Huawei will launch a new cloud database product to challenge Oracle - Huawei Central
Posted on May 13, 2019
HUAWEI is a tech giant in the field of telecom and already taken growth in cloud-based industry solution but now the company is planning to launch its own cloud database product to capture a new market and to confront cloud database dominator, Oracle.
Huawei’s R&D budget reaches $15.3 billion, Outspends Apple
According to a report from
THEINFORMATION, Huawei is planning to unveil its new cloud database product at an event scheduled on May 15 in Beijing, China.
This step by Huawei is its biggest ever attempt to expand into an area of enterprise solution software currently dominated by Western giants including Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP.
A Huawei manager spoke to the source and revealed that the company will initially target the domestic market where it has a better chance of attracting more customers.
He also said that Huawei’s new cloud DB product focuses on enabling enterprise customers to manage their own data using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the product has reportedly been developed by the Huawei’s database research group – Gauss.
It can be said that Huawei’s first batch of new database solution will only be available for the Chinese market but the company is approaching towards opportunities ahead of them and will expand this product in the overseas markets which lead us the industry.
Last week, Oracle China suddenly closed its Chinese R&D center and fired more than 900 peoples, industry insiders said that Oracle’ large scale layoff is politically motivated, while the company is yet to respond in this matter.
At a time like this Huawei’s entry in this cloud database business targets Oracles share in the industry and to take a good start.
2019-05-15 10:50:06 来源:观察者网
(观察者网讯 文|陈兴华)5月15日,华为在北京发布了人工智能原生(AI-Native)数据库
FusionStorage 8.0。
华为还称其发布的分布式存储FusionStorage 8.0业界性能第一。针对存储系统性能、规模、可管理性等更高要求,FusionStorage 8.0实现三大创新突破:
华为方面称,目前华为GaussDB数据库和FusionInsight大数据解决方案已经应用于全球 60 个国家及地区,服务 1500 多个客户,拥有 500 多家商业合作伙伴,并广泛应用于金融、运营商、政府、能源、医疗、制造、交通等多个行业。
另外,华为云已经发布了13款数据库服务;华为FusionStorage已服务超过1500家客户,在IDC 2018年中国区软件定义存储市场份额报告中,华为稳居第一。
此外, “数据+智能”正在保护我们的生态环境。在哥斯达黎加热带雨林中,Rainforests公司部署的太阳能雨林监听设备覆盖了2,500平方公里的雨林区域。借助华为云的海量数据存储和智能分析能力,对纷繁复杂的雨林音频进行实时处理和精准识别,第一时间分辨出电锯和卡车的噪音,阻止盗伐行为。接下来我们看一段视频。
首先,我们来了解华为如何引领多样性计算。华为推动计算架构从以X86+GPU为主的单一计算架构到以X86+GPU+ARM64+NPU为主的异构计算架构快速发展。基于X86架构,华为引入AI管理和智能加速能力,率先推出了智能服务器FusionServer Pro;基于ARM64打造了业界性能最强的泰山服务器;基于Ascend芯片的Atlas智能计算,实现了业界首个端边云协同的人工智能平台。
发布新一代智能分布式存储FusionStorage 8.0
存储也是数据基础设施的重要组成部分,我代表华为公司正式发布第二款产品:新一代智能分布式存储FusionStorage 8.0。
应对数据量激增、数据类型多样化、实时性数据分析三大挑战,需要更大规模的存储和更快的业务响应,同时更需要智能化的运维管理。新一代智能分布式存储FusionStorage 8.0通过重定义存储架构,从“Storage for AI”和“AI in Storage”两个维度实现效率大幅提升,引领存储智能化。
首先,“Storage for AI”通过融合共享,避免数据多次拷贝,让AI分析更高效。FusionStorage 8.0创造性的将块,文件,对象,HDFS四种存储服务融合,打通数据孤岛,解决了多样性数据共享问题;同时,FusionStorage8.0通过协议融合,实现了多种协议共享数据源,节省数据无效搬移时间,让分析更高效。其次,“AI in Storage”率先将AI融入存储全生命周期管理,从资源规划、业务发放、系统调优、风险预测、故障定位等方面实现智能运维。
Huawei Launches AI-Native Database
Advancing Further in AI to Redefine Data Infrastructure
[Beijing, May 15, 2019] Following the announcement of its AI strategy and full-stack, all-scenario AI solutions in 2018, Huawei launched the AI-Native database GaussDB and the highest-performance distributed storage FusionStorage 8.0 today in Beijing. The aim of this launch is to redefine data infrastructure through a Data + Intelligence strategy.
