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How Tough is China’s Mission to Fight Terrorism

Lee also said that chinese culture is vengeful and that the US should work at all costs to counter our rise, so him promoting chinese culture seems not so friendly anymore.

I am not sure about what Lee said exactly. Care to provide a link, and not just hearsay? At any rate - just as it goes without saying that the PRC's responsibility is first and foremost to her citizens, you will need to see that the PRC no longer has a monopoly over this so-called "Chinese culture". On second thought - it never did to begin with!

After 60 years of Bolshevism, the PRC hardly is a bastion of classic Chinese thinking, a fact which btw does not upset me terribly since I too "grew up under the red banner".

But what amuses me is reading about the sponsorship of various "Confucius Institutes" here and there ... sometimes one has to feel sorry for the CCP :partay:

When I first came to Canada, my folks had said to me that the South East Asian Chinese have retained far more "culture" than us mainlanders. I initially thought - how preposterous? Then slowly my own personal experiences largely validated this.

I am not sure whether Lee is "promoting Chinese Culture" and far be it from my intention to turn this into a debate on what constitutes "Chinese culture".

My sole point is, Lee could be promoting a version of "Chinese culture" that differs from the current bastardized version peddled by the CCP both internally and around the world.

BTW, I personally in fact see certain advantages to this "bastardized version" as opposed to the "classical version" - everything adapts, or else.
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The person you are talking to will not understand that. Because he belongs to a Turkish speaking ethnic minority of Xinjiang .... I am not naming the community's name but hope you understand. These separatists hate Chinese (because of racism) and thats natural. If they start loving Chinese, I will say thats abnormal, unnatural and of course alarming.

I see, now you think you know something about me ...

No I am neither Tamil nor Uighur. :partay:

However, what the heck are you, Auntie Lenin? :what:

Otherwise, preach on!

I am not sure about what Lee said exactly. Care to provide a link, and not just hearsay? At any rate - just as it goes without saying that the PRC's responsibility is first and foremost to her citizens, you will need to see that the PRC no longer has a monopoly over this so-called "Chinese culture". On second thought - it never did to begin with!

After 60 years of Bolshevism, the PRC hardly is a bastion of classic Chinese thinking, a fact which btw does not upset me terribly since I too "grew up under the red banner".

But what amuses me is reading about the sponsorship of various "Confucius Institutes" here and there ... sometimes one has to feel sorry for the CCP :partay:

When I first came to Canada, my folks had said to me that the South East Asian Chinese have retained far more "culture" than us mainlanders. I initially thought - how preposterous? Then slowly my own personal experiences largely validated this.

I am not sure whether Lee is "promoting Chinese Culture" and far be it from my intention to turn this into a debate on what constitutes "Chinese culture".

My sole point is, Lee could be promoting a version of "Chinese culture" that differs from the current bastardized version peddled by the CCP both internally and around the world.

BTW, I personally in fact see certain advantages to this "bastardized version" as opposed to the "classical version" - everything adapts, or else.

heres the article: US should counteract China in southeast asia.


yes, if you mean classical culture as in Qing Dynasty, bow down to emperors (US) and cut his own genitals off for profit Lee has done a great job! a spineless coward that leads a weak army, like the Qing Dynasty's 北洋水师.

in a real war against china, singapore would last maybe 4 hours. precision strikes with CJ-10, DF-21, 飞豹, Su-30, Q-5 and H-6 would destroy singapore's entire air force on the ground and paralyze it within the hour. the singapore navy could be taken out with 1 093 and a few 054s.

i hope they are not like the south koreans who overestimate themselves.
heres the article: US should counteract China in southeast asia.


yes, if you mean classical culture as in Qing Dynasty, bow down to emperors (US) and cut his own genitals off for profit Lee has done a great job! a spineless coward that leads a weak army, like the Qing Dynasty's 北洋水师.

in a real war against china, singapore would last maybe 4 hours. precision strikes with CJ-10, DF-21, 飞豹, Su-30, Q-5 and H-6 would destroy singapore's entire air force on the ground and paralyze it within the hour. the singapore navy could be taken out with 1 093 and a few 054s.

i hope they are not like the south koreans who overestimate themselves.

