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How would a modern day Pakistan v/s Israel conflict play out?

That didn't turn out too good for the Iraqis', did it ? It would be for your 'own good'. Like taking scissors from a running little kid.

The point wasn't whether it turned out good for the Iraqis or not...the point was the 'unamed intelligence sources' being quoted in the US media to perpetuate conspiracy theories isn't a one-off thing....its a norm with its most glaring example being the Invasion of Iraq based on Weapons of Mass Destruction & 10 years down the lane we've yet to see a used fire-cracker being recovered from Iraq let alone a WMD !
Israel even won't listen even if US asked them to stop the strikes. Even UN/US asked them to stop, did they stopped?? For such a small country, economic growth is very impressive. One of the most important leader in Science and Technology. They fought so many wars in the last 100years, did their economy ever struggled?? One on one with Israel would be a night mare for Pakistan or any country(except the big5).
The point wasn't whether it turned out good for the Iraqis or not...the point was the 'unamed intelligence sources' being quoted in the US media to perpetuate conspiracy theories isn't a one-off thing....its a norm with its most glaring example being the Invasion of Iraq based on Weapons of Mass Destruction & 10 years down the lane we've yet to see a used fire-cracker being recovered from Iraq let alone a WMD !

Well, you don't get guys giving their names too much when they're blurting out classified stuff. The subject is easily researched with multiple sources. It's not a very well kept 'secret'. And actually, WMD's WERE found in Iraq but people poo-poo it saying they were old and degraded. Still, they wouldn't want them as a conversation piece on their mantles.

us has to first locate the nukes and then go through 30,000 highly trained commandos who have orders to shoot at will…..

They're not the same guys that hid Bin Laden, are they ?
Well, you don't get guys giving their names too much when they're blurting out classified stuff. The subject is easily researched with multiple sources. It's not a very well kept 'secret'. And actually, WMD's WERE found in Iraq but people poo-poo it saying they were old and degraded. Still, they wouldn't want them as a conversation piece on their mantles.

They're not the same guys that hid Bin Laden, are they ?
probably not, probably different guys …why? did we actually find bin laden in pakistan btw? because makes no sense to me.. why they wouldn't show us a dead bin laden while they paraded saddam hussein around..
... did we actually find bin laden in pakistan btw?

Don't tell me you missed all that.

because makes no sense to me.. why they wouldn't show us a dead bin laden while they paraded saddam hussein around..

The U.S. didn't hang or 'parade' Sadaam around. That was an Iraqi thing. We don't do that stuff. Why give the Islamofascist propaganda ?
The U.S. didn't hang or 'parade' Sadaam around. That was an Iraqi thing. We don't do that stuff. Why give the Islamofascist propaganda ?
we are just asking for proof like some sort of body or his face or anyother thing you know in intelligence setup you creat an agent and glorify him and label him as a traitor just to smoke screen ur enemies but that man still works for you , thats the case with Osama created my CIA worked for CIA and when his job was done they faked his death i am 100 percent sure he might be living near whithouse with shaved face and 20 american girls as a reward
we are just asking for proof like some sort of body or his face or anyother thing you know in intelligence setup you creat an agent and glorify him and label him as a traitor just to smoke screen ur enemies but that man still works for you , thats the case with Osama created my CIA worked for CIA and when his job was done they faked his death i am 100 percent sure he might be living near whithouse with shaved face and 20 american girls as a reward

I saw a guy the other day working at a Dunkin Donuts in Philly that DID look a lot like Bin Laden. HMMMMM !!?? Then there was that guy in Jersey that pumped my gas......
Pakistan's military doctrine is geared toward fighting India conventionally and lately experienced in COIN campaigns as well. Its army and air force are planned for both defensive and offensive operations inside India.

Israel's army is almost entirely defensive. It's air force is capable of delivering serious firepower in neighboring countries.

Both navies are incapable of formidable-enough deep water strikes.

Neither has strategic missiles capable of striking each other.

The distance between the two countries is approximately 3000km

Israel's air force cannot strike as far as Pakistan and even if it could - it can't possibly traverse through Iran or KSA.

Pakistan's air force (AFAIK) is not capable of striking Israel from Pakistani soil.

Without involvement of third-parties (US, India, Iran, Iraq, KSA, China), I would think the conflict would be restricted to proxies alone.

With KSA, Iran or Iraq on our side, we could deploy assets remotely to strike directly at Israel.
Israel does not have this advantage. No one (except India) would be willing to host Israel in this region.

How far would India go to support Israel? Hosting Israeli assets for strikes into Pakistan is the same as an Indian strike itself. Would India risk war to support Israel against Pakistan? At risk of involving China?

KSA and Iran might use the opportunity to strike at Israel via their proxies (or each other).

All in all, I think this would make an interesting discussion.

I just hope we can discuss it objectively ;)

A glance at the geography of the region:

Now is not the time dude. We need to first stand by ourselves economically. Then we can and will deal with them.
it'll be an all out nuclear war , i don't know who the beneficiary
I saw a guy the other day working at a Dunkin Donuts in Philly that DID look a lot like Bin Laden. HMMMMM !!?? Then there was that guy in Jersey that pumped my gas......
maybe you also saw mullah omar near ur house partying with hot american chicks
The U.S. didn't hang or 'parade' Sadaam around. That was an Iraqi thing. We don't do that stuff. Why give the Islamofascist propaganda ?
its the truth, i want to see a dead bin laden before i let my country get attacked by people for hiding that bastard..
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Pakistan is what you call a 'crack mulk'. I am pretty sure we would just go kamakazi: accept our defeat and launch all our nuclear missiles to Israel and India..

Above sentences was a Joke of course. All-in-all Pakistan will not win the war but we will not lose it either.
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