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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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Only a weak and coward army would use F-16, gunship helicopters, heavy artillary and tanks on their own people and against taliban with AK47. It seems pak army is in the war with soviet union.
India refrained from using such force in kashmir , so atleast militancy had died. But here in pashtun belt taliban insurgency would never die due to bewakofi of armed forces and their greed for acquiring F-16 and cobra helicopters (they use it on FATA and then beg america that send us more F-16 as we need them against terrorists). They are spilling blood in FATA to acquire weaponry from america that they intend to use against india in case of war.

OK wait.

If they used heavy ordinance in a populated area and ended up killing civilians just because they didn't want to bite the bullet then YES, they did not do right by the people they swore to protect.

BUT, if we are talking of gunships and 16s on Talibs while they are entrenched on some hill with no civvies around then the PA DID THE RIGHT THING! Warfare is not about proving who has the bigger balls or who is braver, its about vanquishing the enemy, in this case the enemy of the state who has threatened its political and even territorial security. In such a scenario dick measuring is not required, nor is some misplaced sense of pride regarding engaging the enemy face to face..or about taking that risk and putting your life on the line..no its about out maneuvering your enemy..physically and mentally. In summation if the area ain't populated and your boots aren't danger close then tallyho for the flyboys.
@Dillinger During height of Kashmir Insurgency, were there 200-300 Insurgents encircling 20-30 soldiers from vantage points, suicide bombers, IED's or Insurgency ever spread out from Kashmir valley?

Indian controlled Jammu & Kashmir?!!

I don't want to sound rude, but take some time and read my above post
You mean to say PA is only able to dish it to others, but not able to take it themselves?
Exactly. Infact their policy on kashmir has backfired. A portion of TTP are ex-kashmiri jihadis. Asmatuallah bhittani, recently killed, was member of harkat ul mujahideen. The major mast gul who is doing blasts in peshawer, was hero of hizb ul mujahedeen. Omar khalid khorasani also was once active in kashmir.
I remember harkat ul mujaheedin guys once visited our governament school. Stood along with school principle and addressed our assembly , convincing us to join kashmir jihad, can you believe that? They radicalized entire pakhtun belt to use them as disposable fodders for their interests and now are crying that taliban are biting them instead of non-muslims
@Dillinger During height of Kashmir Insurgency, were there 200-300 Insurgents encircling 20-30 soldiers from vantage points, suicide bombers, IED's or Insurgency ever spread out from Kashmir valley?

I don't want to sound rude, but take some time and read my above post

It could get worse than that..we had experienced fighters from the Afghan Jihad pouring in in numbers (no fence and no surveillance on the LOC back then, so you could get a hundred strong tukdi engaging a single stick)...so ya we've had it just as bad in terms of a well trained, armed and determined enemy.
@Dillinger During height of Kashmir Insurgency, were there 200-300 Insurgents encircling 20-30 soldiers from vantage points, suicide bombers, IED's or Insurgency ever spread out from Kashmir valley?

I don't want to sound rude, but take some time and read my above post
At the height of kashmir insurgency in Mid-1990's there were many pockets in the Kashmir valley which were designated as liberated zones by the separatists, where writ of the Indian state was non-existent. Even then India didn't use the air power.
In early to Mid-90's, many believed that Kashmir was a lost cause and India would never be able to gain control in the state. Inspite of that India never got IAF involved.
RR in J&K. Zero use of CAS or artillery.

J&K insurgency is/was more of a sporadic one after ceasefire in early 2000's, I'm talking about sustained insurgencies like the one in Sri Lanka (Aerial bombardment used), Syria ( Aerial bombardment used)
And then there are times you make complete sense...... historically speaking, your following post holds merit.... it's all true..... however, you can't blame whole country for some stupid decisions taken by a few bad men, sitting in GHQ over three decades ago........

Exactly. Infact their policy on kashmir has backfired. A portion of TTP are ex-kashmiri jihadis. Asmatuallah bhittani, recently killed, was member of harkat ul mujahideen. The major mast gul who is doing blasts in peshawer, was hero of hizb ul mujahedeen. Omar khalid khorasani also was once active in kashmir.
I remember harkat ul mujaheedin guys once visited our governament school. Stood along with school principle and addressed our assembly , convincing us to join kashmir jihad, can you believe that? They radicalized entire pakhtun belt to use them as disposable fodders for their interests and now are crying that taliban are biting them instead of non-muslims
J&K insurgency is/was more of a sporadic one after ceasefire in early 2000's, I'm talking about sustained insurgencies like the one in Sri Lanka (Aerial bombardment used), Syria ( Aerial bombardment used)

Sahib from 89 to 99 there was no ceasefire or let up in the fidayeen..and nor were they all Punjabis/Pukhtoons/Kashmiris..we even had that odd Uzbek or once or twice Chechen run into our fire teams.
And india never use aerial bombing at kashmir argument is only used by persons devoid of any senses. American army soldiers more advance than Pakistani soldiers frequently use Artillery and aerial bombardments in Iraq and Afghanistan both. Guess, they are not professionals and strong like Indian Army eh?

In Kashmir,,, It was not a battle of high mountains. In Fata it is, that's why Aerial bomardments. Jeez why people are so ignorants
America is an invader, foriegn occupying force....afghanistan and iraq are not their countries. You are comparing pak army with NATO, shahbash dey wi. It seems tribals are "ghair" people for pakistan.
America would never use Air force against their people.
They radicalized entire pakhtun belt to use them as disposable fodders for their interests and now are crying that taliban are biting them instead of non-muslims

Now they have been bitten and it hurts (they have realised that as well). Now time to move on and get rid of these Fcktards (Tal1Bs) coz they are no good for pashtuns.
And then there are times you make complete sense...... historically speaking, your following post holds merit.... it's all true..... however, you can't blame whole country for some stupid decisions taken by a few bad men, sitting in GHQ over three decades ago........

One more strike on Zia and Tind, although Mohotarma Bhutto was equally enthusiastic in these matters.
Uzbeks and Chechens as well..... wtfff....... :mad:

Sahib from 89 to 99 there was no ceasefire or let up in the fidayeen..and nor were they all Punjabis/Pukhtoons/Kashmiris..we even had that odd Uzbek or once or twice Chechen run into our fire teams.
Unfortunately pakistan army is not strong and professional like indian army. They dont know to tackle insurgencies.
@Sher Malang
Kiliwala does NATO soldiers also make afghans "murgha", make them stand on one leg or kick them at check posts? as for as i have heard, they are professional even though they are foriegners.

yes im sure.. army should rape n kill dump thousands of bodies like in iok or seven sister states..

met an SSG Capt hailing from Swat himself (he was touring a certain "Piffers" regiment)...bet he knew alot more than your "neighbours" ...

Ask the swatis why they were crying when talibitches implemented their sharia...
Hint: google a vid where an old injured civ was evacuated n asked why talibitches shot him.

This very attitude resulted in break-up of Pakistan in 1971...

just dont screw the server with your brain farts.
No she wasn't..... she was always strong armed into it..... she actually even got threatened TWICE by you know who to mind her own bloody business....... don't blame her...... she was completely innocent in all this......

One more strike on Zia and Tind, although Mohotarma Bhutto was equally enthusiastic in these matters.
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