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I am a Hindu in Pakistan, but a Pakistani in India,

The Indian govt has long stayed silent about the plight of Pak Hindus. It is time that we must put diplomatic pressure on Pak to give Hindus there rights & security and also bring the issue to international organizations. India is the only major Hindu majority country in the world. If we don't rise to support Hindu minorities around the world then who else will?
I don't think that is his issue. I think if I follow your logic, then none of the Indians would get jobs in the US, specially the high paying ones because a lot of people don't like Indians for various reasons. But here in the states, you have equal opportunity for all. Its not the case in India and THAT's his issue. You guys are generally a very racist society due to the cast system so I could see why this guy is having issues
Although I want the govt to provide all possible help to Pak Hindus but your reasoning is also wrong. Most Indians in US are legal immigrants who have valid visas or green cards. Most of them did not went there on tourist visas, overstayed and refused to go back like Pak Hindus do. And please don't give judgements on caste system and don't bring it randomly in any discussion. You know nothing about this outdated and illegal social evil that does not matter to most new gen Indians.

India is made up of all religions... but I cant blame them...... they are were taught the opposite in Pakistan...
hahaaha! Nailed it bro!



The Indian govt has long stayed silent about the plight of Pak Hindus. It is time that we must put diplomatic pressure on Pak to give Hindus there rights & security and also bring the issue to international organizations. India is the only major Hindu majority country in the world. If we don't rise to support Hindu minorities around the world then who else will?

Although I want the govt to provide all possible help to Pak Hindus but your reasoning is also wrong. Most Indians in US are legal immigrants who have valid visas or green cards. Most of them did not went there on tourist visas, overstayed and refused to go back like Pak Hindus do. And please don't give judgements on caste system and don't bring it randomly in any discussion. You know nothing about this outdated and illegal social evil that does not matter to most new gen Indians.
Why should India comment on the internal matters of another country like that? These people are citizens of another nation, descending to their level of point scoring and selectively showing solidarity with certain groups is not a worthwhile endeavour...
Treated better than Muslims in India- really?? When's the last time you had a Hindu or Sikh as the Vice President of your country? As the head of your supreme court? Whens the last time you had a Hindu or Sikh Pakistani billionaire? Whens the last time you had a Hindu or Sikh as the head of your intelligence agencies? Under the Indian constitution all religions are viewed equally and have the same rights, is this the same in the "land of the pure"?


Firstly having only 3-5% non-muslim population , the chances of them reaching notable postions is rare
And a bunch of christian, sikhs, hindus are deployed in the pakistan armed forces

Leading Pakistani Non-Muslims.... - Naseeb.com

And here is a link so you can see all the non-muslim prominent figures in pakistan .

And so far being a billionare is concerned the state has nothing to do with it. That lies solely in your own hands .

Islam is the official religion of the state all the events ,funerals, meetings ,social and public gatherings and festivals are conducted in an islamic manner you wont see a non-muslim president coping with that.
Most Indians in US are legal immigrants who have valid visas or green cards. Most of them did not went there on tourist visas, overstayed and refused to go back like Pak Hindus do

Are you sure about this statement? I've heard frommany corporations that the Indian visa fraud has taken the next step. You interview someone and the person showing up to work is entirely someone else. Folks from India are using others ssn and green cards. People who aren't authorize to work, they are making babies in the US and start their busienssses under the baby's name as the baby is a US citizen.....people from India get a visa for meetings here. Instead they work here. I can go on and on. Not mention the recruitment network you guys have put in place.....that supresses American applicants,creates an imaginary shortage of the American laborforce in front of the client and then gives them ALL Indian resource resumes. I know about this way too much so be careful how much detail you ask for.....
Are you sure about this statement? I've heard frommany corporations that the Indian visa fraud has taken the next step. You interview someone and the person showing up to work is entirely someone else. Folks from India are using others ssn and green cards. People who aren't authorize to work, they are making babies in the US and start their busienssses under the baby's name as the baby is a US citizen.....people from India get a visa for meetings here. Instead they work here. I can go on and on. Not mention the recruitment network you guys have put in place.....that supresses American applicants,creates an imaginary shortage of the American laborforce in front of the client and then gives them ALL Indian resource resumes. I know about this way too much so be careful how much detail you ask for.....
I am sure about my information. I am only writing facts that I've learnt from news reports that I keep reading from time to time. There might be some fraud by some people but in no way can you say that a majority of Indians are engaged in such activities unless you have proof from a reliable source substantiated by official numbers from immigration authorities.
Why should India comment on the internal matters of another country like that? These people are citizens of another nation, descending to their level of point scoring and selectively showing solidarity with certain groups is not a worthwhile endeavour...
India should stand against for human rights violations all over the world including in its own territory. As for Hindus, India is only major Hindu majority country so yes it should stand for them, otherwise they have no voice left for them in the world.
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Although being a hindu should not guarantee refugee status or citizenship, we should look favourably to this specific case of hindus (and other minorities) from pre 47 India.
If any community faces genuine threat, and the person has taken the trouble to travelling to India, why cant we give him refugee status. I am pretty sure they will get it in UK.
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