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'Hybrid immunity' gives best Covid protection


Mar 21, 2007
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United States

'Hybrid immunity' gives best Covid protection:​

People with the “hybrid immunity” of having been both fully vaccinated and previously infected with Covid-19 have the strongest protection against the virus, two new studies said.

After two years of a pandemic that has seen nearly 500 million people infected and billions vaccinated, the studies highlighted the importance of getting jabbed for those who have natural immunity after recovering from the disease, AFP reports.

One of the two studies published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal analysed the health data of more than 200,000 people in 2020 and 2021 in hard-hit Brazil, which has the world's second-largest Covid death toll.

It found that for people who have already had Covid, Pfizer and AstraZeneca's vaccines offered 90 per cent effectiveness against hospitalisation and death, China's CoronaVac had 81pc and Johnson & Johnson's one-shot jab had 58pc.

A woman receives the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus disease vaccine as a booster dose at Skippack Pharmacy in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania, US, August 14, 2021. — Reuters

A woman receives the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus disease vaccine as a booster dose at Skippack Pharmacy in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania, US, August 14, 2021. — Reuters
This is why the UK has returned to normal now and China attempt at zero covid is so fundamentally flawed. You cannot protect everyone, some will pass away no matter what you do interms of vaccines and masks etc. The best approach is to tripe vaccinate and then let the people buid up natural immunity to it over time. Those who chose to not vaccinate can face the consequences of their decisions on their own as there is only so much a goverment or a people can do.
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