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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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Every one of us has the right and the duty to protect him/herself from bullshit. Bullshit has no nationality. It can emanate from anywhere, India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh or the USA, all have bullshitters on the internet. It all boils down to what an individual wants from a forum. If the intention is to wallow in nonsense and counter nonsense, then that is what they do. Those who are interested in information and knowledge will avoid exposing himself to bullshit though this is sometimes a difficult task.

PDF has not changed anything for me. There are people everywhere who are nice, decent and friendly and there are others who are not. Period.
Chinks are my best of best friends in US. Chinks have an old and great civilization. Chinks have beautiful girls and are smart and resiliant people that suffered Imperialism and overcame it by becoming one of the world's strongest nations. I respect China and the Chinese, more than any other Islamic country. :pakistan::china:

He was obviously doing a parody of the way Indians talk here. :lol:
Thats what you think. For all we know...he probably grew up using the term. Ofcourse, he would deny...but Indians and Pakistanis are not that different..:P
All I can get from ths forum is that India has progressed, but Indians show their cheap mentality by showing themselves off. Is India a third world country? In many aspects, YES! Is India a first world country? In many aspects, NO. The egotistical nature of Indians on this forum makes me laugh at them. If Indians were humble while progressing and strengthing their country, many nations would have respect for them.

Indian pooth bahut martay hain.
Translation:Indians show-off more than they are worth.
All I can get from ths forum is that India has progressed, but Indians show their cheap mentality by showing themselves off. Is India a third world country? In many aspects, YES! Is India a first world country? In many aspects, NO. The egotistical nature of Indians on this forum makes me laugh at them. If Indians were humble while progressing and strengthing their country, many nations would have respect for them.

Indian pooth bahut martay hain.
Translation:Indians show-off more than they are worth.

Not a single Indian will claim first world status. Anyone who does are either delusional or a Pakistani masquerading as an Indian. If you couldn't grasp the most obvious, then maybe you ought to jump off a cliff for being exceedingly stupid.
My perception of Saudi Arabia has become slightly worse (it wasn't too good to begin with, so it isn't that much of a difference). Aside from that, my perceptions of most nations haven't really changed because of PDF.
I find it funny when simpletons ask CD for proof and he gives ample of proof then when proved wrong how Indians dont accept that their is a rogue element within their ranks that cant hide their racism. There is mixtures in all races. Whats worse is when a retard makes a racist remark and then his fellow trolls thank him hence encouraging him to do more. Wish more of you guys could behave like pmukerjee. Respect and treat how you expect to be treated.
My perceptions

Pakistan -- from extreme negative to negative
China -- positive to positive
Bangladesh -- Neutral to positive
Sri lanka -- Positive to positive

A few nutcases can't change my views.
before joining PK defense i though BDs are friendly to Indians.

well i don't think so now

but the fact that surprised me is that center of the solar system of many Pakistani members is not sun but India.
We may have our differences with Vietnam, but they have balls. So does America, Japan, Korea, Europe, etc... they have all proved that they are capable nations, and worthy of respect.

India on the other hand isn't worth anyone's time. India is not even a real country, but an artificial creation of the British.

While China was fighting the superpower USA in the Korean war, and the superpower USSR in the Sino-Soviet split.... India was losing her land to third-world nations like China (Aksai chin) and Pakistan (half of Kashmir).

India has more poor than Africa, yet from how they talk, you would think that they are already the #1 superpower in the world. Really 不要脸。

I have heard this "no India" theory many times before.

What you people purposely deny is that.......Ancient India or Hindustan stretched from modern day Afghanistan in the west(the existence of Bamiyan Buddha status-destroyed by the Talibans and HinduKush mountains proove it) to modern day Myanmar(Burma-Chola dynasty stretched from South India to modern day Myanmar) in the east.

YES, this vast landmass was not unified under a single rular, there were many warring dynasties.....but what you people try to deny is that, even though there were many warring dynasties, they were still UNIFIED by one single binding force called HINDUISM.
So, From Afghanistan to Myanmar to the southern tip, It was one Unified HINDUSTAN.

So modern India is much smaller than actual India(Hindustan).......so you are right indeed, modern India is not real India

Moreover, this "warring dynasty" theory can also be applied to China.
Like India, the vast Chinese landmass was also ruled by different warring dynasties....but no one says that China as a whole was never unified and so never existed.
We may have our differences with Vietnam, but they have balls. So does America, Japan, Korea, Europe, etc... they have all proved that they are capable nations, and worthy of respect.

India on the other hand isn't worth anyone's time. India is not even a real country, but an artificial creation of the British.

While China was fighting the superpower USA in the Korean war, and the superpower USSR in the Sino-Soviet split.... India was losing her land to third-world nations like China (Aksai chin) and Pakistan (half of Kashmir).

India has more poor than Africa, yet from how they talk, you would think that they are already the #1 superpower in the world. Really 不要脸。

India sent the British home in 1947,
India sent Portuguese home in the 1970s after fighting with their military.

What did china do to Get hong Kong back from the British ?

Waited until 1997 till the lease is over.
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