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Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin effective in treating coronavirus: French study

hydroxychloroquin sulphat combined with Azythromycin is a dangerous combination . they both prolong QT interval and using them with each other can make you susceptible to cardiac arrythmia .
another problem that I have with this study is that they have excluded the patient who need ICU from the study .
hydroxychloroquin sulphat combined with Azythromycin is a dangerous combination . they both prolong QT interval and using them with each other can make you susceptible to cardiac arrythmia .
another problem that I have with this study is that they have excluded the patient who need ICU from the study .
Are you a doctor? Doctors here are giving it only after checking the heart condition of the parents
Are you a doctor? Doctors here are giving it only after checking the heart condition of the parents
well I am a doctor . and I'm hesitant to do so even after I checked the heart condition and as I said in this french study they excluded the most severe form of the disease from the study , so to me it dont seems to be a reliable study.
hydroxychloroquin sulphat combined with Azythromycin is a dangerous combination . they both prolong QT interval and using them with each other can make you susceptible to cardiac arrythmia .
another problem that I have with this study is that they have excluded the patient who need ICU from the study .

It’s been given in China and South Korea with excellent results. We don’t need Western approval to know what works. If you want to die from coronavirus, then go right ahead.

However please do not rush out to the pharmacies looking for those drugs. Your physician will determine which cases may benefit from use of such treatments till more data available. Only a few small studies shown some benefit however a study done in China has not shown benefit of treatment with hydroxychloroquine as compared to standard treatments.
The medications can have serious side effects especially if someone has previous existing heart conditions or using meds such as antidepressants can have a fatal irregularity in heart Rythm when used in combination with macrolide Antibiotics like Azithromycin. Hydroxychloroquine can cause Cardiomyopathy by itself which can be fatal and other serious side effects like suppression of bone marrow to stop producing various type of blood cells and can also cause blindness from retinopathy.
Mild cases of Covid-19 infection will recover and use of these drugs should be in select cases with more serious presentation under direction of a physician.
May Allah keep all of us safe.

Forget about heart problems, people are dying from coronavirus. This treatment works and it’s has proven to work in China and South Korea.
It’s been given in China and South Korea with excellent results. We don’t need Western approval to know what works. If you want to die from coronavirus, then go right ahead.
Hydroxy choloroquine or combination of hydroxy choloroqine and Azythromicine ?
Yes both the drugs r being used n r helping,,,, but thr is a problem though.
Both of them prolong QT interval,,, which essentially means,giving it to cardiac patients is very risky,,, n can cause arrest.
N again majority of covid patients having severe form of the disease n requiring medication have heart ailments(DM, malignancy etc).

They will die from coronavirus anyway.

Hydroxy choloroquine or combination of hydroxy choloroqine and Azythromicine ?


Actually I don't know for sure, though some hints were dropped last week by Pakistani sources. Now would be a good time to do a committed trial run for a few days and standardise a treatment regimen.


An initial Chinese trial suggests it isn't significant though.

For whatever you worship , I ask again , have you read the article you posted here ?
this article talk about Choloroquine and Hydroxycholoroquin Sulphat not combination of hydroxcholoroquine sulphat and Azythromycine . these are two complete different matter.
I prescribe Hydroxycholoroquine Sulphat for my patients and have no problem with it but when It come to combining it with Azythromycine I have serious problem with it.
so here its better to be rational and pragmatic than emotional and sensational about this matter
For whatever you worship , I ask again , have you read the article you posted here ?
this article talk about Choloroquine and Hydroxycholoroquin Sulphat not combination of hydroxcholoroquine sulphat and Azythromycine . these are two complete different matter.
I prescribe Hydroxycholoroquine Sulphat for my patients and have no problem with it but when It come to combining it with Azythromycine I have serious problem with it.
so here its better to be rational and pragmatic than emotional and sensational about this matter

Hydroxychloroquine is what is being given in China and South Korea. The Azythromycine combination is what the American doctors use, not China and South Korea. If that medication doesn’t work, don’t give it. Give whatever works. Your job as a doctor is to keep the patient from dying of coronavirus.

I’m angry that just because the Americans didn’t approve of something the rest of the world should follow them. America is a corrupt hyper capitalist country, everything is about profit for them. Unless Wall Street criminals can make money, they don’t recommend anything and allow people to die.

Westerners need other Westerners approval. They don’t recognise the work of Asians and other non-Western people.
Hydroxychloroquine is what is being given in China and South Korea. The Azythromycine combination is what the American doctors use, not China and South Korea. If that medication doesn’t work, don’t give it. Give whatever works. Your job as a doctor is to keep the patient from dying of coronavirus.

I’m angry that just because the Americans didn’t approve of something the rest of the world should follow them. America is a corrupt hyper capitalist country, everything is about profit for them. Unless Wall Street criminals can make money, they don’t recommend anything and allow people to die.

Westerners need other Westerners approval. They don’t recognise the work of Asians and other non-Western people.
Hydroxy chloroquine is what we give patient . the article suggested to use Hydroxychloroquine + Azythromycine . I pointed that the french research that reach that conclusion is a flawed research as they removed the cases that needed ICU from the study . that's ridiculus as the rest of the patient can be cured even without Hydroxychloroquine . and the fact that while Hydroxychloroquine is safe by itself ,combining it with Azythromycine is a dangerous combination . it's like go picknic with your children on a minefield, Its disaster waiting to happen.
Hydroxy chloroquine is what we give patient . the article suggested to use Hydroxychloroquine + Azythromycine . I pointed that the french research that reach that conclusion is a flawed research as they removed the cases that needed ICU from the study . that's ridiculus as the rest of the patient can be cured even without Hydroxychloroquine . and the fact that while Hydroxychloroquine is safe by itself ,combining it with Azythromycine is a dangerous combination . it's like go picknic with your children on a minefield, Its disaster waiting to happen.

I’m not a doctor, I just read what works as people want to live and will take anything to live.

First chloroquine was tried, then hydroxychloroquine was used as it is considered more potent and has fewer side effects than chloroquine. The combination with Azithromycin was recommended by the US, which I don’t trust. Just give hydroxychloroquine as it has shown good success.

Since you’re a doctor is Hydroxychloroquine safer and more potent than Chloroquine?
I’m not a doctor, I just read what works as people want to live and will take anything to live.

First chloroquine was tried, then hydroxychloroquine was used as it is considered more potent and has fewer side effects than chloroquine. The combination with Azithromycin was recommended by the US, which I don’t trust. Just give hydroxychloroquine as it has shown good success.

Since you’re a doctor is Hydroxychloroquine safer and more potent than Chloroquine?
not more potent but it certainly have a lot less side effect and tolerated a lot easier and is more at hand. the difference in potency of the two drog is negligible and can be chalked of as normal variation
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