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How to deal with terrorism? The scientific approach


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Not long ago..UK was ravaged by Irish Republican Army's terrorism...They were blasting bombs,and killing people...Roman Catholics and protestants warred in Ireland and killed each other..
UK government,in addition to other ways,tried scientific approach,and surveillance in the form of CCTV was installed throughout the country..This surveillance is to such an extent that today for every dozen people or so,there is one cctv camera in UK....In many areas,the CCTV footage is monitored by different softwares,face recognition and panic identifying computers.

This was an example to clarify the purpose of this thread.

Please suggest what technological and scientific approach Pakistan can take,for tackling this menace of terrorism..Please refrain from political comments,and no blame game please..
The last attempt to install CCTV camera's at major intersections in Pakistan led to half of them stolen.. others were broken just for fun. You cant expect to control animals in a civilized manner..where law and order does not prevail.
Try even putting a marker on a CCTV cam in London.. and you will be served with a court notice based on your picture.
Even if you are caught by CCTV in Pakistan.. WHO is going to find you?
Chances are you will be hiding with your uncle's friends relative's gatekeeper.
Then.. who is going to catch you.. 98% of your police and investigative forces drop cases due to bribery or nepotism.. why will they catch?
The last attempt to install CCTV camera's at major intersections in Pakistan led to half of them stolen.. others were broken just for fun. You cant expect to control animals in a civilized manner..where law and order does not prevail.
Try even putting a marker on a CCTV cam in London.. and you will be served with a court notice based on your picture.
Even if you are caught by CCTV in Pakistan.. WHO is going to find you?
Chances are you will be hiding with your uncle's friends relative's gatekeeper.
Then.. who is going to catch you.. 98% of your police and investigative forces drop cases due to bribery or nepotism.. why will they catch?

:rofl::rofl: ..sorry that was a bit funny -- subcontinent is so same....anyways -- cam's are meant to hidden and discreet -- if people are able to spot them then their effectiveness is considerably reduced.
The last attempt to install CCTV camera's at major intersections in Pakistan led to half of them stolen.. others were broken just for fun. You cant expect to control animals in a civilized manner..where law and order does not prevail.
Try even putting a marker on a CCTV cam in London.. and you will be served with a court notice based on your picture.
Even if you are caught by CCTV in Pakistan.. WHO is going to find you?
Chances are you will be hiding with your uncle's friends relative's gatekeeper.
Then.. who is going to catch you.. 98% of your police and investigative forces drop cases due to bribery or nepotism.. why will they catch?

CCTV can be put on some hidden places of places like where ordinary people cannot go like of street polls, high walls. At least CCTV are very effective in reducing these incident.
CCTV can be put on some hidden places of places like where ordinary people cannot go like of street polls, high walls. At least CCTV are very effective in reducing these incident.

Are you sure you live in India.. do you know how shrewd the people of the subcontinent are when it comes to ways of breaking the law??
A Cam that was hidden inside a tree branch in Islamabad thinking that it would never be spotted...right next to a police checkpost.. was stolen within 24 hours.
Are you sure you live in India.. do you know how shrewd the people of the subcontinent are when it comes to ways of breaking the law??
A Cam that was hidden inside a tree branch in Islamabad thinking that it would never be spotted...right next to a police checkpost.. was stolen within 24 hours.

But still these cameras can be used in highly sensitive areas like busy markets with collaboration with high building owner in that market.At least some area can be covered by it .
Are you sure you live in India.. do you know how shrewd the people of the subcontinent are when it comes to ways of breaking the law??
A Cam that was hidden inside a tree branch in Islamabad thinking that it would never be spotted...right next to a police checkpost.. was stolen within 24 hours.

They should have another camera pointing at the first camera :lol:

But still these cameras can be used in highly sensitive areas like busy markets with collaboration with high building owner in that market.At least some area can be covered by it .

Agreed, we can have CCTV at high value targets like crowded market places, shopping centers.

It may or may not have a deterrent value per se, but it will help in piecing together sequence of events during the investigation.
But still these cameras can be used in highly sensitive areas like busy markets with collaboration with high building owner in that market.At least some area can be covered by it .