I like our Korean brothers & sisters, since before 1900s they were part of China.

People say the North Koreans are "brainwashed" but it seems they are more grounded in reality (though prideful) than the South Koreans. :)

I like our Korean brothers & sisters, since before 1900s they were part of China.

People say the North Koreans are "brainwashed" but it seems they are more grounded in reality (though prideful) than the South Koreans. :)

Yes...The reality is that NKR is a hellhole on Earth...

N. Korea defector touts ideology over force - CNN.com
Hwang Jang-yop...an 87-year-old former secretary of North Korea's ruling Workers' Party,...

Describing life in North Korea, he said, "Everybody are slaves, serfs ... People have been brainwashed and abused for so long they don't even know they are supposed to have rights."

Even of his own privileged life in North Korea, he said "we were high ranked slaves. We still lived a life of servitude. We didn't have freedom."
well, south koreans think that Confucius was a Korean and that Korea is the greatest nation on earth so... i'm not sure who is more brainwashed at this point. Both north and south are delusional, just a matter of degree.
well, south koreans think that Confucius was a Korean and that Korea is the greatest nation on earth so... i'm not sure who is more brainwashed at this point. Both north and south are delusional, just a matter of degree.

Just the young whipper-snapper South Koreans are delusional. The oldies (>45) understand history. The old ones even know that Korea was part of China in their parents/grandparents time (before the Japanese annexation).

... in a real war against china, singapore would last maybe 4 hours. precision strikes with CJ-10, DF-21, 飞豹, Su-30, Q-5 and H-6 would destroy singapore's entire air force on the ground and paralyze it within the hour. the singapore navy could be taken out with 1 093 and a few 054s.

Thanks for the link. Your last paragraph outlines the exact reasons why ASEAN has a trust deficit in the PRC.

A hegemonic PRC will not be liked - and will be countered - actively and passively.

Let's not forget the teaching of 墨子, my friend.

If your mission is to struggle against Amrikan Imperialism, moral double-standard, and shady meddling, then we are with you. However, if your goal is to agitate for PRC hegemony, then we are against you - full stop.

But I think of the many posters here, deep down you know the difference between hegemonic ambition and the right to development and self-assertion.

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well, south koreans think that Confucius was a Korean and that Korea is the greatest nation on earth so... i'm not sure who is more brainwashed at this point. Both north and south are delusional, just a matter of degree.

You impression is probably not far off from reality. The ones that "abhor" China the most these days are historical, imperial China's former "possessions" - Korea, (northern) Vietnam, and outer Mongolia.

Familiarity breeds contempt ...

I doubt anyone inside China has "easy" answers to many of these vexing questions. Man's wisdom can only carry you so far.
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<Lee also said that chinese culture is vengeful and that the US should work at all costs to counter our rise, so him promoting chinese culture seems not so friendly anymore.>

Apparently, you don't know **** about geopolitics!!! You need to study in Sing maybe you can be more knowledgeable.

<people of other countries swear loyalty to their countries, including people of chinese ethnicity, i don't know whats the problem here. they swear loyalty to whatever their government is, even if its made up of whites. thats fine, but don't expect a foreign government (the PRC) to help citizens of another country. the government doesn't do enough for CHINESE CITIZENS and you expect them to help NON CITIZENS?>

This is totally BS!!! You remind me of a horse that is lead to a river but refuses to drink. Well, carry on with your confused or warped understanding of ethnicity and nationality. No sense of beating a dead horse.

<well, south koreans think that Confucius was a Korean and that Korea is the greatest nation on earth so... i'm not sure who is more brainwashed at this point. Both north and south are delusional, just a matter of degree.>

Where did you get this idea or understanding???? Are you spewing **** again?

