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I have more acceptability in Pakistan than pseudo-seculars: Shatrughan Sinha

He is not muslim hater despite being in BJP. Which is surprising and good to see. Modi should do the same, be nationalist hindu without hating muslims.
Modi doesn't hate Muslims. It's just that he is against appeasement of minorities by dishing out free doles for votes. For him everyone is equal.
See this

  • 1024: Somnath: Mahmud sacked the temple and is reported to have personally hammered the temple's gilded Lingam to pieces and the stone fragments were carted back to Ghazni, where they were incorporated into the steps of the city's new Jama Masjid (Friday Mosque) in 1026. He placed a new king on the throne in Gujarat as a tributary. His return detoured across the Thar Desert to avoid the armies of Ajmer and other allies on his return.

stones used for idol worshipping ( whether on temple walls ) cannot be used to make a mosque.

mosques are made from pure stones.

so, this story doesn't make sense

the stones from the somnath fortnress could have been used to make ghaznawis own palace in ghazni ( Afghanistan )
We would put every pressure to stop that if they don't Muslim forces will deal with them every way but no Non Muslim country would be allowed to intervene
ok if kafir says they will put every pressure to stop and if they dont kafir forces will deal with them every way but no muslim country would be allowed to intervene,,,will you accept that ?
ok if kafir says they will put every pressure to stop and if they dont kafir forces will deal with them every way but no muslim country would be allowed to intervene,,,will you accept that ?
Not at all We would come Sir you don't mess with Muslims if you do we are on our way
Not at all We would come Sir you don't mess with Muslims if you do we are on our way
Why kafirs are not humans,you have different rule for muslims and different rule for non muslims.
As per you who is the ultimate god.
Why kafirs are not humans,you have different rule for muslims and different rule for non muslims.
As per you who is the ultimate god.
They are humans and as long as they don't mess with us we have no problem with the but if they would mess with us we would strike back with full force and as for non Muslim in Islamic state they have to be protected by state no injustice could be done to them
They are humans and as long as they don't mess with us we have no problem with the but if they would mess with us we would strike back with full force and as for non Muslim in Islamic state they have to be protected by state no injustice could be done to them
who is the ultimate god according to you.
They are humans and as long as they don't mess with us we have no problem with the but if they would mess with us we would strike back with full force and as for non Muslim in Islamic state they have to be protected by state no injustice could be done to them
You are giving running away,in all these replys you gave.the things you have said.
1)you wants muslims killed avenged,because you feel thats logically correct because you feel as a muslim its duty.
2)you dont want the kafirs to avenge the kafirs killled,but you dont know the reason why.
3)muslim states will protect minorities,you dont know how.

That what you have been able to put forward,wont you feel you knowledege of the world and Islam is very limited.
You are giving running away,in all these replys you gave.the things you have said.
1)you wants muslims killed avenged,because you feel thats logically correct because you feel as a muslim its duty.
2)you dont want the kafirs to avenge the kafirs killled,but you dont know the reason why.
3)muslim states will protect minorities,you dont know how.

That what you have been able to put forward,wont you feel you knowledege of the world and Islam is very limited.
I don't run away Mr the thread is not to discuss religious thing so I am not interested in debate here
Not at all We would come Sir you don't mess with Muslims if you do we are on our way

I don't run away Mr the thread is not to discuss religious thing so I am not interested in debate here
Good you realised that,so when you reply on threads dont reply with religious angle to everything.
Whats a religion if it dsnt teach you to love without any condition,if it dsnt then its not a religion.i wont blame Islam for that,i know for a fact Islam is not at fault here,something else is.
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This is a very good comment. I think this is a misconception in Pakistan that people in India hates Muslims. A lot of Muslims are at very key political positions right now.
India have a love and hate sort of relationship with Pakistan. Part of this relationship paradigm is due to Pakistani Army and Establishment. They do not know how to deal with a big country. Time and again they tried to irritate India. It could be more fruitful for their establishment if they could try to develop bilateral and practical relashithip. This sort of effort could not be done from Indian side; reason, India is the biggest economy, manpower and resources. India practically speaking don't need Pakistan. Pakistan needs India.
It is just like weak and strong neighbor sort of relationship paradigm.
you are mixing two issues, the hindu muslim hatred is mutual in India and at least half century old. That does not mean each hindu hates muslims and each muslim hates hindus as such.
Mr we believe and we do and we know what we are doing and How to do it we have hunted them in the past we would hunt them down in future you can sit under your bed and watch their naked heroines we are doing what we are supposed to do
What are you supposed to do? :D

What I want is a Mahmood Ghznavi type of person to rule who not only implements Shariah but also attack India at least 1000 times specially somnath
Why this fixation with Somnath? Millions of dead not enough? :hitwall:

i wont blame Islam ***********,i know for a fact Islam is not at fault here,something else is.
You should not have brought your family in here. There is one piece that has no respect for human beings.
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