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HuJI 'plans to kill' Hasina: CNN-IBN

Why HuJI changed allegiance from RAW to MOSSAD?. What does MOSSAD gain from assassinating Hasina?. All I can do at your statements is to laugh :lol:.

Since the RAW backed HuJi leadership were apprehended in BD and are now facing trial the HuJi was ripe to be taken over and so MOSSAD did so to fulfill their own objectives.

MOSSAD has no interest in assassinating Hasina.This is a ploy by RAW to create sympathy for the AL before elections.

You laugh because you are ignorant. :tsk:
Threat on Sheikh Hasina’s life in Bangladesh

Srabanti Majumder

Indian intelligence agencies have warned Bangladesh that former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is also the chief of country’s one of the two largest political parties named Bangladesh Awami League faces an assassination threat from a banned Islamist militant group. Indian intelligence agencies have warned the country that a six-member suicide squad of the banned Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami [Huji] has been trained to assassinate Hasina, leader of Awami League, one of the main political parties of the country.

Sources in the Indian intelligence agencies and inside Bangladesh have told CNN-IBN that the HUJI team was trained for the last two months by an officer of Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence [ISI] who operates under the name Ehetesham.

The special training camp was held at Kaligunj in Satkhira and the six men were personally briefed by HUJI chief Imtiaz Quddus at the end of the training.

Hasina recently returned to Bangladesh after a self exile. She is widely expected to win the forthcoming elections in the country after she has formed Grand Alliance with a number of Leftist Political Parties, Islamist Groups such as Khelafat Majlish and ousted former military autocrat Hussain Muhammed Ershad.

Hasina has survived several assassination attempts in the past. In August 2004, she escaped an assassination bid when a string of explosions rocked an opposition rally addressed by her in Dhaka.

In 2000, 80 kg of RDX was found in the Gopalganj district where Hasina's helicopter was set to land for a political rally. She was the Prime Minister of the country at that time.

Although Indian authorities named Huji as the conspirator of the assassination plot of Sheikh Hasina, it is widely known that, in fact, the notorious Islamist group operated under the leadership of jailed Islamist terror kingpin Mufti Abdul Hannan, is Harkatul Mujahedin [HuM].

Bangladesh intelligence agencies are closely monitoring the activities of leaders of Harkatul Jihad [Huji] since the message of threat was communicated by Indian authorities. Meanwhile, it is learnt that Pakistan’s ISI are operating in Bangladesh through a number of under cover diplomats in the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka as well as some other top ranking ISI officials, who are working with several business enterprises including a cell phone company. It is learnt that, in particular, several ISI officials are secretly deployed with this cell phone company and significant amount of earning of the company is being used for operatives of ISI in Bangladesh.

Although Bangladeshi intelligence are taking all out efforts in avoiding any unfortunate episode in country’s democratic process, security experts feel that, Sheikh Hasina herself is giving opportunity to a number of potential security threats as various types of electoral symbols are carried within the ‘unsafe distance’ of the former Prime Minister, which could easily contain liquid explosives. It is also suggested by the security experts that, Sheikh Hasina needs to instruct her party men as well as leaders to avoid carrying cell phones within the unsafe distance area of her, in order to also avoid any unexpected incident.

Weeklyblitz.net : Internet Edition
Looking at political awareness of Bangladeshis specially youth I am sure this time they will reject Indian planted faces and their dirty tricks to woo them for voting their agents to government in BD.

Bangladeshis have come along way to realize danger they face from Indian hegemony. Indian dream of manipulating BD is still alive which rings a bell for every Bangladehsi.

It is responsibility of Bangladeshi media to expose nefarious designs of Indian propaganda wing which includes CNN-IBN and many other such rumor spreading mills.

Whats ? First of all Bangladesh comes to know of plans of Huji from Indian media, Barrister sahib puts that under on going conspiracy of RAW and MOSSAD .
You blame on nefarious designs of India.
See the irony you learn from Indian media take actions on the reports than blame it back on India what does it show ?

