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I have less faith on my army that you have on yours, Sharif told Manmohan Singh in New York

Let's be neutral how many time army has interfered in government things why army think that civilians can't run foreign policy???

There are many things where army also need checking the present hate against army in politicians is also because of that..
Well civilians can run a govt if they dont get diarrhea everytime they face the tv or they dont harrap the money everytime they are given a chance or they dont go insane asskissing everyone they see when they go overseas...Just my opinion :enjoy:

Lets see his options:

1) Stay in NY no one is waiting for his return anyway

2) Go join India... No one wants him anyway

3) Go join the army then we will see how many bullets he takes for the nation with his bald head!
Well if he had said that it must have been in confidentiality to the indian PM as they are very dangerous remarks if the world finds out. So it is a little strange that they were leaked. Now the poor guy has been removed from power three times by the army, twice by the President who was supported by the army and the third time by General Musharraf. Now I am no Nawaz's supporter, but I can understand why he would have said that. Although this will not help his cause with the army.
it seems Pakistanis trust militay,so why nor scrap the democrasy and opt for a military rule.
it seems Pakistanis trust militay,so why nor scrap the democrasy and opt for a military rule.

Every time militRy has taken over .. We have had economic n social changes .. N on every occasion the common man has distributed sweets .. True story .. Except for zia all military govts have been secular ..
World cant tolerate it....they have a prob with it...and military has other business
My point is simple,you cannot have two power centers,i wont judge which is good or which is bad.
Country should not be run by two centers,if you feel politicians should run,then army has no bussiness in internal or external politics of the country.
If you feel army is good go for it and throw the politicians out.
Just imagine a car with two steering wheels and both the guys steering want to go in different direction.
My point is simple,you cannot have two power centers,i wont judge which is good or which is bad.
Country should not be run by two centers,if you feel politicians should run,then army has no bussiness in internal or external politics of the country.
If you feel army is good go for it and throw the politicians out.
Just imagine a car with two steering wheels and both the guys steering want to go in different direction.
Thats what we are waiting for :agree:
if true its a clear cut case of treason no two ways about it, you don't share internal issues info with your enemy
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Let's be neutral how many time army has interfered in government things why army think that civilians can't run foreign policy???

There are many things where army also need checking the present hate against army in politicians is also because of that..

Nawaz should not have said so. but you are saying the right thing.
Thats what we are waiting for :agree:
Yes , but speaking objectively,(the following is my opinion, correct me if I am wrong)
The military does a better job of administration than the civilians (at least thats how it looks from the outside). Also discipline comes natural to the army. They take tough decisions that do well for the nation in the medium term at least.
Something the military has trouble doing is what I call "economic evolution". They get the growth rates pumping , but fail to get the economy to transition higher on the value chain. Something about a top - down hierarchy definitely stifles growth and innovation.
It also doesn't help that pakistan changes it voice every decade. In any rulership ( army or civilian) , there will be tough times. It appears when ever tough times appear , pakistanis switch between the two, never giving one a fair time to grow. e.g. How Musharraf was ousted.
Also , currently when Pak is on Aid , esp. western Aid which may or may not reduce in light of a coup. Again this time it also seems that things are so downhill , that the Pak intelligentsia has decided to back the civilian government no matter what to break out of this plateau. It would be tough to pull off a coup and maintain it.
We have faith in our army . Never once has our army overtaken a democratically elected government no matter how stupid the government is . Meanwhile in Pakistan the army has already taken over nearly a half dozen of times .
Who cares about your DemonKracy chakoree.
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