One thing I can say about Korea is that they are fucked like Turkey. Korea is sandwiched between China and Japan and both have influenced them heavily. So, it's natural for them to try to build their identity. Have you noticed in international sport games that they always try to win more golds than China and Japan? Definitely, South Korea has beaten Japan in getting more golds. In the last winter olympics South Korea got more golds than China.

<yes, if you mean classical culture as in Qing Dynasty, bow down to emperors (US) and cut his own genitals off for profit Lee has done a great job! a spineless coward that leads a weak army, like the Qing Dynasty's &#21271;&#27915;&#27700;&#24072;.

in a real war against china, singapore would last maybe 4 hours. precision strikes with CJ-10, DF-21, &#39134;&#35961;, Su-30, Q-5 and H-6 would destroy singapore's entire air force on the ground and paralyze it within the hour. the singapore navy could be taken out with 1 093 and a few 054s.> Please stop with your BS!!!! Just wondering where did get your education and the shits?

Are you out of your ******* mind? Why would the PRC even think of attacking Singapore? **** is a tiny country!!!
No I am neither Tamil nor Uighur.

Nor Chinese and full stop.

Writing some Mandarin does not make someone Chinese. In my opinion, a person irrespective of race and religion can become Chinese only if he is genuinely loyal to Mother China. This should be the new definition of being a Chinese.

You try to split Mother China and claim to be Chinese. Hilarious.

I know some anti China and Chinese hater used to support USA but as soon as the US drone bombed a Uighur terrorist called Abdul Haq al-Turkistani in Pakistan,

(whose shape of the eyes betray his DNA status, hope your understand)

....the person changed his position and became anti American.

I know what led to the transformation of mindset.

Since this thread is related to China's home grown terrorism (of course backed and funded by CIA and M15), I am trying to stick to the topic, unlike you.

One more thing, Uighur terrorists use a particular religion as a cover and also to misled and rally outsiders' support. They try to be cunning but the problem is that they also hate and (and even killed) the largest Muslim population of China, the Hui Chinese. So Uighur terrorists kill Muslims in the name of Islam (actually due to racism). They would have also killed an Iranian, had he been there, because an Iranian (though Muslim by religion) does not belong to the Uighur sub ethnicity.

Uighurs (I am sorry to disappoint you) don't have any genetic similarity even with the majority of Turks. If you don't believe me, then do DNA tests. Laboratory based science always speaks the truth, I am sorry. Only a microscopic minority of Uigurs may appear with blonde hair, grey eyes; and pointed nose? I also have a pointed nose... just as same as that of Alexander, so am I a descendant of Mr Alexander? Ha ha ha ha :lol:

And Xinjiang is not Uighurs' personal property, they earlier they understand, the better would be the consequences for them. Xinjiang is home to 47 sub-ethnic groups, even I exclude the Hans. There are Hui, Mongolian, Xi-be, Uzbek, Daur, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tajik, Manchu, Russian (more than 20,000, current population, though many of them migrated to the Heilongjiang province), Tartar ethnic as well as sub-ethnic minorities living in Xinjiang. And they don't want Xinjiang to be solely Uighurs' home, because they know how well Uighur terrorists would treat them if Xinjiang gets separated from China (which is not possible until the next tectonic movement).

Tajiks (another Muslim minority, smaller in number than Uighurs) look more Caucasoid than the Uighurs, alas Tajiks don't want separation.


A Tajik girl


A Uighur girl

China is a secular republican state and China will remain so. :china:
Nor Chinese and full stop.

Writing some Mandarin does not make someone Chinese. In my opinion, a person irrespective of race and religion can become Chinese only if he is genuinely loyal to Mother China. This should be the new definition of being a Chinese.

You try to split Mother China and claim to be Chinese. Hilarious.

I know some anti China and Chinese hater used to support USA but as soon as the US drone bombed a Uighur terrorist called Abdul Haq al-Turkistani in Pakistan,

This is bordering on hilarious. :D

I am far more entertained than offended. Heck - when did I ever imply that I am anything other than a member of the ethnic Han Chinese diaspora?