Please go ahead and cutoff relations with India I would rather suggest Bangladesh should merge with Pakistan.
Those of you dont know blitz is a israeli funded newspaper. SALAH UDDIN SHOAIB CHOUDHURY has know and proven connection with MOSSAD and had been in Bangladeshi jail for breaking law. Please look at "about us" page picture will be much clear.

Weeklyblitz.net : Internet Edition
My brothers (pakistani and bangali) I'm shocked to see ur comments about every moulanas and some islamic organizations freedom fighter labelling them as fanatics and terrorists. Like you ppl really understand Islam raise hands who prays 5 times a week i am sure all will raise hands while Allah is watching you for sure..Plz stop lieing to yourself and stop being in denial Do Not Label those freedom fighters as fanatic just because your mind doesn't want to accept Islamic laws and rules..My brother Read This for think about it:
Quran 8:57: So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.
So which one of you is ready to go to War against Kaffirs??so when are you going to get ready?No angel is coming to order you..who are you waiting for green light? If you can't do nothing let these brave men of Allah do all the work for Allah says:
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is). So i really hate ppl who crap they will do this and that and sit in their homes wearing silk suites. Shame of them.
I agree on one point that there are organization that are funded directly by the Americans and Indians to do terrorism and brainwashing but since you did not meet rest and most of the real freedom fighters then stop calling real freedom fighters as fanatics. Yes you should be a fundamentalist what is fundemental you need example? if you don't know basic of 1+1 = 2 then you can't move to complicated mathematics...this example alone will let you teach what fundementals are..
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Whats ? First of all Bangladesh comes to know of plans of Huji from Indian media, Barrister sahib puts that under on going conspiracy of RAW and MOSSAD .
You blame on nefarious designs of India.
See the irony you learn from Indian media take actions on the reports than blame it back on India what does it show ?

Please go ahead and cutoff relations with India I would rather suggest Bangladesh should merge with Pakistan.

Not only Bangladesh authority, indian high commission was also kept in dark by notorious RAW.

Without informing Bangladeshi authority leaking politically sensitive news in media, just week before election is clear interference in Bangladesh politics by india. Which is not the first but is for another record.

Last but not least, this is indian admission that there is extensive subversive activities by RAW inside Bangladesh.
My brothers (pakistani and bangali) I'm shocked to see ur comments about every moulanas and some islamic organizations freedom fighter labelling them as fanatics and terrorists.

What is HuJi or JMB fighting for in BD? BD is not under foreign occupation and majority population follow Islam. It appears that they follow an Indian agenda to destabilize BD and create propaganda against BD. HuJi seems to have been captured by MOSSAD so I am a little confused as to what their agenda is in BD or even India.
Not only Bangladesh authority, indian high commission was also kept in dark by notorious RAW.

Without informing Bangladeshi authority leaking politically sensitive news in media, just week before election is clear interference in Bangladesh politics by india. Which is not the first but is for another record.

Last but not least, this is indian admission that there is extensive subversive activities by RAW inside Bangladesh.

Good Joke, RAW is external intelligence service of India and is very much part of government unlike other intelligence services in neighborhood.

Better use non-Indian sources if you are hellbent on blaming India.
Dhaka, Dec 20 (bdnews24.com) – An Indian television network on Saturday reported that Islamist militants were planning to assassinate Awami League president Sheikh Hasina.

Quoting Indian intelligence sources, CNN-IBN said the former prime minister had been warned by the Indian intelligence agencies that a six-member suicide squad of the banned Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh or the HuJI had been assigned to kill her.

The report added the HuJI team has trained under the watchful eye of a former Pakistani special forces officer named Ehetesham in a special training camp held at Kaligunj in Satkhira for the last two months.

The six men were personally briefed by HuJI chief Imtiaz Quddus at the end of the training, the report of Atlanta-based CNN's Indian cousin said.

