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How to reform Pakistan Police ?

1. They whole Police department should de-politicized. All the political based appointments should be cancelled or de-notified immediately. Police is heavily politicized in Pakistan, vast majority of policemen in Pakistan are either the politically affiliated or political workers or has purchased job by paying money for their selection.

2. Made a separate autonomous and fair selection body (such as ISSB PSC) which will conduct aptitude + fitness tests to recruit the policemen.

3. The recruitment process shall be free of ethnicity, free of provincial quota system, free of sectarian believes, free of locality and obviously free of political loyalties.

4. Raise their salaries equal to the police of europe china and other well policing countries.

5. Police should be well-equipped like USA, Europe, Gulf and China.

6. There should be a call centre which will react to immediate rescues, complaints about police behavior and police inquiries.

7. Police station should be upgraded and more fortified. There should be a Central Command and Control Systen in each Division or in each Province.
there is need for a revolution in our Police departments ,
from recruitment to training and their promotions ..
i want it to be like army ....... just like commission ,
no bureaucratic involvement
My 2 Cents

** Salary of New Police Man should be at least $43,000 USD per year


** Police will be provided with M16 Assault Rifiles to deal with current threats

** Police will run a strict Fitness regime for Police Men
** Basic Training should be same as a Military Recruit
** There should be centralized Institute of Training and Hirinig based in Islamabad all Cadets would get trained there
** Pakistani Police should get people 18 years with Computer Knowleged


** Software from USA should be purchased that tracks Crimibal Record and Data
** All Reporting for incidents should be made Mandatory on Computerized networks , which goes back to Islamabad central
** All criminals will get their images saved in central software , finger prints
and DNA samples for future thefts or crimes.
** Police Men will have access to Air Support in Mega Cities , with UAV and minimum Helicoptersà
** Digital Communication Devices for Police COM links
** Encounter Law for Police Man vs Mafia and Gangsters
** Bullet Proof Police Cars for Pakistani Police Force
** 3-4 Armoured Vehicles for Special Services Wing of Police Force


** Sniper Rifles for Special Units in Police Force


Services Provided for Pakistan Police:

+ Discounts for Gym membership
+ Children Education Services Schools
+ Access to Military Hospitals for Police
+ Discounts @ Special Police Grocery Depos , 10% lower prices then regular Market (Monthly limit of sales per Police Man)
+ Police Housing Community , as long as the Cadet remains in service, if Cadet dies his family stays in home

BONUS FOR POLICEMAN: Good old Bounty Hunting

For capturing Tax Evadors $500 USD / Per capture
Electricity Theives $300 per theive captured
Crime Solved Bonus $300 USD per crime solved
Stopping Land Mafia Early $300 USD
Theft Circle Bust $1000 USD
Capture a Politician Tax Evading or Commiting Crime Bonus 10,000 USD




Have Secondary Air patrol (Less Fuel Option) - this is mandatory for City like Karachi

Use these in High Crime Cities (One a call comes in 911) , if eye view is active , have it try to capture the criminals escaping site of crime

Illegal Licence Plate Scanners

To Find stolen vehicles or Track down illegal unlicenced cars in Pakistan (Stolen cars used for crimes)

Have a law :
No more then 5% of City force can be used for protecting Diplomats or Politicians
They want more protection they have to hire a contractor force

American Embassy should be moved out of Major cities , into remote areas where its easier to safe guard embassy, may be 10 km out of main cities or airports
Over the years , we have seen disappointing performance by Pakistani Police from corruption to legal abuse , discrimination and the list actually quite long.I would ask members to provide suggestions on how we can improve our police structure to improve law and order.

Same request goes for the Think Tanks.

Sir we need to first equip them well with best Sub Machine Guns and Snipers and helmets and Nigh Vision equipment and also provide them with better faster Cars and Bikes and other vehicles and also have their own Commando Unit and also provide them forensic teams with full modern huge labs with fully trained professionals work in those labs also make their own strong intelligence agency and finally increase their pays to great extent and also make a system through which you can check the corruption and bribery thing in them and finally remove them from VIP duties and depoliticize them
1. Abolish it

2. kick out all politically motivated appointments.

3. Rais the salary package

4. Reform it on the pattern of Motorways police
Over the years , we have seen disappointing performance by Pakistani Police from corruption to legal abuse , discrimination and the list actually quite long.I would ask members to provide suggestions on how we can improve our police structure to improve law and order.

