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Huge Projects of Türkiye

There are so many huge projects in Azerbaycan also... Azeri bros. may share these projects with us also... It would be nice...
skyscrapercity.comCheck out this website, most of the projects are there.
New york is disgusting. You should see how they live. Central park is nice but Istanbul has way more greenery (not sure if thats a real word) than New York.
Okay how about Berlin? do we have anything that can match Tiergarten?
This is Berlin:

Absolutely fucking not!
What we have are medieval byzantine style mosques, right next to skyscrapers
You would think that we have advanced in architecture in 1000 years. You would think this was Saudi Arabia... but no this is İstanbul today.

You see this?

This was Maltepe in 1970s, one of the two most beautiful beaches in the city back then. That little structure standing in the sea was a temple of artemis.

Can we get this back now? Absolutely fucking not.
@LegionnairE , isn't it common that old architecture gets mixed with modern architecture as time goes by?
İ mean today İ was in Rotterdam for the marathon, as we were driving alongside the river Rhein İ noticed the same thing you complain about.
Along a small channel nice 18th cemtury buildings and right next to it the skyscraper where Jackie Chan slide off im one of his movie.

İ mean a city's population is growing, so the city itself needs to grow. What kind of solution do you have in mind then?
@olcayto You don't get it, that mosque in Ataşehir is not from medieval age, it's fucking new.

Tayyip wanted a mosque that would rival Sultan Ahmet in his name. And that's the picture of his arrogance.

What do I suggest? They have unusual modern mosques like this in Pakistan. But the religious thoughts in Turkey are so backwards we can't even update the architecture of a mosque. People are so insecure with their beliefs they even see our love for Atatürk a threat.

This is Abu Dhabi

Even Arabs can fucking improvise


This is a picture of ignorance and personal gain. People who see this as an advancement are plain naive.
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@LegionnairE , İ'm against building unnecessary mosques. İn fact İ'm pretty sure that we have enough mosques to support double of todays Turkish population. Yes the picture of a mosque with a skyscraper in the background sux, fugly. That was actually something İ agreed upon in my previous post.

About the bridge, İ don't have any opinion about it, since İ'm not that familiar with İstanbul.

What actually was referring to was the nostalgic picture of Maltepe. You complained about it dying, my question for that was isn't bound to happen in the end, in a growşng city? What kind of ideas do you have to prevent it?
@LegionnairEWhat actually was referring to was the nostalgic picture of Maltepe. You complained about it dying, my question for that was isn't bound to happen in the end, in a growşng city? What kind of ideas do you have to prevent it?
simple as that, they are building the third bridge, along with the highways outside of city boundaries, and they are destroying forests like they destroyed the beaches. Instead of destroying the nature, demolish buildings and build higher buildings. Instead of building new roads, add new lanes to the existing ones.

City can grow vertically, we can use high story skyscrapers, we can use the underground. In europe they have double story subway lines, in İstanbul we don't have subway access in most districts. Yeah that's changing too but too little, too slow.

Instead of building the third bridge OUTSIDE İstanbul we could build the second Marmaray. Motor highways are petrol dependency, air pollution. Railroads are the future!

They've had elevated metro in New York City for the last 70-100 years. It costs one fifth of an underground subway to build an elevated railway.

Why can't we build one over the minibus avanue ? Minibusses are traffic terrorists.

But WHO am I talking to? A bunch of people who wants to destroy Gezi Park to build a shopping mall.
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Sometimes I'm happy I live in Ankara. No Fucking nature to **** with. The historical value it has isn't even comparable to Istanbul.

Mate life is simple in Ankara. We got a king of troll mayor though :)
Okay how about Berlin? do we have anything that can match Tiergarten?
This is Berlin:

Absolutely fucking not!
What we have are medieval byzantine style mosques, right next to skyscrapers
You would think that we have advanced in architecture in 1000 years. You would think this was Saudi Arabia... but no this is İstanbul today.

You see this?

This was Maltepe in 1970s, one of the two most beautiful beaches in the city back then. That little structure standing in the sea was a temple of artemis.

Can we get this back now? Absolutely fucking not.

I said Istanbul was more green than new york. I have never been to berlin so I cant comment on it. All I know is that Istanbul is an amazing city. It has its problems but they can be fixed. An important thing that makes Istanbul nice is all the Forrest and all of the ancient architecture. I also agree with the beaches. They shouldn't build over the beaches and expand out to the sea. Our apartment in Istanbul was right over the water but then they built out into the sea and now we have apartments right in front of us.

Also the mosque looks completely out of place.

@olcayto You don't get it, that mosque in Ataşehir is not from medieval age, it's fucking new.

Tayyip wanted a mosque that would rival Sultan Ahmet in his name. And that's the picture of his arrogance.

What do I suggest? They have unusual modern mosques like this in Pakistan. But the religious thoughts in Turkey are so backwards we can't even update the architecture of a mosque. People are so insecure with their beliefs they even see our love for Atatürk a threat.

This is Abu Dhabi

Even Arabs can fucking improvise


This is a picture of ignorance and personal gain. People who see this as an advancement are plain naive.