"Humanity is entering the age of an intelligent world," said David Wang, Huawei Executive Director of the Board and President of ICT Strategy & Marketing. "Data is the new factor of production, and intelligence the new productivity. Heterogeneous, intelligent, and converged databases will become the key data infrastructure of the financial, government, and telecoms industries."
Committed to building a fully connected, intelligent world, Huawei is a major contributor to ICT infrastructure and smart devices. The leading ICT product and solutions provider continues to invest and innovate in AI computing power, algorithms, and labeled data with many breakthroughs. Mr. Wang added, "AI-Native database GaussDB will help enhance HUAWEI CLOUD’s capabilities and fully unleash the power of diversified computing, which includes x86, ARM, GPU, and NPU computing. We aim to continuously push our AI strategy forward and foster a complete computing ecosystem. Together with our partners, we will move further towards the intelligent world."
At the launch event, Mr. Wang also reiterated Huawei's commitment to advancing intelligent industries by innovating together with customers and partners and building a data industry ecosystem on the principles of openness, collaboration, and shared success.
GaussDB: The world's first AI-Native database
GaussDB represents two major breakthroughs:
First, GaussDB pioneers the embedding of AI capabilities into the full lifecycle of distributed databases, making their self-O&M, self-tuning, self-diagnosis, and self-healing possible. In online analytical processing (OLAP), online transaction processing (OLTP), and hybrid transaction/analytical processing (HTAP) scenarios, GaussDB uses the optimality theory to create the industry's first reinforcement learning self-tuning algorithm, improving tuning performance by over 60%.
Secondly, thanks to its innovative heterogeneous computing framework, GaussDB harnesses the power of diversified computing, including x86, ARM, GPU, and NPU computing. In the TPC-DS benchmark test, GaussDB ranked No.1 in terms of performance, 50% higher than the industry average.
GaussDB supports multiple deployment scenarios, including local deployment and deployment on private or public clouds. On HUAWEI CLOUD, GaussDB provides a full spectrum of high-performance data warehouse services for customers in financial, Internet, logistics, education, and automotive industries.
FusionStorage 8.0: The world’s highest-performance distributed storage
The intelligent world will raise standards even higher for the performance, scale, and manageability of storage systems. In response, FusionStorage 8.0 offers three innovative features:
First, FusionStorage 8.0 boasts the industry's highest distributed storage performance. In the SPC-1 test, FusionStorage 8.0’s read-write performance per node reached 168,000 IOPS in 1ms, powering distributed storage for the first time to support critical enterprise applications.
Secondly, FusionStorage 8.0 simultaneously supports block, file, object, and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) protocols, allowing a single storage system to manage an entire data center.
Thirdly, FusionStorage 8.0 integrates AI into full-lifecycle storage management, from resource planning and service provisioning, to system optimization, risk prediction, and fault location.
An industry ecosystem of openness, collaboration, and shared success
Huawei has redefined data infrastructure from computing, storage, and data processing. It leads diversified computing to make computing power more accessible and affordable. By redefining storage architecture, Huawei helps to increase storage efficiency and lead the way to intelligent storage. And a redefined data processing platform will make data analytics more intelligent and unleash the data of value faster.
So far, Huawei's GaussDB and FusionInsight big data solutions have been deployed in 60 countries and regions, serving over 1,500 customers. These two solutions have been adopted by over 500 business partners, and are widely used in industries such as finance, telecoms, government, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. HUAWEI CLOUD has launched 13 database services, including data warehouse services on the cloud for industry customers. Huawei FusionStorage was the market leader according to the IDC's software-defined storage market share report in 2018.
Upholding the principles of openness, collaboration, and shared success, Huawei actively works with customers and partners to foster a database and storage industry ecosystem consisting of industry applications, platforms and tools, and standards organizations and communities.
To this end, Huawei has established long-term partnerships with independent software vendors, including iSSTech, DCITS, DHC Software, E-Hualu, Yonyou, and AsiaInfo, to pursue data applications in vertical industries. Huawei has conducted innovations in platforms and tools with partners such as Fanruan Software, ARM, Veritas, and China Standard Software. It is also an active contributor to standards organizations and communities, including OpenSDS, China Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance, Open Compute Project, OpenStack, and Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
The Huawei
Global Industry Vision (GIV) predicts that global data volume will increase from 32.5 ZB in 2018 to 180 ZB in 2025. Enterprise demand for AI computing power doubles every three months, and AI adoption will rise to 80% by 2025. Looking to the future intelligent world, Huawei will continue to invest and innovate, and work with partners to redefine data infrastructure. Together, they aim to build a complete ecosystem for diversified computing and make intelligent industries a reality.