thing is that the pledge is conscience conscious----people that have a higher level of conscience----will be effected sooner than those who have a lesser level of conscience. And it will be not effective on those without a conscience.
The pledge is like an antibiotic for an individual who has an infection----many will be treated----some will have resistance to it----and a very few will have a reaction to it----.