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Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution

Why don't our court also show some quick reciprocal Justice to hang terrorist????
Sorry to say that our court not show any justice even to hang a single terrorist.
i think CJ. should learn from Iranian courts who takes not more than a week to hang the arrested terrorist.
But i think this is not possible here because CJ. is also a member of terrorist sympathizer

I agree that CJ is not doing job, in fact Pakistani courts are giving relief to captured militants

but God forbid, our judecery must not make iranian courts as ideal
these iranian courts drained blood from vains of criminals before hanging them to be used by Injured soldiers of Iran iraq war
Frankly speaking if someone kills my family (God forbid) and i am not founding any justice i would love to have a shot at point blank at the killers of my family.

rather will go for lynching the killers of my family part by part
NO not on daily basis neither massively but there are some instances indeed no doubt.

I have seen a lot of this in Bajaur, many members of the Lashkar were missing an ear, since this was the punishment prescribed by the Taliban for supporting the "Munafik" GoP/ Army or FC.
I have also seen many men beheaded, their corpses dumped besides roads and a video cd of the grizzly event sent to us.
Heck, once when the operation had not begun yet, they tried to set up a radio station near one of our posts, the men inside resisted and fired on the Talibs. That night they attacked, they called for the men to desert their comrades if they wanted to live, some did, others didn't, eventually those who didn't died and only one Havaldar was left, it was morning by then, they grabbed him, took him to a nearby market, stripped him nude, and then cut his stomach out, ripped out his innards(mind you he was still alive and screaming) and only when they had made sure they could cause him no further pain, did they behead him.
Although, we have killed thousands of these barbarians, I believe the death of that particular Havaldar is yet to be avenged.
I have seen a lot of this in Bajaur, many members of the Lashkar were missing an ear, since this was the punishment prescribed by the Taliban for supporting the "Munafik" GoP/ Army or FC.
I have also seen many men beheaded, their corpses dumped besides roads and a video cd of the grizzly event sent to us.
Heck, once when the operation had not begun yet, they tried to set up a radio station near one of our posts, the men inside resisted and fired on the Talibs. That night they attacked, they called for the men to desert their comrades if they wanted to live, some did, others didn't, eventually those who didn't died and only one Havaldar was left, it was morning by then, they grabbed him, took him to a nearby market, stripped him nude, and then cut his stomach out, ripped out his innards(mind you he was still alive and screaming) and only when they had made sure they could cause him no further pain, did they behead him.
Although, we have killed thousands of these barbarians, I believe the death of that particular Havaldar is yet to be avenged.

This scenario of taliban acts of justice is a result of 30 years of
failure of our court against these terrorist.
They are keep releasing these terrorist on the basis of lack of evidence even they admit to do more suicide attacks on PA.
Sorry to bump this, but yes, to answer all the people were asking:

Pakistan has large garrisons of Frontier Corps personnel in North Waziristan agency, but they stay inside forts, camps and cantonments because all of North Waziristan besides the bases and some parts of Miranshah are controlled by armed groups. While the FC stays inside forts, camps and cantonments (basically, old style military formations), the actual Pakistani army stays inside massive bases and compounds that are fenced in and guarded 24/7 by gun turrets and Pakistani Air Force patrols.

But it is amazing really that Pakistan has the ability to even do that. North Waziristan agency is home to some of the most dangerous armed militant groups in the world, and yet Pakistan can still maintain a military presence there and the military can travel from base to base (as in, point A to point B).

Remember that when the U.S. withdrew from their bases in Norestan province, as well as the Paich and Korengal valleys of Konar province, they never went back. The U.S. and NATO have virtually abandoned Konar and Norestan and can't even build a base there anymore, let alone DEFEND it from attacks. So Pakistan is doing an amazing job when it comes to maintaining their military presence inside NWA.
North Waziristan is over due true however as it is we are over stretched currently!!

the US,NATO are not putting pressure from across the border to stop these terrorists escaping from our side!! this is obvious from the amount of border check posts they have compared to the amount we do!!!!

US & NATO are also sitting in afghanistan and not doing any sort of operation!!! until and unless we corner down the terrorist into a small whole no point in doing operation in NORTH WAZIRISTAN!!

all sides must work together!! i guess the "ALLIES" really don't want to solve the problem hence there approach is all talk and blaming pakistan while they themselves do nothing!!!!! :flame:
Let us try to use a rational approach here.

I do not trust Pakistani top brass to come clean on all matters when it has a history of practicing deception.

We are not over-stretched. I don't buy this idea. We are fighting in our own country. We may have limited resources, which were are trying to save for India.

Also, several Pakistani militant groups may be involved in war in Afghanistan. These groups likely have close ties with Afghan Taliban. We cannout outright reject this assertion.

US is trying to end the war in Afghanistan. However, Pakistani top brass thinks differently. Kayani insists that leaving Afghanistan soon would have severe consequences for the whole region. Maybe he is expecting too much from USA?

Also, USA has been conducting lots of military operations in Afghanistan. No one should deny this just because we do not get sufficient publicity of them. In addition, ISAF is trying to build an Afghan National Army from scratch. This is a very tedious process and will require lot of effort before it bears any fruit.

Complications are that miliant problem is not ending. Maybe, lots of Afghans are fed up with the war and they are helping Taliban and its allies against the ISAF? Keep in mind that many Afghan civlians have died in this war. And of-course, clandestine support for militants might be coming from other countries. As an example; Pakistan is suspected to be supporting Haqqani network because our top brass is not taking any action in North Waziristan region where this network is believed to have a strong foothold.

I believe that Pakistani top brass needs to come clean on its agenda. If our top brass is willing to act against the Haqqani network, it needs to rethink its rules of engagement in USA. It needs to convince USA that we need more resources and weapons to deal with this threat. This should be the priority.

What has happened thus far in Afghanistan is of no use for discussions. Important thing is end-game in Afghanistan. How it plays out remains to be seen. It may result in far more damaging consequences for the wole region; NATO-Pakistan-China debacle (clash of epic proportions) or it may result in favoring the whole region. I hope that our policies may not lead us to this situation.

Let us hope that end-game in Afghanistan turns out positively for all sides.

And for the warmongerers and chest-thumpers; please calm down. You guys have no idea that how destructive this war can be. Pakistan's survival can be at stake.
I agree with Bill Longley, Taliban do not a thing related to Islam.

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