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Hungarian teen sells her virginity for £200,000 in online auction

What about the men who put themselves through school in hardship ? For 4 years I ate potatoes and bread because I could not fully afford my 4 years in a UK university, and even recently I cleaned tables in a restaurant to pay my way through law school. Alhumdulilah no prostitution or pimping was involved in debt worth much more than 200 measly thousand pounds. Now I have kids of my own and see why my parents were so strict with me.

Well what can I say.... god did not make a fair world ..he made the men stronger and women smarter!!
Well what can I say.... god did not make a fair world ..he made the men stronger and women smarter!!

I appreciate your kind words and get your point. But I look down on women who sell their bodies (temples) to gain a short term advantage. Many times this short term advantage distracts them from school, which distracts them from a career, which distracts them from living fruitful lives. You can find many washed up actresses or famous media women living (or dead) as drug addicts, sex addicts or God knows what. 10 years from now if this girl has not become a doctor or supreme court judge from 200,000 pounds, I suggest we reconsider our view of women in this thread.
Ohhh Unbelievable.
The episode apart, what I am afraid is that this becoming a trend.
This should not have been high lighted so much in the press, now we have come to a point that we are in a way considering it just and sympathizing with the girl.:frown:
There are scholarships for out standing students, there are grants, there are loans, there are banks to finance on interest. She is using a big bloody excuse to get easy money, believe me she isn't going to get any education but get a Masters degree in Prostitution.
She can in no way be compared to those poor helpless girls in Red light areas or Kothas. These poor lasses are victims of poverty, exploitation and out right abuse by male society.
I condemn this act of hers in every possible way and words.:angry:
I don't think that is the right way the girl is pursuing, she will motivate other girls too in doing the same thing which sets bad precedent, plus this can also open her life to prostitution, seeing how easily she can earn loads of money with little effort. Getting 200,000$ so easily she is bound to get corrupted.
What about the men who put themselves through school in hardship ? For 4 years I ate potatoes and bread because I could not fully afford my 4 years in a UK university, and even recently I cleaned tables in a restaurant to pay my way through law school. Alhumdulilah no prostitution or pimping was involved in debt worth much more than 200 measly thousand pounds. Now I have kids of my own and see why my parents were so strict with me.
I am impressed man.If every Pakistani work hard like you we would never need any foreign assistance. :tup::pakistan:
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What about the men who put themselves through school in hardship ? For 4 years I ate potatoes and bread because I could not fully afford my 4 years in a UK university, and even recently I cleaned tables in a restaurant to pay my way through law school. Alhumdulilah no prostitution or pimping was involved in debt worth much more than 200 measly thousand pounds. Now I have kids of my own and see why my parents were so strict with me.

I too cleaned tables, made chinese food, cleaned dishes and did chownkidari at dorms, its not only Indians/Pak ppl do I have many white friend including girls doing same.
What about the men who put themselves through school in hardship ? For 4 years I ate potatoes and bread because I could not fully afford my 4 years in a UK university, and even recently I cleaned tables in a restaurant to pay my way through law school. Alhumdulilah no prostitution or pimping was involved in debt worth much more than 200 measly thousand pounds. Now I have kids of my own and see why my parents were so strict with me.

I too cleaned tables, made chinese food, cleaned dishes and did chownkidari at dorms, its not only Indians/Pak ppl do I have many white friend including girls doing same.

Ok for sake of argument ..lets imagine a reversal of roles..you need 200,000 to get through your school ..

now you have two options ..either you clean tables ,wash utensils, eat one meal a day for next 4 years and get through your degree


you have something going on, and all girls want you ...and there is this hot women(supposedly), who is ready to pay you 200,000$ if you spend one night with her...

What would you do and why ??
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This is a disaster. How come some one has so little money he she has to "sell" herself for it and how come some one has so much money that he is paying 200,000 for just ..... ???

I mean this is inequality at its peak.
You might find someone if you donate your anal virginity.:rofl:

Hey! Hey! Patriot, Sir! Don't ask and don't tell! Please, this is wAAAAAAAAAAy too much information about your personal experiences.....:cheesy:

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