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Hu Jintao Sends Warning Message to Military

Staging the test flight of the long-secret J-20 while Mr. Gates was in Beijing amounted to an unusually bold show of force by China. But the demonstration also raised questions about the degree of civilian control of the Chinese military, as President Hu Jintao and other civilian leaders gave their American visitors the impression that they were unaware that the test had been conducted only hours before they received Mr. Gates at the Great Hall of the People.

A senior American defense official said that when Mr. Gates asked Mr. Hu to discuss the test it was evident to the Americans that the Chinese leader and his top civilian advisers were startled by the query and were unprepared to answer him.

"The civilian leadership seemed surprised by the test," Mr. Gates told reporters on Wednesday morning in Mutianyu, during a visit to the Great Wall outside Beijing.

But he said the episode also underscored concerns that the Chinese military might sometimes act independently of the country’s political leadership, a growing worry of American defense officials who say they do not know the real goals of the secretive Chinese armed forces. “I’ve had concerns about this over time,” Mr. Gates said.

Nytimes above voicing same view
When CNN and bbc prints anti Chinese articles you squeal like a pig in protest in defense of the master CCP . Btw I added a nytimes article about the same concerns, but I guess nytimes is now a propaganda machine. You 50 cent army here cry about anyone writing anything negative about china... Your track record of covering up is glaring ... A blogger at this point in his basement,like you, share the same creditability as the Chinese propaganda govt. or should it be reverse...lol

Please, we are talking about the news you dragged here from Epoch time. I've already shown you its credibility (You'd find out itself if you really care) and you still argue here. CNN and BBC sometime do produce fake news but in general they are reputable sources but Epoch time is not. All media are propaganda machines and that's why you post anti-China news and call whoever dispute the news 50 cent even you have never lived a single day in China and believe what's you've read from any source, as long as it is anti-China. Somehow you feel you know more of China even the link you provided is clearly a hoax. Again, please use logic and common sense.
Please, we are talking about the news you dragged here from Epoch time. I've already shown you its credibility (You'd find out itself if you really care) and you still argue here. CNN and BBC sometime do produce fake news but in general they are reputable sources but Epoch time is not. All media are propaganda machines and that's why you post anti-China news and call whoever dispute the news 50 cent even you have never lived a single day in China and believe what's you've read from any source, as long as it is anti-China. Somehow you feel you know more of China even the link you provided is clearly a hoax. Again, please use logic and common sense.

That secondary link is to the news paper and not directly to the article. You are being cheeky in trying to say that link is a hoax.

More importantly the creditability of your claim is defunct because the same issue was espoused by NY times months ago. There is no anti china lies posted. There is factual news posted which you guys claim as false always. Lastly what creditability do you have ? You guys have been caught lying everytime , fudging everytime to keep this false sense of image going...

I ask you again did you premier post in the paper the comments attributed to him , regardless of the link ? If you say no, your no different than the CCP that claimed china had no cases of SARS
It's a crap article, defense minister Liang Guanglie can never challenge Hu, Liang is just a small potato
They have plenty of common news between them. Besides CNN bbc don't quote your state media propaganda too. That makes yourmedia a bogus machine - yeah... Mr I am a chini blogger therefore I am a journalist ....

When CNN and bbc prints anti Chinese articles you squeal like a pig in protest in defense of the master CCP . Btw I added a nytimes article about the same concerns, but I guess nytimes is now a propaganda machine. You 50 cent army here cry about anyone writing anything negative about china... Your track record of covering up is glaring ... A blogger at this point in his basement,like you, share the same creditability as the Chinese propaganda govt. or should it be reverse...lol

dpa (Deutsche Presse Agentur) is quoted on a daily basis by all news agencies. In case you just wanted to slander the Chinese with your lies that BBC and other European media don't quote Chinese news agencies. Here we go:
BBC News - China: Worker's death sparks Wenzhou protest

Frankfurter Allgemeine
Schwierige Wetterlage: Zweiter Deutscher auf dem Mount Everest gestorben - Gesellschaft - FAZ