Same request goes for the Think Tanks.


1) Improve police salaries. This will deter the chances of them being bribed or not putting in enough effort into their jobs. Who does their jobs with maximum effort when he/she receives no appreciation, let alone a decent salary?

2) Provide them with sufficient and necessary equipment ie teasers, handcuffs, bullet proof jackets, night-vision goggles for night raids/encounters, flashlights for night operations and searches in dark conditions.

3) Change the laws. At most times police can do nothing if killers buy their way out of justice through these stupid 'dayat' laws as Raymond Davis did. Adopting appropriate laws makes the police's work a lot more easier and effective. Most of the time their efforts go to waste because laws in Pakistan favor the criminals and not justice.

4) Stop putting police into situations that are more appropriate for Rangers/paramilitary to handle such as riots, street violence etc.. Rangers are much better trained, equipped and paid to handle more dangerous situations in which police lives often get wasted.

These are 4 of many more steps that need to be taken. But these 4 are amongst the most important ones.
I'm no expert but here is what I think are the most important sections which need to be looked at:

1: Organizational Structure
2: Equipment/Logistics/Intelligence
3: Independency from political clutches
4: Framework to ensure transparency
5: Public relations

This is what I could think of of the top of my head. I'll expand on these if needed. ( When I have time that is)
I'm no expert but here is what I think are the most important sections which need to be looked at:

1: Organizational Structure
2: Equipment/Logistics/Intelligence
3: Independency from political clutches
4: Framework to ensure transparency
5: Public relations

This is what I could think of of the top of my head. I'll expand on these if needed. ( When I have time that is)

Most important of all. Complete police force needs to be changed over night. Crime and criminals has embedded it self so deep in police force that it is beyond economical repair. All of them need to be thanked for their service. Sent home and fresh new police force trained by PA should be installed. If they start planning and executing now, it will take two to three years for this overhaul.
American Embassy should be moved out of Major cities , into remote areas where its easier to safe guard embassy, may be 10 km out of main cities or airports
Diplomatic enclave Islamabad and prime lands of Karachi and Lahore should be LIBERATED. Number of embassies, their staff, equipment and size of embassy should correspond to the number of visa issued per month.
i think that doing recruitment on merits doesnt change much, you need to ensure that the system works and corruption doesnt reach the police

like any organisation, there is a vast corruption in police

the police stations are sold out, and who buys them? its the police officers themselves

in karachi police is running drug, alcohol, smuggling, gambling business right under its nose

it is also running extortion rackeets, infact political parties arnt involved like police do, a quarter of all black money made in karachi is because of the police

the police takes huge bribes from others and gives them free hand to run extortion business

if you have read the recent reports, most of the extortion carried out in islamabad and lahore police was itself involved in it

during the MQM era, when rauf sidiqui was incharge of law enforcements, the police was politicised then as well

chaudry aslam, the guy who himself admitted killing innocent people in 90s operation was forgiven by MQM and was let to run the police

he wasnt an angel but he was experienced and maybe he wasnt too much corrupt so there wasnt the cases of extortion, kidnapping, lyari gang etc in that time

now he is still where he was and today karachi police has too much corruption?

its not about political recruitments without merits but the management

there are still good guys in police too but the police is being run by incompetent people who give no damn about law and order they are just using police to protect their criminals by not going after them

in my opinion the police must be given to a neutral and efficient organisations like SPLC like independent organisations, they are doing a tremendous work and concept of community polising must be introduced

its not about MQM, but i have seen with my own eyes how efficiently community polising works in UK
The Project to Overhaul Police Force should be one time 1.5 Billion dollar investment

Mean Age for Police Force would be 20 Years to 40 Years, early retirement after that paid for by government of Pakistan, possibly 5 years in trainer capacity in Academy

a) Creation of National Institute for Training of Police Officers, in Islamabad or Capital
Proper International Academy

b) Fitness requirement for police officers must be same for Military Units , in short they must be able to run 3 miles in yearly Test

c) Salary of $43,000 Dollars per year per officer so you get officers not enticed by Money

d) Free Housing for the Police Officer and family of 4

e) University for Police Force (FREE education) , you get Education of your choice plus Police
f) If possible Discount SUPER STORES where Police Officers can get their groceries done
at NATIONAL DISCOUNT RATE for Officers serving country , cities
15% discount rate vs National prices