That is of course being done, you will notice the after suicide attacks, a CCTV capture is always released to the media.

Many of our areas are covered by CCTV's.
Fighting with terrorism is not easy task It require strong will of not only government but also Public.Here are few thing which should be done

1. Go for basic cause of Terrorism , Try to eliminate it by approaching them .
2.Ban those organization especially whom who are very rigid meanwhile also try diplomatic solution.
3.educate general public about this evil , and not to fall in their trap.
4. Education masses about any suspicious activity in public places .
5.public Administration should tight itself Install instruments like CCTV cameras, hold poster,do mass media campaign etc.
6. Strengthener defense forces and police. provide them good training and weapons
7. Scientific community should make every effort to invent new way to counter terrorist threat.
8.Very importantly every one need a strong will counter this menace
I have an issue with the concept of high value target in our respective countries.
We term busy places and venues for social / sporting / cultural / religious events as high value target but practically the protection offered is limited to polititions and beurocrats who have made the level of security offered as symbol of status and clout. More than half of nations elite forces are dedicated to these personnels . example in Z+ grade security 36 personnels (Elite squad) are dedicated in addition to this their movements are monitored by local police and provided with additional force.

Why can the Elite squad (NSG et all) be involved in security for public than for representatives of public( so called). By the sheer volume of numbers they can do with lesser trained professionals headed by a commando.

Even at CWG I am sure their will be more commandoes protectiting individuals than rest of the public. If they can protect the premisis all the individuals will need are some bouncers.
I have an issue with the concept of high value target in our respective countries.
We term busy places and venues for social / sporting / cultural / religious events as high value target but practically the protection offered is limited to polititions and beurocrats who have made the level of security offered as symbol of status and clout. More than half of nations elite forces are dedicated to these personnels . example in Z+ grade security 36 personnels (Elite squad) are dedicated in addition to this their movements are monitored by local police and provided with additional force.

Why can the Elite squad (NSG et all) be involved in security for public than for representatives of public( so called). By the sheer volume of numbers they can do with lesser trained professionals headed by a commando.

Even at CWG I am sure their will be more commandoes protectiting individuals than rest of the publiIc. If they can protect the premisis all the individuals will need are some bouncers.

I agree with your views but in a situation like our country It is not possible to cover each and every public place and terrorist also try to blow up those places which give them more highlight. Thats why concept of High sensitive places come into place.We know Lot of Elite squat are protecting these worthless politicians but this situation can be handled by general understanding among these politician which I highly doubt.
I agree with your views but in a situation like our country It is not possible to cover each and every public place and terrorist also try to blow up those places which give them more highlight. Thats why concept of High sensitive places come into place.We know Lot of Elite squat are protecting these worthless politicians but this situation can be handled by general understanding among these politician which I highly doubt.

My reasoning is - The lowest trained force is provided to proect the public and the best trained to protect their representatives.

While if every sensitive place atleast has say 2 higghly trained commandoes as supervisors and the individuals can have 30-40 Policement headed by 1-2 commandoes. This makes the situation much fair.
My reasoning is - The lowest trained force is provided to proect the public and the best trained to protect their representatives.

While if every sensitive place atleast has say 2 higghly trained commandoes as supervisors and the individuals can have 30-40 Policement headed by 1-2 commandoes. This makes the situation much fair.

Danda wielding police can't be trusted with anything except crowd control. That is perhaps the only thing they are good for............
without sponsors terrorism can not work. we need to stop all those financing terrorists. than terrorists will not find money to buy bombs.
lol...funny comments by members .
I mentioned UK's CCTV as reference and example.True that in sub continent any such measure is very difficult due to general trend of sabotage against the law..

But currently technology has shrunk and gone cheap..CCTV cameras can be very tiny,compared to the ones installed in 80s and 90s in UK...

Can we go for ambitious plans..such as airborne solar powered drones with high resolution cameras?

Also to track down the roots of the suicide bombers we need a comprehensive DNA database...
The problem with the current trend of terrorism is that the perpetrator always dies...they blow themselves up..
If we have a comprehensive DNA database..we can track down their kins and clans and start investigation from there?
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