Le Figaro
Le Figaro - Flash Eco : Chine: vers des hausses de salaires

Have we met each other? Or are you pulling things out of your arse in regard to my private life? what a sore loser you are!
Götterdämmerung;2995150 said:
dpa (Deutsche Presse Agentur) is quoted on a daily basis by all news agencies. In case you just wanted to slander the Chinese with your lies that BBC and other European media don't quote Chinese news agencies. Here we go:
BBC News - China: Worker's death sparks Wenzhou protest

Frankfurter Allgemeine
Schwierige Wetterlage: Zweiter Deutscher auf dem Mount Everest gestorben - Gesellschaft - FAZ

Le Figaro
Le Figaro - Flash Eco : Chine: vers des hausses de salaires

Have we met each other? Or are you pulling things out of your arse in regard to my private life? what a sore loser you are!

You have claimed to be a journalist here while espousing every CCP propaganda as the holy grail. So spare me the feigned outrage.

It's a crap article, defense minister Liang Guanglie can never challenge Hu, Liang is just a small potato

Perhaps. But tell us why your premier had no clue on several occasions about military acts under their/nose? How do you account for the blistering verbiage out of your generals on multiple occasions? This from what we have been told is a very disciplined country...

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/15/international/asia/15china.html Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs if U.S. Intrudes
You have claimed to be a journalist here while espousing every CCP propaganda as the holy grail. So spare me the feigned outrage.

You have any proofs that I'm not a journalist?

I'm espousing CCP propaganda by exposing your blatant lies with news articles from the BBC, Frankfurter Allgemeine and Le Figaro? :)
Götterdämmerung;2993686 said:
And how come the BBC, CNN and other reputable news agencies never quote the Epoch Times?

I got the impression that you act like a hysterical fishwife when you lose an argument. :D


And now the German bashing of Indians, LOVELY :enjoy:

Götterdämmerung;2995150 said:
dpa (Deutsche Presse Agentur) is quoted on a daily basis by all news agencies. In case you just wanted to slander the Chinese with your lies that BBC and other European media don't quote Chinese news agencies. Here we go:
BBC News - China: Worker's death sparks Wenzhou protest

Frankfurter Allgemeine
Schwierige Wetterlage: Zweiter Deutscher auf dem Mount Everest gestorben - Gesellschaft - FAZ

Le Figaro
Le Figaro - Flash Eco : Chine: vers des hausses de salaires

Have we met each other? Or are you pulling things out of your arse in regard to my private life? what a sore loser you are!

Ouch. It hurts :D
People still reference Epoch Times, why? It's so blatantly biased and fake people should've known by now.

Sometimes I wonder if I should start an anti-china newspaper just to make some money since stupid people seems to eat it up.
People still reference Epoch Times, why? It's so blatantly biased and fake people should've known by now.

Sometimes I wonder if I should start an anti-china newspaper just to make some money since stupid people seems to eat it up.

It's not that easy, mate. If you have ever read an Epoch Times edition you would have noticed that they have practically zero advertisment revenue. Now compare to any other reputable newspaper that have to rely on advertisements to survive, don't you ask yourself how they manage to finance this whole project? Where does the money come from? If you know the source of their finance, then you can start your anti-China newspaper. ;)
Götterdämmerung;2995365 said:
It's not that easy, mate. If you have ever read an Epoch Times edition you would have noticed that they have practically zero advertisment revenue. Now compare to any other reputable newspaper that have to rely on advertisements to survive, don't you ask yourself how they manage to finance this whole project? Where does the money come from? If you know the source of their finance, then you can start your anti-China newspaper. ;)

Says the blogger claiming to be a journalist who gets his talking points from the STATE run media in china. :rofl:

Götterdämmerung;2995266 said:
You have any proofs that I'm not a journalist?

I'm espousing CCP propaganda by exposing your blatant lies with news articles from the BBC, Frankfurter Allgemeine and Le Figaro? :)

Proof , your posting history of being a CCP mouth piece is enough proof . What about BBC ? I said they don't print your propogandist talk points as factual reporting. Guess what, that riot news was also reported by epoch. Epoch has better access within china and you guys hate that they shine a light on your image . Once again nobody is disputing the claim made in the article only haing a fit that it has come out to the free world. A quick look at http://www.theepochtimes.com/ and you will see they report on everyone not just china, but you CcP 50 centers only object to the truth they shine on your country.

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