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I fully support the stopping of killing of muslims

Wow !!! Bloody terrorists

add that that being cannibals , beheading kids and raping and killing a 17 year old christian girl and sticking the cross in her mouth ..i could show you images and videos but that would ruin your sleep for days

Buddy.....they have used chemical attacks quiet often, in fact there were three more chemical attacks done by rebels even after this which the Syrian govt. has asked the UN to investigate ....
I know this is fiction movie but exactly same concept on Syria and other Muslim countries, Zombies are similar to FSA rebels and murdering innocent people....FSA groups took out the heart and livers from soldiers and eating them, that's real happening in Syria according to the media.

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Am sorry that you are being utterly ignorant...i made a thread regarding this completely proving the case that US was behind the Chemical bombing . Its very very unfortunate that a person like you is not educated on the matter ..

Do you know who is involved in the FSA and what they want ?
Do you know how many people they have killed ?
This is nothing but another BS just like Iraq....

Why does your moral compass not have any effection for Bahrain ? Do you know how many people are being killed in mass in Bahrain by mercenaries( Pakistan military) . Why do you not here any news on that ? , why does not Obama intervene there ? they wont..because Bahrain Ruler is an U.S puppet .... Please do not buy into the American/British govt. propaganda who does not give a damn on the cost of civilian population .... These are the same people who said killing of 500000 children in Iraq was worth it ..

Do you know what is Libya before and Situation in Libya now..... please check ...

check this out , if you want to know who is responsible for the attacks....
New Docs Detail U.S. Involvement in Saddam's Nerve Gas Attacks - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

5000000 children killed in Iraq by whom musilms vs muslims ? and who the hell said I was okay with any of it

What about Bahrain, show me where they are getting to this level. I made it clear that gassing one's people is unacceptable. No one is asking India to do it, this is my view as an american. we are a super power and hence we have some moral obligations when things get out of hand- gassing civilians = out of hand!

that article is an assumption, it assumes the US knew about chemical weapons being used before hand. and it is an OLD 4 decade old scenario. Just because you did something wrong decades ago does not mean - you should continue to do it going forward. or just because you did something wrong ages ago does not mean everything you do going forward is also going to be wrong.
5000000 children killed in Iraq by whom musilms vs muslims ? and who the hell said I was okay with any of it

What about Bahrain, show me where they are getting to this level. I made it clear that gassing one's people is unacceptable. No one is asking India to do it, this is my view as an american. we are a super power and hence we have some moral obligations when things get out of hand- gassing civilians = out of hand!

that article is an assumption, it assumes the US knew about chemical weapons being used before hand. and it is an OLD 4 decade old scenario. Just because you did something wrong decades ago does not mean - you should continue to do it going forward. or just because you did something wrong ages ago does not mean everything you do going forward is also going to be wrong.

You can't prove the U.N inspectors wrong... ..

500000 killed in 1990 gulf war on a direct result of US bombing

Ms. del Ponte, who in 1999 was appointed to head the U.N. war crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, has sometimes been a controversial figure. She was removed from her Rwanda post by the U.N. Security Council in 2003, but she continued as the chief prosecutor for the Yugoslav tribunal until 2008.

She is not a part of the UN team that went there- she is just a member of a large body on Syria in the UN. if this turns out to be true, which it looks like she is just spouting garbage and has a propensity to do so, even says she has no proof of it. Then I will retract everything and to hell with those people.
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She is not a part of the UN team that went there- she is just a member of a large body on Syria in the UN. if this turns out to be true, which it looks like she is just spouting garbage and has a propensity to do so, even says she has no proof of it. Then I will retract everything and to hell with those people.

Former Jabhat al-Nusrah Member admits Chemical Weapons Use | nsnbc international

coming from the horses mouth ,

Del ponte did an investigation into this matter and her opinions her far far more credible than the you or the Nobel peace prize :rofl: winner Obama ..

AS of your previous post, they are not assumption, these are documented as clearly stated ....
Dude, this isn't even a shade of grey...... full time topi drama, just like what people like to have...... fast food bombings..... :D

Key words:

1. Regime
2. Inhumane
3. Barbaric
4. Chose a side
5. Wrong side
6. Liberty
7. Tyranny
8. Justice will be done

Rest of the world: Applause.......

9. Kill all the idiots..... bomb bomb bomb
10. Obama to media chief: how are my ratings.
Media chief: Mr. President, 2 point increase per day.
11. Obama to French poodle: Keep it up.
12. UK Poodle looking for attention: No bone for me????
13. Of course, you send in THAAA "SPAAAAAAACIAL FORCESSSSSS"
UK PM: Yes sir, President Sir...

Idiots around the world: YAY YAY YAY YAY....

2 years down the road:

American National Security Advisor: Sir the terrorists attacked us, it must be a blowback from OP SYRIA POODLE

Obama : Oh ****...

People around the world: YAAAAY YAAAAY YAAAAAY :woot:

:rofl::rofl: can i be obama in the movie??? :raise: LOL well written, deserves an oscar :D
Nope you can't be....... that's not scandalous at all, heard he even get's smacked by that huge guerrilla he calls wife........ :P

I'm Clinton, so guess what that makes you!!! :woot:

:rofl::rofl: can i be obama in the movie??? :raise: LOL well written, deserves an oscar :D
Nope you can't be....... that's not scandalous at all, heard he even get's smacked by that huge guerrilla he calls wife........ :P

I'm Clinton, so guess what that makes you!!! :woot:

Oh please say Hillary...oh please say Hillary....and not the other ehem one :whistle: LOL
My moral compass unlike Chinese and Russians cannot support this , they are the biggest supporters of Muslims being killed by dictators. That is unacceptable if you call yourself human.


