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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

You have the right to deport them back to Bangladesh not shoot them. It is a gross human rights violation to shoot unarmed civilians.

Fair enough, its your country, fence it, make a dmz, its your will.

Your government is trying to control our government and run her nose in our matters. Respect our sovereignty. I guess you have never heard the term 'freedom of speech'

Again, 90% of the Bangladeshi population are against the transit route and citizens on Bangladesh have every right to voice their opinion. It is you who seem to be obsessed with Bangladesh. You are in our section not the other way round.

About the "india doctrine", i believe its a conspiracy theory book.

Now listen:

1.stop trying to gain browny points by saying "we gave you freedom and you folks are backstabbers", you guys didn't do it for us, you did it for yourself and it was in your interest to separate Pakistan otherwise you'd be having nukes pointing at you from 2 wings of Pakistan.

2. stop rambling about how Hasina is the best thing and the best thing that happened for Bangladesh and our prosperity. We are Bangladeshis we certainly more of her corruption than you Indians.

3.Even when your journalists are get caught with your pants down, you folks still defend them without logic and basic ramblings.

4.supa powa india syndrome with below sub saharan poverty.:lol:

5. stop using propaganda that Bangladeshis are over flowing in India, that is a sheer Hindu nationalist propaganda, if you can prove them they are bangladeshis, then deport them. You don't do that, thus it means it is a propaganda just like you blame those ghost Bangladeshis as terrorists.

Pakistan did not have nukes in 1971. It was clearly done because we could no longer handle the influx of refugees.

But I have to say, you guys need to stop bringing India into your internal politics debate. If these people are so bad for your country, dont vote for them. If they get elected, just accept the fact that the common Bangladeshi wants to vote for a party that you consider to be Indian stooges and move on, there is nothing else you can do. Swearing at India on literally every thread gets very annoying very fast.

We as a nation will do whats in our best national interests, you can do whats in your national interests.If the national interests clash, chances are India will come up with the upper hand because it has much more global influence and better economy. Its not exactly rocket science. Just accept this simple fact and you will realize that your whining will go down by 95%.
Pakistan did not have nukes in 1971. It was clearly done because we could no longer handle the influx of refugees.

But I have to say, you guys need to stop bringing India into your internal politics debate. If these people are so bad for your country, dont vote for them. If they get elected, just accept the fact that the common Bangladeshi wants to vote for a party that you consider to be Indian stooges and move on, there is nothing else you can do. Swearing at India on literally every thread gets very annoying very fast.

We as a nation will do whats in our best national interests, you can do whats in your national interests.If the national interests clash, chances are India will come up with the upper hand because it has much more global influence and better economy. Its not exactly rocket science. Just accept this simple fact and you will realize that your whining will go down by 95%.

We did vote, but there was a mass vote rigging done in the past election by BAL with the backing of India's raw. Moin U Ahmed handed over the 'throne' to BAL. Its a matter of time your intelligence stops running it's nose in our internal politics and we wont say anything. There has been a history of India's interference in our country.

But your government did see pakistan as a future nuclear power, its called projection. Fighting 2 armies from 2 fronts and the danger of them having nukes was too big a deal for India to happen. I am glad your leaders are not as short sighted as you are.
this is really sad..........as a person from Tripura i always used to think that the people across the border treat us as thier brothers for all the help we gave them in the time of need..................Tripura had handled more refugees than the total population of Tripura in 1971 and b4 that.................but after comming to pdf i now see the truth..........brotherhood is a faroff thing.......not even friends............................BD's treat us as their enemy!!!:frown:
this is really sad..........as a person from Tripura i always used to think that the people across the border treat us as thier brothers for all the help we gave them in the time of need..................Tripura had handled more refugees than the total population of Tripura in 1971 and b4 that.................but after comming to pdf i now see the truth..........brotherhood is a faroff thing.......not even friends............................BD's treat us as their enemy!!!:frown:

more propaganda!
Funny thread and even more funny replies...:lol:
Please look at Indians as human beings and not evil as Hindus. I noticed some extremists Bangla members just hate us coz we are hindus.
Please look at Indians as human beings and not evil as Hindus. I noticed some extremists Bangla members just hate us coz we are hindus.

traffic goes both ways, i have noticed islamophobia among Indian posters. There are idiots on both sides of the bridge.
All Indians are Hindus?

Atleaset Some bangla members thinks so . Surprisingly I have found Pakistani members more mature and secular here. But bangla members are just blind with religious hate. I would not like to conclude that whole nation is extremely religious just coz some members are fanatics.
Atleaset Some bangla members thinks so . Surprisingly I have found Pakistani members more mature and secular here. But bangla members are just blind with religious hate. I would not like to conclude that whole nation is extremely religious just coz some members are fanatics.

there is msaint and al zakir. Those 2 are extremists here, they are very rare in bangladesh. M saint even calls me a malaun lol and indian dalal.:lol:....they are a slight minority if they gave their views in public they'd get their ***** kicked in dhaka.
there is msaint and al zakir. Those 2 are extremists here, they are very rare in bangladesh. M saint even calls me a malaun lol and indian dalal.:lol:....they are a slight minority if they gave their views in public they'd get their ***** kicked in dhaka.[/QUOT

Thanks for clearing my doubts :cheers:
So fellow Bangladeshi's, please take it easy and let the idiots waste their time and effort banging on their key-boards, as far as we are concerned, it is a non-issue. Eventually they will get tired of trying to waste our time with non-issues.
Like you're an idiot who's wasting your time (and ours) by banging on your keyboard for producing this nonsensical twaddle that you've just written. Dying to get some brownie points, what? I thought the village idiot next door was a Duh! But you seem to have taken the cake.

This thread is so mind blowingly stupid, I'm outta here. Carry on......

To clear your doubts, actually the guy who sells burgers near my house is Hindu lol. He makes good ones and they are made out of egg i think lol
Please look at Indians as human beings and not evil as Hindus. I noticed some extremists Bangla members just hate us coz we are hindus.

Insecurity bro..nothing else...:coffee:
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