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I am ashamed of AID from us Arabs to Pakistan



New Recruit

Feb 14, 2009
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.
It's alright bro. You don't have to apologize. It's a sad reality that Muslim ummah doesn't exist. Arab indifference is indeed hurting. The help of western countries just goes on to show that perhaps they have more humanity left. Ironically our arch rival India even offered us.
Just pray that your Pakistani brothers could come out of this crisis.
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There are no free lunches.

Aid too is selectively given where it either has publicity value or to places where returns are expected.
The logic behind this selfish reaction is very simple during 80's they needed PAK so they pumped in millions, but for now they have nothing at stake in Pakistan
because of lack of initiatives from foreign countries, World bank is diverting the funds meant for infrastructure development in Pakistan to flood relief.

They are always there to preach Pakistan what it should do ... but in time of need, these countries donation is pathetic.
I hope foreign countries realize the importance of helping common people.

Common people will believe in those who help their during troubles!!
I totally agreed with King Sparta 1990. But it is also our country politician mistakes, From PPP, Nawz every one. Recently i was on vacation and i was surprised to see that In Lahore there was some 5star Hotels and tower buildings were under process and work has been halt. When ask for reason The answer was that As Zardari is close fried of UAE prince Shabaz sharief order a fly over in front of that hotel which the time of contract (Pervaz Musharaf GOVT. Time) was also mentioned no construction like bridges will be build in front of these towers. I dis not understand why a fly over on this site is needed. A big project was left because of personal like or dislike or political differences.
In Sindh Kuwait want to get contract for Oil and Gas which was refuse by PPP and contract was issued to UAE.

Because of that reasons also some of Pakistan friends are also thinking different rather than humanitarian side
good reason to stop kissing arab butt as i always say they don't care about us at all so we should stop helping them all the time and stop living in this "brotherhood" delusion we need to look out for ourselves only.
I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

As far as Kuwait donating $ 500 Million to New Orleans victims, that was to show their gratitute from Evicting Iraqi Army from their country.
JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, Aug 18, 2010 (AFP) - The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on Wednesday called on member states and the international community for urgent aid to Pakistan, which is grappling with devastating floods.

The OIC called in a communique for the "international community in general and Islamic world in particular, at the level of individuals and states, to provide urgent material and financial aid to Pakistan."

The appeal was issued at an emergency meeting for representatives of member states of the pan-Muslim organisation.

An OIC spokesman confirmed on Wednesday that the Islamic Development Bank has allocated 11.2 million dollars (8.7 million euros) for assistance to Pakistan.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia raised 20.5 million dollars (15.9 billion euros) of aid on the first day of a national campaign, official SPA news said on Tuesday.

The kingdom has also pledged to provide 100 million dollars (77.6 million euros) in government aid to Pakistan, the Arab News daily said.

Also on Tuesday, Kuwait's cabinet announced five million dollars (3.8 million euros) in relief assistance.

OIC secretary general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu told the meeting that the situation in Pakistan is "very grave and unprecedented in modern history."

Ihsanoglu said after the meeting that the OIC will hold a meeting in Pakistan for Islamic Red Crescent societies and relief bodies to coordinate aid, and that contacts are ongoing with Pakistan to set the date and place for the meeting.
JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, Aug 18, 2010 (AFP) - The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on Wednesday called on member states and the international community for urgent aid to Pakistan, which is grappling with devastating floods.

The OIC called in a communique for the "international community in general and Islamic world in particular, at the level of individuals and states, to provide urgent material and financial aid to Pakistan."

The appeal was issued at an emergency meeting for representatives of member states of the pan-Muslim organisation.

An OIC spokesman confirmed on Wednesday that the Islamic Development Bank has allocated 11.2 million dollars (8.7 million euros) for assistance to Pakistan.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia raised 20.5 million dollars (15.9 billion euros) of aid on the first day of a national campaign, official SPA news said on Tuesday.

The kingdom has also pledged to provide 100 million dollars (77.6 million euros) in government aid to Pakistan, the Arab News daily said.

Also on Tuesday, Kuwait's cabinet announced five million dollars (3.8 million euros) in relief assistance.

OIC secretary general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu told the meeting that the situation in Pakistan is "very grave and unprecedented in modern history."

Ihsanoglu said after the meeting that the OIC will hold a meeting in Pakistan for Islamic Red Crescent societies and relief bodies to coordinate aid, and that contacts are ongoing with Pakistan to set the date and place for the meeting.

I guess they're worried their food security will be gone afterall if pakistan is flooded their agricultural lands they are buying there are in jeopardy too. :tongue:
#1 reason why muslim countries not giving aid is because of MR.10%. We cannot blame those coutries mr.10% have share in everything even its an AID for poor people. So we need to fix ourself before pointing on others.
I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

Because the Americans my dear are their masters and we are the actually fools who are who are sucking up to arabs for ummah cause.

The Mr 10% argument is weak because such can be bypassed by operating assitance operations under supervision of respective embassy or handing the aid to NGO directly.
I would also like to add my sincerest apologies to my Pakistani brethren for Bangladesh's ineffectiveness, a country that is used to floods and knows how to deal with floods and provide relief. Our current government is seriously misrepresenting the people of Bangladesh :hitwall: But you will always have our du'a. :) :pakistan:
I would also like to add my sincerest apologies to my Pakistani brethren for Bangladesh's ineffectiveness, a country that is used to floods and knows how to deal with floods and provide relief. Our current government is seriously misrepresenting the people of Bangladesh :hitwall: But you will always have our du'a. :) :pakistan:

It's also our fault for not cooperating with Bangladesh from before in seasonal flooding, maybe we could have learned something and had a better response or built more damns. This is a good opportunity to work together for benefit of mankind. We should at least produce 1 thing that is beneficial instead of war and ethnic divide.
Thanks Spartan,

Its time PAKISTAN gets some sense!
Yes at the time we r in crises,economy in shambles,war ragin,terrorism.


But its time we realize who is our enemy and who is our friend.

Stop asking for AID!even thinking about it!
For Allahs sake!
Just 2 years ago we boasted of our growing economy and now?

Its time we get some f... n sense and work for the country not ourselves..

F...kin hell wats wrong with us?
Come on people donate as much as u can and save ur brothers dont look at any other country for assistance !Empty ur pockets!
Throw out corrupt bastards like zardari 60 billion$,Nawaz again a fukin billionaire!

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