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Hydro-Terrorism by India to overawe Pakistan

Dude , do you remember 1971 ??
If you people have so much fun in getting one inch of land we took almost half of your nation

Well here it is so yu are admitting dirty role of india in creating muktibahni and killing thousand of innocent people...On the other thread your friend were trying their best to prove that India is not invloved in balochistan here is the prove that india was involved in east pakistan and is involved in balochistan today and infact India is involved in anywhere wherever there is something about pakistan and here this site defence.pk is an example where so many indian are present just to cause mischief...
Nobody is innocent both side trying to do some mischief. So cool down, it all evens out in the end.
Dude , do you remember 1971 ??
If you people have so much fun in getting one inch of land we took almost half of your nation

Well here it is so yu are admitting dirty role of india in creating muktibahni and killing thousand of innocent people...On the other thread your friend were trying their best to prove that India is not invloved in balochistan here is the prove that india was involved in east pakistan and is involved in balochistan today and infact India is involved in anywhere wherever there is something about pakistan and here this site defence.pk is an example where so many indian are present just to cause mischief...
rubbish article..we are unable to utilize water properly and find others to blame for it
^^ correct

Gilani also dismissed the claim that India is blocking Pak water

If you have the slightest care for humanity and mandkind and seriously dont want to see Pakistan's common people to suffer from water shortage...You will never do this to Pakistan....I dont but politics and wars should be kept aside when talking about common poor people of India and Pakistan....If you stopped Pakistani rivers you will be remembered in history as the most brutal thing a nation did to another nation. Doing that will place you among the list of cruel creatures on earth.
Dont have anything much to say.

Common India no one is there to live on this earth permanently and sooner or later we all have to die....Please do not so something which will make India's name in bad history forever.

don't worry we wont do it

we never did this and nor we will
whats this just another day we had a same thread ...why isnt mods taking any action????????:frown:

My friend smoke come wherever there is something burning...Get the f....k out of Kashmir and we will spare you guys otherwise we ll haunt you till yr graves oh sorry yu poor guys dun have any decent thing not a death...fine well haunt yu till yr shamshan ghaat untill yu r burnt till ashes and mother ganga has been made more dirty with yr dirty being...:coffee:
Please get back to the real topic on hand, this is an interesting discussion and could do without any racist remarks.
What Kargil do you even know how many thousand of your men died as compare to our few hundreds...and it costed you 20 billion dollars we are still giving you time to learn in a decent way otherwise you all know us ...dint you:pakistan:

Lol get your facts straight son you guys had the bigger loss of life in Kargil even your own former leader Nawaz Sharif said that more than 4,000 of your forces were killed in Kargil and that compared to our 527 i don't see how you guys see that as a victory you guys lose thousands of your men (btw some of there dead bodies were not even taken back so we had the audacity to bury them adhering to Islamic funeral practices) all that loss of life for status quo ante bellum?
water from rivers in pakistan is going into Arabain sea daily, so it means pak have sufficient water so much so that it can afford wasting it by letting it go to arabian sea.
My friend smoke come wherever there is something burning...Get the f....k out of Kashmir and we will spare you guys otherwise we ll haunt you till yr graves oh sorry yu poor guys dun have any decent thing not a death...fine well haunt yu till yr shamshan ghaat untill yu r burnt till ashes and mother ganga has been made more dirty with yr dirty being...:coffee:

haha you're a funny guy!!! try stand up..
Pakistan gain control of Bagh district and Haji Pir Pass in Azad Kashmir just before a week or so when line of control is to be established by UN and approximately more than one year was passed since the Indian intrusion in Kashmir

It means your soldier life is of no value to you.....LOL

it is,it has value thats why our soldiers go and fight unlike you who puts your soldiers up on the peaks and esnuring them certain death just to kill more Indian soldiers.
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