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How to prevent illegal Bangladeshi immigration

That's why I advised the SOP for any survivor.If they don't die from getting their legs blown off,the bullets will do the trick.
lol, you know what happens they get JAIPUR FOOT! so wish luck THERE IS NO Research on anything in past.,
There is no new prosthetic to help Handicapped people Vis A Vis western Medicine and see and diagnose.

ekdom khaati.....:enjoy:
Yeah right!
All talk no action, whether it be real life, or internet. Happy days.
Then how foolish was it to call BD a part of you after partition??
With or without BD Pak was doomed.:D

Our generosity was taken for granted by BDites,time we sent them back to where they belong.

BD was never supposed to be a part of Pakistan whether one consults the Allahbad Address of the '30s or others - It came about out of a desire to provide a united front to fight for our rights !

They & us had nothing in common except religion; then our mistakes & their mistakes & you taking benefit of either resulted in Brothers killing Brothers in '71 !

Aunty Jee no generosity - They're there to stay ! :D
Roybot & arp were right!! :D
A Japanese sitting in India calls me an illegal Bangladeshi??? :coffee:

How dare you?? :pissed:

BD was never supposed to be a part of Pakistan whether one consults the Allahbad Address of the '30s or others - It came about out of a desire to provide a united front to fight for our rights !

They & us had nothing in common except religion; then our mistakes & their mistakes & you taking benefit of either resulted in Brothers killing Brothers in '71 !
Whose desire??
Very ambitious ambition that was....

And thank god it dawned on you guys decades later that it was actually a mistake.

Armstrong said:
Aunty Jee no generosity - They're there to stay ! :D
Yes amiii MAMU they would stay where they 're..in Bangladesh. :D
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Whose desire??
Very ambitious ambition that was....

And thank god it dawned on you guys decades later that it was actually a mistake.

Our desire & more so than us the desire of most Muslims who were left in India hence the overwhelming support for the Muslim League in the '46 Election from the Muslim Minority Provinces ! :lol:

Having a separate country was perfectly fine for us.....having a separate country separated by nearly a 1000 miles of hostile territory was not neither was the economic disparity between the East & the West wings or the allowance of Separatist elements within the East wing that exploited that to the fullest extent !
Only stupid Indians ( stupid cause they make threads like this over and over when there is no truth to these tall tales) believe that millions of BD people migrate to a shithole like India, when the contrary is the truth.

Indians have a lot to learn from BD people. For starter why one shouldn't take a dump outside, it is a private moment and should be kept as such. Some folks say many girls fall pray to rapists as they have to go outside alone near the bushes to relieve themselves.
Yeah right, that is why your people from land of milk and honey and plenty, jump regularly to our side of border.Big words coming from a country which accuses of running their country, if India says jump, bangladesh will say how high the day india takes advice of a swampland like bangladesh is the day people will shoot themselves in the head :suicide:.You are a land-locked country with only access to sea which is our backyard .Piss us off too much we will release our dams and flood you in summer where your bangladeshis will be swimming with sharks in bay of bengal.

Perhaps UN is also telling a tall tale like you say, or maybe they know better than you do.
UN report boosts Assam's fight against Bangla influx - The Times of India

GUWAHATI: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) report in which the UN, for the first time, has termed the exodus of Bangladeshis into India as "the single largest bilateral stock of international migrants" in the eastern hemisphere has provided teeth to the Assam government to fight its long-drawn case against Bangladesh, which refuses to accept its citizens deported from the state.

According to a state government official, Bangladesh has refused to take back over 29,000 persons declared as illegal migrants by foreigners' tribunals since 1985 because it does not recognize the verdicts given by India's foreigners' tribunals.

"Bangladesh does not recognize the verdicts given by India's foreigners' tribunals. Bangladesh wants an international neutral body to verify the citizenship of these persons and only if it finds them to be Bangladesh citizens, the country is ready to take them back," chief minister Tarun Gogoi said and stressed that India should sign a treaty with Bangladesh on the deportation issue.

The UN report revealed that in 2013, India was home to 3.2 million Bangladeshi residents who had migrated into the country. Though there is no state-wise break-up of the Bangladeshi migrants, the problem is most severe in Assam, where students had launched a six-year-long anti-foreigners' movement in the late Seventies. The state continues to be plagued by Bangladeshi influx, which no longer is just a demographic issue but a strong political issue too.

The state has 36 tribunals where doubtful illegal migrants from Bangladesh are tried and once found to have entered the country after March 25, 1971, the person is declared as an illegal migrant and ordered to be deported.

With Bangladesh refusing to take back its citizens, the state government in 2010 set up detention camps in Goalpara, Kokrajhar and Silchar to put persons declared as illegal migrants by foreigners tribunals in detention till they are pushed back.

After the tribunals declared them as foreigners, they are handed over to BSF for deportation. The BSF then refers them to Border Guards of Bangladesh, which refers them further to Bangladesh local police. It is only after Bangladesh Police verify the antecedents of the illegal migrant waiting deportation from India, the actual deportation takes place. But the whole process is lengthy.

In the absence of a proper laid down procedure for deportation of illegal migrants between India and Bangladesh, it has become difficult to carry out deportation. As a result, deportation of foreigners is mainly carried out through push back method, which is a stealth exercise to avoid the formalities from Bangladesh border force. In case of formal deportation, flag meetings are held between the border forces of the two countries.

US just wants to use you as a pawn against China. If it was not for China, US would not waste much time with India to be honest
Do you think we don't know what US wants or do you think we are naive like bangladeshis to let pakistan rule and committ genocide and later repent for being associated with them?
We liberated you even when US sent a nuclear 7th carrier fleet to threaten us with nuke we know what they want and they know what they want.USA knows more about us that it's better to have us on their side rather than the opposite side.
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