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How will Obama's re-election affect the conflict with Iran?

Not much , iran will make another 30 fighter jets
Create another 10 frigates
Create another 50 Missile boats
Add another 200 helicopters
The locally produced S300 Variant will be released in a year

Finalize the space rocket to move its sattelite and GPS systems

Finalise its Ballistic missile

Finish its Nuclear plants

Finalize deals for economy with Pakistan ...

Business as usual
I am glad Obama has won the second term, because the alternative (Romney) would have translated into a war with Iran with no meaningful negotiations.
I dont think there will be any shift in policy, any of their presidents is just a front-man for powerful lobbies and corporations. In previous elections, I thought Obama would have a different foreign policy than Bush - nope, exactly the same, and if you watched Romney/Obomber debates, their policy towards Iran is the same as well.
I am not sure I agree Harry....Obama seems more level headed towards Iran and does not bow down to Israel that easily. He seems to care more about US where Romney has given his full allegiance to Israel and more likely to support/push for a strike on Iran.
I am not sure I agree Harry....Obama seems more level headed towards Iran and does not bow down to Israel that easily. He seems to care more about US where Romney has given his full allegiance to Israel and more likely to support/push for a strike on Iran.

If you had watched the last debates, their policy towards Iran was exactly the same. Romney earlier said all those things you mentioned - full allegiance to Netanyahoo, Bush-like rhetoric against Iran, but he later toned down.

As we had a discussion in other forum, whats worse - a known criminal, or a potential criminal? Its a possibility Romney was behaving like neo-con to get the votes - as we saw later, he was flip-floping as he saw fit to get more votes. As a president its likely he wouldnt had been a bigger warmonger than Obomber is, but we'll never know. Now we get again the same sneaky, back-stabbing US president, with zero consciousness.
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