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I love you mom, wrote a kid before US school shooting

I feel the parents of this guy and the u.s gun laws are to be blamed here , even for a second if they would have felt that their son is mentally disturbed they should have spoken to him , it is so easy to get a gun in u.s

such things are also happening in india , yesterday itself some guys opened fire in a restaurant ...and the manu sharma case is also well known , even we need to check our gun laws .
Zeenews Bureau

Newtown: In a heart-wrenching report coming from the United States, a little boy who died in the Connecticut shooting on Friday wrote a letter during the lockdown.

The letter stated: “I love you mom. I am happy and well, sorry for not being a good son and not being happy if I ever was. I love you in Heaven. – Brian”

The heinous incident did not only shock the international community but also brought tears to the eyes of US President Barack Obama, who choked on his words and spoke of his grief.

Authorities, meanwhile, scrambled to find answers to what prompted a heavily-armed young man to storm a Connecticut elementary school and gun down 28 people, including 20 children, in cold blood.

The children who were killed in Friday's mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown were said to be from 5 to 10 years old. Among the seven adults killed were Dawn Hochsprung, the school's principal, and school psychologist Mary Sherlach.

The link is no good. And it is possible that you have been suckered.

snopes.com: Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary SChool in Newtown, Connecticut
A couple of items purported to be notes left behind by children who were killed in the shootings, one from a boy named Brian, and one form a girl named Ellie:

These items were circulating before any of the bodies had been removed from the scene of the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary or the names of the victims had been made public, so it's exceedingly unlikely any such genuine notes would have made their way out to the public so quickly. And when the list of victims' names was subsequently released to the public, no children named Brian or Ellie appeared on it. (The first note is curiously written in both Hungarian and English and reads more like a child's note to his deceased mother.)
How eager are you to poke US in the eye by exploiting this tragedy to make yourself look good?
In other words, you just made that sh1t up that we have more 'disturbed' people than Pakistan. Yours is the typical of those who would have their own country one-up the US by any lie possible.

Sir tell you something we are far behind in civil laws/ liberty/civility/modernism/ social security nets/ healthcare by your standard BUT still we are NOT mad enough to have hunderd school shooting by civilians/public/students, Although we here in Pakistan and spcially in my province have guns at our homes.

You need to take the comparison seriously. You guys indeed if faced with a situation like ours will crumble, we are NOT even in worst terrorism
^^^ Makes lot of sense.. the only way they can curve this nonsense is to have strict gun laws.. One more thing how come these Maniacs are all from USA???? :oops:
There's nothing good to gain from this stupid gun culture, just one gun in the hand of a retard is enough to kill dozens innocents. Those who advocate free gun rule for the sake of protection, is in plain words, stupid.
Why just blame the guns, why not American society or the culture of violence and hatred?
Gambit, bitching about Pakistan on a thread related to USA social ills wont help USA in anyway.
Absolutely heart wrenching. Every time a story on this comes up on the news my heart sinks. May those beautiful children rest in peace.
The guy who attempted this crime shot himself in the end, so it's means he also wanted to die. So we can not blame gun culture of USA. This case could happen anywhere in any country. Problem with people is that they check they weight the news in terms of no of people dies in any incident. That guy was psycho and they exist in every country. For them children or adult does not matters. Nobody can blame US for their gun culture because just think if u want a gun then is it difficult for you to get gun ????
Does the topic say US or Pakistan?
If the members wish to take the issue personally and get back at Pakistanis for some personal egoistic insult based on an actual problem.. then they are welcome to go to the Pakistan social issues section, search for the topic that exists on the gun problems in Pakistan and post there.

Otherwise, go take a cool shower
Ban the damn guns change the gun laws.

Or enforce the gun laws already there in the system.

There's nothing good to gain from this stupid gun culture, just one gun in the hand of a retard is enough to kill dozens innocents. Those who advocate free gun rule for the sake of protection, is in plain words, stupid.

This indeed is tragic and my sympathies lies with the parents and teachers, but lets not forget the immense numbers of lives saved by firearms in the country too.
One, this story is probably a hoax. Two, we will not give up the right to bear arms. Most of the crimes committed that involve guns are done with illegal firearms not legally purchased ones anyway.

RIP to the dead...
One, this story is probably a hoax. Two, we will not give up the right to bear arms. Most of the crimes committed that involve guns are done with illegal firearms not legally purchased ones anyway.

RIP to the dead...
Mamba is right, we will not give up our right to bear arms, and you can pry our rights and our guns from our cold dead hands.

You aren't even American according to your flags and probably havn't been to America, so let us conduct our own domestic affairs and stop acting as if China's or the UK's solutions will work for us. They won't.
One, this story is probably a hoax. Two, we will not give up the right to bear arms. Most of the crimes committed that involve guns are done with illegal firearms not legally purchased ones anyway.

RIP to the dead...

Mamba is right, we will not give up our right to bear arms, and you can pry our rights and our guns from our cold dead hands.

You aren't even American according to your flags and probably havn't been to America, so let us conduct our own domestic affairs and stop acting as if China's or the UK's solutions will work for us. They won't.

Right to bear and keep arms have saved thousands of life which are not reported. Most of gun violence cases in US are attributed to illegal arms. Most of shooting with legal firearms in hands of unstable people occur in schools/parks/places of worship are the places where civilians cannot carry their firearms to begin with. This incident has been very tragic, it is obvious for people to react the way they are reacting right now, but knee jerk reactions can never bring anything positive to the table. We need to strengthen the institutions for already available laws in the book. In this case, firearms need to have proper storage and locks in residences to avoid access to unauthorized people, it is a stated regulation for ownership of firearms but has never been enforced.
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