A spokesperson for the Indian high commission in Dhaka said he was not aware of it.

"We have no official comment on this issue," Deepak Mittal, the spokesperson, told bdnews24.com.

He said he came to know about the news from bdnews24.com's breaking news service Saturday.

Awami League spokesperson and joint secretary general Syed Ashraful Islam recently said they had reports that the party chief's life was in danger and sought highest security for her.

He however did not disclose any specific source to the media.

The government deployed Special Security Force for Hasina and BNP chief Khaleda Zia immediately after the AL demand.

Election commissioner Sakhawat Hussain has also spoke of his apprehension that the Dec. 29 general election could be sabotaged.

But the police and elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion ruled out the possibility.

The EC said initially that the army would be called out from Dec. 24 for the election. Later army chief Moeen U Ahmed said the army would be deployed from Dec. 20.

Sakhawat asked the troops to be positioned by Dec. 20 and asked them to start for their assigned posts from Dec 18.

The state of emergency was lifted from Dec. 17.

Jamatul Mujahedin Bangladesh is another banned Islamist organisation, whose 20 activists were detained by the security forces in Nilphamari and Sylhet recently.

HuJI was established in Bangladesh in 1992 with the assistance of International Islamic Front, an organisation of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

A group of top Huji leaders demanded transforming Bangladesh into an Islamic state at a press conference at the National Press Club in Dhaka on April 30, 1992.

US foreign affairs office in a report said that Huji had link with Islamic Oikyo Jote, a political ally of BNP, as well as al-Qaeda.

The US has enlisted Huji as one of the terrorist organisations of the world.

Hasina has survived several assassination attempts in the past. On August 21, 2004, she had a brush with death when a string of explosions rocked an opposition rally she addressed in Dhaka in which 24 people were killed, some 300 injured.

In 2000, 80 kg of RDX was found in the Gopalganj district where Hasina's helicopter was set to land for a political rally. She was the prime minister at that time

In 1988 she came under intense police fire in Chittagong that claimed the life of more than two dozen people.

In August next year a group of gunmen fired at her Dhanmondi residence.

Earlier on several occasions in 1983, 1984, and 1986 she was targeted for assassination.

Her father independence architect Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was also assassinated along with most of his family by renegade army officers on August 12, 1975.

Hasina survived with her only sister Sheikh Rehana as both were was out of the country

HuJI has a history of carrying out violent attacks on secular and progressive intellectuals, writers and journalists in Bangladesh.

Its operations commander Mufti Abdul Hannan was recently convicted as the man behind the 2000 assassination plot of Hasina.

Hannan was remanded in several cases, including the August 17, 2005 countrywide bomb blasts, the 2001 Ramna Batamul blast and the 2004 grenade attack on former British high commissioner Anwar Choudhury in Sylhet.

BREAKING NEWSHuJI 'plans to kill' Hasina: CNN-IBN :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::

Just as Bin laden wanted to assassinate bush prior to his re-election, remember ? RAW wants to appply the same technique to get hasina elected. RAW knows all about it because they are the mastermind.
Whats ? First of all Bangladesh comes to know of plans of Huji from Indian media, Barrister sahib puts that under on going conspiracy of RAW and MOSSAD .
You blame on nefarious designs of India.
See the irony you learn from Indian media take actions on the reports than blame it back on India what does it show ?

Please go ahead and cutoff relations with India I would rather suggest Bangladesh should merge with Pakistan.

As if we're dying for your suggestions, keep your suggestions to yourselves, let us think for ourselves.
Good Joke, RAW is external intelligence service of India and is very much part of government unlike other intelligence services in neighborhood.

Better use non-Indian sources if you are hellbent on blaming India.

When indian HC stated in the press they have no knowledge of the RAW intelligence, one have to take it in its face value. As such it shows how dysfunctional indian govt machinery. Less of a reason to be anything near credible.