I agree with the mosques. We have plenty of ottoman ones that look great we dont need to be copy pasting. We need to come up with new designs and build those so that we can increase our prestige instead of living off of the prestige of our fore fathers.

simple as that, they are building the third bridge, along with the highways outside of city boundaries, and they are destroying forests like they destroyed the beaches. Instead of destroying the nature, demolish buildings and build higher buildings. Instead of building new roads, add new lanes to the existing ones.

City can grow vertically, we can use high story skyscrapers, we can use the underground. In europe they have double story subway lines, in İstanbul we don't have subway access in most districts. Yeah that's changing too but too little, too slow.

Instead of building the third bridge OUTSIDE İstanbul we could build the second Marmaray. Motor highways are petrol dependency, air pollution. Railroads are the future!

They've had elevated metro in New York City for the last 70-100 years. It costs one fifth of an underground subway to build an elevated railway.

Why can't we build one over the minibus avanue ? Minibusses are traffic terrorists.

But WHO am I talking to? A bunch of people who wants to destroy Gezi Park to build a shopping mall.

Agreed building underground is a retarded waste of money.

The dolmus needs to go.:cray:
I said Istanbul was more green than new york. I have never been to berlin so I cant comment on it.
Istanbul and generally Turkish city are not comparable with Western cities, their cities are by far more green than ours.

Compared to other cities of its size, Istanbul has a paltry amount of public green space for residents to enjoy. New York boasts 23.1 square meters of parks per capita, London has 20 m2, Paris has 11.5 m2… and Istanbul? A mere 3 square meters per person. On Siemens’ annual ‘Green City Index’ of 30 European cities, Istanbul most recently placed 25th, largely due to high energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Why we love/hate Istanbul | Around Town | Article | Istanbul's Guide to Life | timeoutistanbul.com/en/
Istanbul and generally Turkish city are not comparable with Western cities, their cities are by far more green than ours.

Why we love/hate Istanbul | Around Town | Article | Istanbul's Guide to Life | timeoutistanbul.com/en/
I personally would not live in Istanbul. Its good for vacation and sight seeing but like the article said there is alot of stress. I hate being in cities for long periods of time in general.
Sometimes I'm happy I live in Ankara. No Fucking nature to **** with. The historical value it has isn't even comparable to Istanbul.

Mate life is simple in Ankara. We got a king of troll mayor though :)
You got a semi-retard with the brain size of a reptile
I said Istanbul was more green than new york.
Dude, according to statstics even new york has more green areas open to pubilc. In istanbul even picnic places are capitalised. Thus, private area.
Agreed building underground is a retarded waste of money.
Where the **** did I say that?

I said motor highways(karayolları) are primitive. It forces us to depend on petrol. I'm saying rail systems (wether underground, overhead/elevated or surface) are the future of transportation. Most of our rail network is from Atatürk's time. High speed trains are only available between 3-4 cities and İstanbul in particular needs much more rail systems.
Dude, according to statstics even new york has more green areas open to pubilc. In istanbul even picnic places are capitalised.
"Open to public"

Dude I have been to both Istanbul and New York. I guarantee you that Istanbul has more greenery than New York City.

Where the **** did I say that?

Here you implied it.
They've had elevated metro in New York City for the last 70-100 years. It costs one fifth of an underground subway to build an elevated railway.

Here you asked why shouldn't they build OVER the minibus avenue.
Why can't we build one over the minibus avanue ? Minibusses are traffic terrorists.
Why Istanbul needs to grow anyway ? it will soon double the Greece's population, its already overcrowded, they should make other cities more attractive for business and living, balance is needed.
skyscrapercity.comCheck out this website, most of the projects are there.

Yes i know... I said that if you want to share these in this forum...

There is another Turkish forum interested in Azerbaycan projects... Sure there are Azeri bros. there...

Azerbaycan Bakü'de muhteşem projeler

Azerbaycan Diğer Şehirler'de muhteşem projeler

Azerbaycan'da olan tüm projeler

Azerbaycan - Yeni Projeler
We are building largest airport of the world in Istanbul. It will return to its old glory and be capital of avrasya, bridge between west and east. I think some of us doesn't understand the value of Istanbul. Geographically it is a cross road for trade and travel. The government already has plans to make canakkale small Istanbul. Not every city can be Istanbul but canakkale is exception because of position.. Some of us guys are talking without having knowledge. It is sad.

@olcayto You don't get it, that mosque in Ataşehir is not from medieval age, it's fucking new.

Tayyip wanted a mosque that would rival Sultan Ahmet in his name. And that's the picture of his arrogance.

What do I suggest? They have unusual modern mosques like this in Pakistan. But the religious thoughts in Turkey are so backwards we can't even update the architecture of a mosque. People are so insecure with their beliefs they even see our love for Atatürk a threat.

This is Abu Dhabi

Even Arabs can fucking improvise


This is a picture of ignorance and personal gain. People who see this as an advancement are plain naive.

I don't like the first mosque.
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