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How the 'war on terror' in England became a war on women and children

British Muslims are so fanatic, they look comical. Tough measures are needed to deal with them . rest of Muslims just have to deal with the inconvenience .

and you're saying this from experience, right

british muslims are so fanatic they've commited one act of terror in 120 years on british soil, compare this to other fanatics at your will
I think one of the main reasons for their religious fanaticism is that they have their basic necessities taken care of by the government. So they have all the time to invest in ways to make themselves feel special and powerful through religion.
I think one of the main reasons for their religious fanaticism is that they have their basic necessities taken care of by the government. So they have all the time to invest in ways to make themselves feel special and powerful through religion.

Why not reply to the question

but yes government funded state militancy is a problem in heaven and hell
and you're saying this from experience, right

british muslims are so fanatic they've commited one act of terror in 120 years on british soil, compare this to other fanatics at your will

It does not mean they aren't constantly trying. the illiteracy and flamboyance of these guys works in security agency's favor. Most of the terrorist plots are foiled because the plotters are often too dumb and too out there.
I've been of forums such as this for more than 12 or 13 years, and consistently the so called "Muslims" of UK (Pakistanis) are among the most extreme - they were then and apparently still are - what does this say about them? and about the UK? Earlier it was suggested that the "Muslims" were acting out their underclass angst and now nearly a generation later, how are things different?
It does not mean they aren't constantly trying. the Idiocy and over the top nature of these guys works in security agency's favor. Most of the terrorist plots are foiled.

Why are't the plot foilers sent to other countries to foil the plots there too

But 'conspiracy theories' aside muslims are amongst the most succesful ethnicites in british demographics and if you only have to look at the inter faith dialogues, the community work in helping to clear snow etc to see why this is the case

I've been of forums such as this for more than 12 or 13 years, and consistently the so called "Muslims" of UK (Pakistanis) are among the most extreme - they were then and apparently still are - what does this say about them? and about the UK? Earlier it was suggested that the "Muslims" were acting out their underclass angst and now nearly a generation later, how are things different?

If you look at the urban upper class in karachi, they are also turning in droves to proper islam as are other places such as newly liberated bosnia, it shows the power of faith that it can affect people of all backgrounds and social class, Sums up parts of the prophets last sermon in a nutshell
If you look at the urban upper class in karachi, they are also turning in droves to proper islam as are other places such as newly liberated bosnia, it shows the power of faith that it can affect people of all backgrounds and social class, Sums up parts of the prophets last sermon in a nutshell

I think you may be confused about what the meaning of "faith" is -- And it's outright silly to suggest that the last sermon is an exhortation to terrorism, ingratitude or living as an underclass, or the rejection of society or the acceptance of lives of indignity and poverty.
I think you may be confused about what the meaning of "faith" is -- And it's outright silly to suggest that the last sermon is an exhortation to terrorism, ingratitude or living as an underclass, or the rejection of society or the acceptance of lives of indignity and poverty.

you're drawing up the dots and coming out with a low quality pixelated picture

. You said muslims in the uk are more extreme which i interpreted as more practising in their beliefs, from that i went on to state following your assertion that social class correlation with this practising belief is not exponential and agreed with you and quoted the last sermon as a final nail in the coffin that social class doesnt affect how religious you are
you're drawing up the dots and coming out with a low quality pixelated picture

. You said muslims in the uk are more extreme which i interpreted as more practising in their beliefs, from that i went on to state following your assertion that social class correlation with this practising belief is not exponential and agreed with you and quoted the last sermon as a final nail in the coffin that social class doesnt affect how religious you are

Right?? What? any chance you might express yourself more clearly?
Right?? What? any chance you might express yourself more clearly?

basically i agree with you on a point i.e press , ten years ago, underclass angst=bs

and dont agree with about how fervent valour for their faith is a bad thing and no i'm not talking about bomb plots
you're drawing up the dots and coming out with a low quality pixelated picture

. You said muslims in the uk are more extreme which i interpreted as more practising in their beliefs, from that i went on to state following your assertion that social class correlation with this practising belief is not exponential and agreed with you and quoted the last sermon as a final nail in the coffin that social class doesnt affect how religious you are

Right?? What? any chance you might express yourself more clearly?

He appears to be a Hizb-ul Tahir nut..who takes the word "extreme" as more practicing in their belief? I have only heard this from the likes of Anjem Chodhry on TV.

basically i agree with you on a point i.e press , ten years ago, underclass angst=bs

and dont agree with about how fervent valour for their faith is a bad thing and no i'm not talking about bomb plots

You may also approve of membership in Hizb-ul Tahrir sir!
He appears to be a Hizb-ul Tahir nut..who takes the word "extreme" as more practicing in their belief? I have only heard this from the likes of Anjem Chodhry on TV.

You know I really don't understand how the UK just keeps producing these kinds of people and why these kinds of ideas have currency there - it's as if Jihalat is portable - all the advantages of an open society and yet... you can take the dehaaty out of the dehaat, but cannot take the deyhaat out of the dehaaty
You know I really don't understand how the UK just keeps producing these kinds of people and why these kinds of ideas have currency there - it's as if Jihalat is portable - all the advantages of an open society and yet... you can take P***-** out of the pind, but you can't take the pind out of the P***-**

The hardcore Jehadees are also the easiest sell-outs in their fervor to export their perverted and sick beliefs. This makes them future proxies being nurtured into incubators. Think of Libya and Syria crisis. However all terrorist have a habit of turning bad and biting the hand which bites them in which case they must be exterminated. However the fools of Ummah take them as great patrons and until the Islamic world will not disown this ummah mentality on the large and stop adapting Islam as some kind of pan-socialist ideology these incubators will continue to thrive.

Remember how the nutjob Khomeni was nurtured in France and the continued hiding of Altaf in London?
The hardcore Jehadees are also the easiest sell-outs in their fervor to export their perverted and sick beliefs. This makes them future proxies being nurtured into incubators. Think of Libya and Syria crisis. However all terrorist have a habit of turning bad and biting the hand which bites them in which case they must be exterminated. However the fools of Ummah take them as great patrons and until the Islamic world will not disown this ummah mentality on the large and stop adapting Islam as some kind of pan-socialist ideology these incubators will continue to thrive.

I'd hate to ever go on a road trip with you, you'd take a simple shopping trip and turn into a 3 hour sand castle ritual on the east coast beach line

No i'm not ht and no uk muslims have been indicted as being involved in either syria or libya

The closest would be mr belhaj who recieved a couple of million compensaiton for illegal torture

Remember how the nutjob Khomeni was nurtured in France and the continued hiding of Altaf in London?
I'd hate to ever go on a road trip with you, you'd take a simple shopping trip and turn into a 3 hour sand castle ritual on the east coast beach line

Why only 3 hours why not make it 90 days of hardcore indoctrination camps! I may abduct you as well if I need to!
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