Obama: Syrian Government Behind Chemical Weapons Attack, No Decision On Action

DO IT Mr. President , when and how is your choosing

Syria today is total mess. This happens when big powers try to play their dirty politics.

Today even US is confused who to support & who to attack in Syria.

The sad thing is poor innocent Syrians have become victim of world dirty politics.
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Former Jabhat al-Nusrah Member admits Chemical Weapons Use | nsnbc international

coming from the horses mouth ,

Del ponte did an investigation into this matter and her opinions her far far more credible than the you or the Nobel peace prize :rofl: winner Obama ..

AS of your previous post, they are not assumption, these are documented as clearly stated ....

right, so far US and others have telephone intercepts Before and after the bombing, discussing implementing it and then discussing the results - showing Syrian high command behind the chemical attack.

I will let you continue to be swayed by " twitter account" comment by some obscure jiha-di trying to get a rise.

as far this woman is concerned. she is proving to be a liar - because UN has no mandate to check on " who" deployed the weapon, just if chemical weapons were used. so far they say all evidence shows it was used. she even says herself that she has no proof to substantiate her lone claim.

U.S. Source: Intercepts show Syrian military officials talked about chemical attack afterward

CNN has learned the United States has intercepts of conversations among top Syrian military officials discussing the chemical weapons attack after it took place last week, according to a U.S. official.

The intercepts form a key basis for the conclusion that the Syrian regime was behind the attack. But another crucial piece of evidence about what type of chemicals may have been used remains to be determined. Tissue samples and other medical and forensic evidence taken from victims has not yet been fully analyzed, the official said. One source familiar with the latest intelligence said getting that information would provide the strongest case for the use of chemical weapons.

CNN has previously reported Israeli military intelligence provided the United States with intercepts between Syrian military commanders discussing the movement of chemical weapons to the area of the attack before it happened, according to a diplomatic source.

The administration has said it would release a declassified version of its intelligence assessment about last week's attack outside Damascus. White House spokesman Josh Ernest said Thursday the declassified version is not yet complete but should be released by the end of the week.

The intelligence includes an assessment of what level of involvement Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had in last week's chemical attack, but that information remains classified and might not be released to the American public, a senior U.S. official said.

The White House is struggling with how much information to release publicly because it could compromise the sources of intelligence about who ordered the attack, the official said.

President Barack Obama said in an interview Wednesday the U.S. government has "concluded that the Syrian government in fact carried out" the attack - a sentiment echoed by U.S. officials across Washington.

But one question remaining is whether the attack was ordered by al-Assad himself. On that question, the senior U.S. official said, the administration has a "very clear answer" - but declined to say what that answer is - citing the classified nature of the intelligence.

The first U.S. official told CNN the intelligence assessment shows the attack was ordered at the "highest levels" of the regime. That official declined to specifically say whether al-Assad ordered the attack but did not rule it out.
"We are not saying Assad himself had his finger on the button. But he is responsible for the stockpile and any attack like this would have to have been approved at the highest levels," he said. He rejected the notion the evidence of regime involvement was circumstantial.

"We have a very solid case to indicate the regime was behind this."

That official said the evidence shows it was not a "rogue element" of the Syrian regime that carried out the attack, or the Syrian rebels. Another U.S. official echoed the idea that the intelligence assessment shows it was not a rogue element of the regime.

None of these officials spoke on the record due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Publicly, U.S. officials say it is irrelevant whether Assad actually ordered the attack or not, arguing that Assad is responsible for the actions of his regime.

"The commander-in-chief of any military is ultimately responsible for decisions made under their leadership, even if command and control - he's not the one that pushes the button or said, 'Go,' on this," State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said Wednesday.

On Thursday, the British government released a summary of its intelligence assessment that concluded "it is highly likely that the (Syrian) regime was responsible" for the attack. British intelligence "had high confidence in all of its assessments except in relation to the regime's precise motivation for carrying out an attack of this scale at this time - though intelligence may increase our confidence in the future," the document said.

Separately, the U.S. intelligence community currently is focusing heavily on any real time movements by the Syrian leadership, its forces, or elements of the regime in reaction to the possibility of military action by the U.S., the senior official said.

"We do not want to go blind and deaf," about the location of key elements of the regime. "We want to see what 'looks different,' what 'might be different' and how we stay ahead of the game," the official said.

This becomes crucial to ensuring that all targeting remains up to date and the U.S. has the latest information about the location of chemical weapons sites. The U.S. intelligence community is also trying to assess in detail any possible reactions by al-Assad in advance of a possible U.S. strike, and afterward if one is ordered, including the possibility he will launch more attacks.

"We are not ruling anything out," the official said. There have been reports of some weapons including aircraft being dispersed to avoid a possible U.S. missile strike. The U.S. also believes Assad will continue to move other assets around, but will remain in control of the chemical stockpile, the official said.

The United States also is closely watching Lebanese Hezbollah as well as the Iranians for any signs they could launch proxy attacks against Syria's neighbors, including Israel and Iraq, in retaliation for a potential U.S. strike.


Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists ? reports ? RT News

Turkey finds Sarin gas from homes of suspected Syrian Islamists

RT , russain / putin controlled media is not saying that this the weapons grade or warhead deliverable kind used in the syrian attack.

Understand the difference. One can make ricin at home, but that does not mean it is of the grade that can be used on a warhead. Nor does it say they have developed high complex warheads to deliver it. both which happened in Syria.
@JayAtl phone intercepts are not even proof in Local Indian courts and that is supposed to proof for an international intervention ?

You know what...you are clutching at straws here .....US intervention means DEATH...it has always meant Death and always will mean DEATH .. I have provided you with enough proof to prove that Syrian Rebels are the real enemy here....Rest is your choice to believe it...

If RT.com is Putin controlled website then the MSM is US controlled Media..... Stop being indoctrinated so much....
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