a) Police Officer can take out a Criminal , raising gun in-front of Police will activate the law.
If two Police officers were witness to Criminal raising gun , the case would be dismissed
from courts, no petition in court would be accepted for such cases, unless a police officer
bears witness to wrong doing

b) Bonuses for Capturing criminals , Bounty System the more you capture the more bonus you get

c) Better Guns for Units

d) Police Officer's Bank account assets would be declared and if they transferred huge funds
under their wives name or parents in any given year

e) When police identifies "STASH OF WEAPONS" or deadly weapons , they can kill all criminals on
spot there is no need for further investigation, under ANTI TERRORISM ACT
Siezure of such weapons is enough proof of Terrorism acts and as such they should have right
to kill the criminals and clean up , we don't need debate in court costing Tax payer time and

Complete Overhaul of the City Monitoring

a) Air Surveillance , drones for Mega Cities like Karachi , Lahore , Quetta etc
to stop motor bike thefts or petty crimes in car, track the criminals faster by Air.

b) Camera's on highways to detect "STOLEN LICENSE PLATE NUMBERS"

c) Generating Money from LICENSE PLATE NUMBER renewal process sticker

d) Introduce , Computerized REPORTS on crime data is saved in Central Investigation Unit
>Finger Prints
>Crime Evidence

Better Gear for Police Force

a) Bullet Proof Police Vest
b) Helmets
c) Bullet Proof Police Cars in troubled neighborhoods
d) 2- Helicopter for Usage in Big cities for FAST MISSIONS (ANTI TERRORIST OPERATIONS)
e) Armored Personnel vehicles for troubled spots
f) Automatic Rifles for Police Units (Available for Special missions)

Appointment of the Police Officers would come from

All appointment, or transfers would be handled by Police By themselves based on need just like How Army has its own rules for management

Politicians would not be able to appoint police officers !!!


Would report to Supreme Court if Crime levels are up

Just like they do for Army , NAVY , AIR-FORCE
The Project to Overhaul Police Force should be 2 Billion USD.

a) Creation of National Institute for Training of Police Officers, in Islamabad or Capital
Proper International Academy

b) Fitness requirement for police officers must be same for Military Units

c) Salary of $43,000 Dollars per year per officer so you get officers not enticed by Money

d) Free Housing for the Police Officer and family of 4

**Introduction of Encounter Laws have to credit Indians for this type of law
a) Police Officer can take out a Criminal , raising gun in-front of Police will activate the law.

Complete Overhaul of the City Monitoring

a) Air Surveillance , drones for Mega Cities like Karachi
to stop motor bike thefts or petty crimes in car, track the criminals faster by Air.

b) Camera's on highways to detect "STOLEN LICENSE PLATE NUMBERS"

c) Generating Money from LICENSE PLATE NUMBER renewal process sticker

beta jis ke haraam khaney ke aadat hoti he woh haraam khata he hahe us ka pait daig q na ban jaye
I was seeing a program on youtube called friends of police in Islamabad handing out flowers to police officers in Pakistan. I don't think this is going to improve their situation.

I think as a start people should talk about what equipment they are willing to donate to the police that they can spare? ie. flashlights, ropes, hard, unbreakable sticks, gloves, bags or anything of that sort.
Over the years , we have seen disappointing performance by Pakistani Police from corruption to legal abuse , discrimination and the list actually quite long.I would ask members to provide suggestions on how we can improve our police structure to improve law and order.

Same request goes for the Think Tanks.

same problem in india ...
Police ranked as most corrupt instition floolwod by doctors by Tasnparency internatiol
we did some changes in admin setup to free it from politicial umbrella...
but still
we sahre same ,
instituional , political , administrative ,legal , economic and HR issue ..
in india and pak...
History of Police Reforms in India – satyamevjayate.in
Implement Supreme Court directives on Police reforms – Police |satyamevjayate.in
Not dharna, here's 5 ways police reform can actually be done - Firstpost
Why States Do Not Want Police Reform? | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Sir we need to first equip them well with best Sub Machine Guns and Snipers and helmets and Nigh Vision equipment and also provide them with better faster Cars and Bikes and other vehicles and also have their own Commando Unit and also provide them forensic teams with full modern huge labs with fully trained professionals work in those labs also make their own strong intelligence agency and finally increase their pays to great extent and also make a system through which you can check the corruption and bribery thing in them and finally remove them from VIP duties and depoliticize them
its les about equippment more of system... stracture. moral and being PUBLIC SERVANTS

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