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How to be a good boyfriend?

This thread made me laugh. I can see a lot of bad advice floating around. Honestly, I think some people who have commented here have never been in a relationship and are just shooting off their mouths.

Firstly, all girls are not the same, and writing a standardised list to group all girls is a recipe for disaster. Some will like guys who are caring, overly-sensitive, very romantic and emotional. Others will like an assertive, strong character who can dominate. Fact is different girls like different things, and dont ever try one approach to all girls.

The main thing is, know your woman. Know her emotions, her character and her personality. Half the duffers out there don't even know their girl properly and just try some bullcrap they read in books or see in movies. and then get surprised when they get dumped. Seriously, learn to read a girl and half your problem is solved

And always be confident in yourself. To this day i havent met a girl who likes a guy who is not confident. a shy guy might get a girl's attention with his looks, but hell, i can bet my *** he cant keep her unless he becomes confident. Believe in yourself, and she will believe in you.

And learn to communicate properly. If you know your girl well, you will learn how to communicate with her effectively. And talking is just one method of communication. There are many others. Learn to use everything efficiently.

No matter who your girl is, the three points above will apply. everything else depends on your personality and the personality of your girl.

Oh btw, ji dont know who talked about $$$$. But $$$$ alone can get you nothing but a hooker or a gold digger.
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This thread made me laugh. I can see a lot of bad advice floating around. Honestly, I think some people who have commented here have never been in a relationship and are just shooting off their mouths.

Firstly, all girls are not the same, and writing a standardised list to group all girls is a recipe for disaster. Some will like guys who are caring, overly-sensitive, very romantic and emotional. Others will like an assertive, strong character who can dominate. Fact is different girls like different things, and dont ever try one approach to all girls.

The main thing is, know your woman. Know her emotions, her character and her personality. Half the duffers out there don't even know their girl properly and just try some bullcrap they read in books or see in movies. and then get surprised when they get dumped. Seriously, learn to read a girl and half your problem is solved

And always be confident in yourself. To this day i havent met a girl who likes a guy who is not confident. a shy guy might get a girl's attention with his looks, but hell, i can bet my *** he cant keep her unless he becomes confident. Believe in yourself, and she will believe in you.

And learn to communicate properly. If you know your girl well, you will learn how to communicate with her effectively. And talking is just one method of communication. There are many others. Learn to use everything efficiently.

No matter who your girl is, the three points above will apply. everything else depends on your personality and the personality of your girl.

Oh btw, ji dont know who talked about $$$$. But $$$$ alone can get you nothing but a hooker or a gold digger.

Brother...i agree with you word to word.

Every girl is different and one thing which might work for one girl can backfire on other.

Like example if you flirt with a girl in front of your gf..it might make her understand your value but if she is the possessive type then things might become deadly.

I think it depends on what type of a girl you are commited to....but one thing is common to all types and that is:-

I don't think so. LoL it's soooooo girly even for girls:lol:

If one were to generalize, I'd say mostly, Chocolate does the trick for most of the girls.

i am sure for the teenagers buying cd might help, but it wont be all. but the most bizzare ideas so far i have heard is to treat them with money, as if you are hiring a hooker.
i am sure for the teenagers buying cd might help, but it wont be all. but the most bizzare ideas so far i have heard is to treat them with money, as if you are hiring a hooker.

Baaaahhhh....Those who think money is 'the thing' are making the biggest mistake one can in such matters.
I see that you strongly believe that 'women should be seen and not heard'.

'Keep'em indoors and whack 'em when they get out of line, eh'?

You equate being good to the woman in your life to 'being whipped'.

That too, from someone living in Canada.

In case you haven't noticed, it's 2010.
Do you not have a calendar in your cave?

Wtf is wrong with you man? I am talking about kowtowing to women and treating them like queens, putting them up on pedestal, acting like captain save-a-hoe, acting like a white knight who always sides with women, etc.. You already said this before and I responded back at that time then too. Why did you misrepresent my position twice?

If you haven't figured, I am a radical egalitarian. I believe in true equality - i.e. equality both ways, not the equality we see today where women have equality only when it suits them and are treated like princesses when equality doesn't work in their interests. i.e. they have one-way equality, or in other words, "privileges".
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Koi Fixed forumula nahin hai.. Generalization is always a mistake. Works both ways .. For the boy and the girl.

On Topic.. You may have everything ( Money, looks, Status..), You might do everything ( love, Care, share, honesty and wot not..) and still can't qualify as a good BF, Still be subject of constant complaint,quarrel and dis-satisfaction.It's the woman who decides and makes the call. ( Works other way around if u turn the question). She could be happy with someone who is far from perfect. Haven't we seen this happening all around us. We wonder.. How the heck is the girl with such a guy..

I guess the lady has to think that your the man and just love you for something she finds in you... Once that is established you could get away doing nothing on the list of good things.. for sure you do your share of things to keep the relation going but a relationship is not a bullet-ed list of to do things.. It lasts as long as some good faith, trust and understanding remains.. Some moments of sparkling chemistry over-ride hundreds of dull moments and relationships grow more as you accumulate more of the memorable moments.
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The dangers of not being one are described below

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Wtf is wrong with you man? I am talking about kowtowing to women and treating them like queens, putting them up on pedestal, acting like captain save-a-hoe, acting like a white knight who always sides with women, etc.. You already said this before and I responded back at that time then too. Why did you misrepresent my position twice?

If you haven't figured, I am a radical egalitarian. I believe in true equality - i.e. equality both ways, not the equality we see today where women have equality only when it suits them and are treated like princesses when equality doesn't work in their interests. i.e. they have one-way equality, or in other words, "privileges".

Point conceded. Blind acceptance of your woman's whims will, indeed, ensure that your 'Whipped' or at least have a warped relationship..,,not a nice place to be.
The problem is, and this comes from the experience of being in a relationship for 18 years, that true equality of the sexes is a myth, and this is due to the intrinsic nature of men and women.

By this, I mean that our emotional imbalances are asymmetrical. For example, I find that this sentence (from the book 'Men are from Mars,...) describes women well..'Women are like waves'. Sometimes they just NEED to be miserable. They make your life hell by being down and dragging you down with them and there is no logic to it- you can't reason them out of it, they just have to do it and be over with it until they become irritatingly happy and clingy.

We men, on the other hand, are 'like rubber bands'. We come close to our women for a while, do the nuzzle (figuratively speaking) and then we need our space 'til we regain our independent manhood.

IMHO It is impossible to treat the opposite *** by one's own standards and still have a healthy relationship. Some asymmetrical kowtowing is par for the course in a healthy relationship.

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