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How Will China Use Her New Aircraft Carrier?


Nov 4, 2011
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How Will China Use Her New Aircraft Carrier?

Author: Alex Markman — Published: Jul 09, 2012 at 8:44 am
BC Politics Premium

According to Chinese sources, China is building a new aircraft carrier which will be a marvel of war technology. This is not the first time that Chinese military hardware innovation has surprised military analysts with its formidable technical excellence. Notwithstanding that, the new marine war machine is much more significant, and scary, than any Chinese previous achievement except production of the nuclear bomb. As this carrier’s technical capability and political implications of its deployment are interrelated, I would like to briefly review them both.

The catamaran-like twin hulls of this vessel make it more stable and faster than any monohull carrier. Its twin flight decks have more space for takeoff and landing, and allow stationing more aircraft than its counterparts in any country. It can carry nuclear submarines between its hulls. The list of its superior technical features is virtually endless. The envy of engineers and military specialists alike, the new carrier moves China into the ranks of technical superpowers, and narrows the gap with the United States.

The political significance of these carriers is enormous. China plans to deploy six of them around the globe, including one in the Mediterranean. The Chinese Communist government insists that its military buildup is for defence purposes only, which sounds rather preposterous, as the primary mission of such a carrier is not defence, but assault.

Until now, the Chinese war machine has been inferior to that of the US. China has lacked the US' advanced technology, and Chinese strategic concepts were not on a par with America for the same reason. For example, China has not had fully computerised battle management, which relies heavily on information obtained from satellites and other realtime acquisition sources. The Chinese are quickly closing the gap, however. China has already declared that by 2020 it will have complete global satellite coverage with 35 satellites, meeting all its civil and military needs and challenging the American GPS system.

The world doesn't know the real intentions of Communist China; we can only guess. To feed its rapid economical progress, China needs natural resources from all over the globe. Its enormous population and improvement of living standard create problems more rapidly than the government can solve them. Its military progress, and particularly strategic hardware of the offence, are the reflection of China’s global interest and aggressive long term strategy.

China will soon have the capacity to intimidate all nations, including the US. It already has more hardware than any single state. It has an unlimited supply of educated, trained soldiers. With very short notice its army can mobilise more personnel than all of NATO combined.

Whatever happens in the future will likely shock the world. Empires come and go. Will China be the next one?
simple ans..they will use Varayag as a training platform and let other one complete first.then they will use it to project power in SCS.though i'm pretty much sure they willn't use it to ram vietnamese boats..They willn't/Can't project power in Pacific until next decade..
what aircraft carrier?

Think the guy is talking about this thing:


He should write about the ex-Varyag instead, which is currently in existence.
If built this one would be an engineering marvel!
Love the innovative prowess of the Chinese.
An enemy to learn from.
Aside from Varyag, the first carrier manufactured in China may be similar in size to Kitty Hawk. Contrary to what people believe, I don't think it will be deployed in SCS. Two potential adversaries in the region, Vietnam and Philippines, have next to nothing in naval comparison. Deploying a carrier battlegroup would be a huge overkill. Instead, I think Japan would be a more logical choice for deterrence.
may be it can be sold to pakistan and pakistan navy will use it for one year and will become bankrupt and would sell to UAE because they could not afford. NOTHING CAN BE SAID...........:angel:

Maybe they can sell it to India, where the media promised Indians a domestically manufactured AC by 2012 which is now delayed until 2014, which will be delayed beyond...
This is a blogger with anonymous sources, why is this even posted when the credibility of it is nil?

Even assuming this carrier is a world beating marvel of technology that houses 1000 aircraft and 20 nuclear subs, it still needs fuel (unless it runs on sea water?), it still needs a supply chain, and it still needs support.
How will China use her new carrier? As a political statement, a single carrier is a target multiple carriers with the required support craft are a projection of power. China may one day have that capability but probably not in my life time.
what a marvelous peice of engnieering looking great when wil this project completed?

what a marvelous peice of engnieering looking great when wil this project completed?
what a marvelous peice of engnieering looking great when wil this project completed?

I heard, in many blogs, China is in the process of building two super carrier in a hush hush project that will be unveiled in the next couple of years. Going by their record they are always ahead of schedules.
I heard, in many blogs, China is in the process of building two super carrier in a hush hush project that will be unveiled in the next couple of years. Going by their record they are always ahead of schedules.

Unstoppable fast development
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