If indian and anyone want to argue that indian govt and HC knew then political motive of this hoax is even clearer. Just today based on RAW generated hoax Hasina started her new political hoaxy slogan.

India can not even forecast terrorist act in its own country. How any one in the world should take indian and RAW generated intelligence about other country credible and serious; other than indian political motives offcourse?

Either way, no one asked for indian "intel" service, thinking of it is just oxy moronic. RAW leaked hoax through it media parner in crime for indian political gain and to interfere. If anything else we are making our old shoe/choppol ready for nefarious RAW.
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When indian HC stated in the press they have no knowledge of the RAW intelligence, one have to take it in its face value. As such it shows how dysfunctional indian govt machinery. Less of a reason to be anything near credible.

If indian and anyone want to argue that indian govt and HC knew then political motive of this hoax is even clearer. Just today based on RAW generated hoax Hasina started her new political hoaxy slogan.

India can not even forecast terrorist act in its own country. How any one in the world should take indian and RAW generated intelligence about other country credible and serious; other than indian political motives offcourse?

Either way, no one asked for indian "intel" service, thinking of it is just oxy moronic. RAW leaked hoax through it media parner in crime for indian political gain and to interfere. If anything else we are making our old shoe/choppol ready for nefarious RAW.

Hoax ? Then for what purpose barrister posted the news article? I thought BD also took action.
Whats ? First of all Bangladesh comes to know of plans of Huji from Indian media, Barrister sahib puts that under on going conspiracy of RAW and MOSSAD .
You blame on nefarious designs of India.
See the irony you learn from Indian media take actions on the reports than blame it back on India what does it show ?

Please go ahead and cutoff relations with India I would rather suggest Bangladesh should merge with Pakistan.

So you are a goodperson. How about leaving us alone for once for all. Stop interfering with our internal matter. F***ing dalal Awami has been rejected by the poeple of bangladesh. Let us chose our fate. If we want to merge with pakistan, let pak-banga make that decison. We were united once may be we will unite again in the future.
Hoax ? Then for what purpose barrister posted the news article? I thought BD also took action.

To find out what the Indian objective was in releasing this news item since no other news network has picked up on it. The obvious reason for India to release this was to try to get the sympathy vote for AL.
This is the original news report that appeared on CNN-IBN. Why is the highlighted section not appearing in news reports inside BD?

6-member team out to kill ex-Bangaldesh PM Hasina

Sumon K Chakrabarti / CNN-IBN

New Delhi: Indian intelligence agencies have warned Bangladesh that former prime minister Sheikh Hasina faces an assassination threat from a banned militant group.

Indian intelligence agencies have warned the country that a six-member suicide squad of the banned Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HUJI) has been trained to assassinate Hasina, leader of Awami League, one of the main political parties of the country.

Sources in the Indian intelligence agencies and inside Bangladesh have told CNN-IBN that the HUJI team was trained for the last two months by an officer of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence who operates under the name Ehetesham.

The special training camp was held at Kaligunj in Satkhira and the six men were personally briefed by HUJI chief Imtiaz Quddus at the end of the training.

Sources say that the assassination plot has been planned by renegade officers of Bangladesh's all-powerful military intelligence, the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI).

Some of these officers were recently transferred away from the DGFI by Bangladesh army chief General Moeenuddin Ahmed, who has been trying to hold a peaceful election.

Hasina recently returned to Bangladesh after a forced exile. She is widely expected to win the forthcoming elections in the country.

Hasina has survived several assassination attempts in the past. In August 2004, she escaped an assassination bid when a string of explosions rocked an opposition rally addressed by her in Dhaka.

In 2000, 80 kg of RDX was found in the Gopalganj district where Hasina's helicopter was set to land for a political rally. She was the Prime Minister of the country at that time.

HUJI's founder Mufti Abdul Hannan was recently convicted as the man behind the assassination plot.

6-member team out to kill ex-Bangaldesh PM Hasina
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