And who and what exactly are your loyal devoteeship to "mother China"? Care to elaborate for us?

And what is your motive apart from spreading Bolshevik brand of one-worldism?

And what the heck is this Abdul Haq business? :what: Are the Chinese supposed to take ownership of the deeds of all who have "almond-shaped" eyes, and non-hooked noses? What about his eyes tell us? Timur Lane also looked semi-Mongoloid and what does that have to do with anything? What's this Tajik stuff - who the hell is talking about tajiks in China?

Yes, the Hui-Uighur conflict has a history that goes deeper than your knowledge - tell me, which of the &#35199;&#21271;&#20116;&#39532; (Hui Muslim forces) erased the so-called "East Turkistan"?

We are all doing a bit of learning here.

And when the hell did I say Xinjiang is Uighur's personal property? All I have been saying is we know very well - heck, too well who is backing Uighur separatism and hoping to profit from it.

And based on my own analysis, Turkey is not the culprit. If some amongst their leadship or other Grey Wolfie enthusiasts want to lend themselves as the tool, then so be it.

Amrika, the former Soviet Union, and Saudi Arabia are far, far bigger players.
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<Writing some Mandarin does not make someone Chinese. In my opinion, a person irrespective of race and religion can become Chinese only if he is genuinely loyal to Mother China. This should be the new definition of being a Chinese.>

Dude, that's a pretty tight definition and too idealistic. Unfortunately, in the real world this won't fly. Of course, you can make it fly in your own world. You always have an option to do that.

<And Xinjiang is not Uighurs' personal property, they earlier they understand, the better would be the consequences for them. Xinjiang is home to 47 sub-ethnic groups, even I exclude the Hans. There are Hui, Mongolian, Xi-be, Uzbek, Daur, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tajik, Manchu, Russian (more than 20,000, current population, though many of them migrated to the Heilongjiang province), Tartar ethnic as well as sub-ethnic minorities living in Xinjiang. And they don't want Xinjiang to be solely Uighurs' home, because they know how well Uighur terrorists would treat them if Xinjiang gets separated from China (which is not possible until the next tectonic movement). >

Absolutely. It sounds like you have read the book called "Entering Xinjiang."

<Tajiks (another Muslim minority, smaller in number than Uighurs) look more Caucasoid than the Uighurs, alas Tajiks don't want separation.> But some Tajiks look Mongoloid. The Tajiks are actually the Iranians who got lost in the Xinjiang desert. LOL.

The bottom line is that the people in Xinjiang are mixed races or ethnicities; thanks to the Mongols for conquering Central Asia, Middle East, and Eastern Europe. However, the ******* BBC likes to portray that the people in Xinjiang are Caucasoid which is totally BS.

**** look at the feature of Rebiya Kadeer, does she look like Caucasoid? ******* BBC!!!!
Dude, that's a pretty tight definition and too idealistic. Unfortunately, in the real world this won't fly. Of course, you can make it fly in your own world. You always have an option to do that.

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Absolutely. It sounds like you have read the book called "Entering Xinjiang."


We lost too much.

But some Tajiks look Mongoloid. The Tajiks are actually the Iranians who got lost in the Xinjiang desert. LOL.

Yes, I know. You are absolutely right. And Uighurs in general look more Mongoloid than Tajiks.

The bottom line is that the people in Xinjiang are mixed races or ethnicities; thanks to the Mongols for conquering Central Asia, Middle East, and Eastern Europe. However, the ******* BBC likes to portray that the people in Xinjiang are Caucasoid which is totally BS.

Thats why I used the term sub-ethnic.

**** look at the feature of Rebiya Kadeer, does she look like Caucasoid? ******* BBC!!!!

BBC is an extension of M15. Open secret.

Perhaps the only pure blood Caucasoids are the Chechens from the Norther Caucasus.
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