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How Tehreek e Khatam e Nabuwat s.a.w.w (anti-qadyani) of 1973 started? This is a true account!

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Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is military organisation of Ahmadis. It believes that the Jamaat will soon hold the rein of power.

I am a member of this organisation. I have never received military training. Where do I sign up?

Mullahs come up with the most hilarious Sh!t. :rofl:

palace in Rabwah

Which Palace? Name, address etc? The fact that this garbage got a postive rating just shows what PDF has now become.

There existed in Rabwah an organisation called Furqan Force. the witness had been a member of this force and it took part in hostilities in Kashmir in 1947. General Gracey had later disbanded this organisation. The arms and ammunition recieved by Furqan force were sent to Wahga through a military wagon and buried near Mahmud 'Mosque'. Volunteers had been posted to guard the arms and ammunitions.

This force fought for Pakistan, while your mullahs were still deciding whether to come to Pakistan and hijack it or not.

@Musafir117 Bhai, this is why I have no hope for these ungrateful people.

I finally agree with @Jaanbaz , any Ahmadi who can afford to should leave Pakistan. There is a limit to ignorance and lies.

Those who went to Israel from Pakistan had double passports.

The mission in Haifa existed way before the creation of Israel. Ramadan main bhi itna jhoot? :lol:
I am a member of this organisation. I have never received military training. Where do I sign up?

Mullahs come up with the most hilarious Sh!t. :rofl:

Which Palace? Name, address etc? The fact that this garbage got a postive rating just shows what PDF has now become.

This force fought for Pakistan, while your mullahs were still deciding whether to come to Pakistan and hijack it or not.

@Musafir117 Bhai, this is why I have no hope for these ungrateful people.

I finally agree with @Jaanbaz , any Ahmadi who can afford to should leave Pakistan. There is a limit to ignorance and lies.
Listen Brother
There is one choice Ahmadi or Muslim but there is no choice of being loyal Pakistani, why you want to leave stay here fight for your rights legally.
Listen Brother
There is one choice Ahmadi or Muslim but there is no choice of being loyal Pakistani, why you want to leave stay here fight for your rights legally.

How do you expect any Ahmadi to fight legally when even a Non Ahmadi like Hamza Ali abbasi is forced to apologise even though he only asked why Ahmadis are so persecuted? This guy was a non Ahmadi and he had to shut up or face the Mullah death squad. Can you imagine what happens if an Ahmadi comes on t.v and says the same thing?
How do you expect any Ahmadi to fight legally when even a Non Ahmadi like Hamza Ali abbasi is forced to apologise even though he only asked why Ahmadis are so persecuted? This guy was a non Ahmadi and he had to shut up or face the Mullah death squad. Can you imagine what happens if an Ahmadi comes on t.v and says the same thing?
He didn’t talk about prosecutions he objected on religion which majority follows and the constitution and he get what he ask for by opening his mouth untimely. Do you remember talking skull.

Long ago, there was a great hunter. One day, he was hunting rabbits when he discovered a human skull in the bushes. “How did you get here?” The hunter wondered.
“Talking brought me here.” The skull replied. The man, surprised by this, ran all the way to the palace of the King. The hunter explained the skull to the King, and the King laughed.
“Never have I heard such a thing! Let my guard go with you to this skull, so he may hear it speak!” The hunter agreed; unaware that the guard had instructions to kill him, should the skull be silent.
When they reached the skull, the hunter asked “How did you get here?” The skull stayed silent. The hunter asked again, receiving no answer. For an hour, the hunter tried, but to no avail. Thus, the guard beheaded him and left. As soon as the guard was gone, the skull spoke.
“How did you get here?”
“Talking brought me here.” Replied the hunter’s head.

Just check the video
He didn’t talk about prosecutions he objected on religion which majority follows and the constitution and he get what he ask for by opening his mouth untimely. Do you remember talking skull.

Long ago, there was a great hunter. One day, he was hunting rabbits when he discovered a human skull in the bushes. “How did you get here?” The hunter wondered.
“Talking brought me here.” The skull replied. The man, surprised by this, ran all the way to the palace of the King. The hunter explained the skull to the King, and the King laughed.
“Never have I heard such a thing! Let my guard go with you to this skull, so he may hear it speak!” The hunter agreed; unaware that the guard had instructions to kill him, should the skull be silent.
When they reached the skull, the hunter asked “How did you get here?” The skull stayed silent. The hunter asked again, receiving no answer. For an hour, the hunter tried, but to no avail. Thus, the guard beheaded him and left. As soon as the guard was gone, the skull spoke.
“How did you get here?”
“Talking brought me here.” Replied the hunter’s head.

So Ahmadis should keep quiet and expect the benevolent majority to let Ahmadis live in peace, which still doesn't happen anyway.

Even after declaring Ahmadis non Muslim, has the killing of Ahmadis stopped? Nope. Are we allowed to practise our "religion" in peace? Nope.

Got it. That's why I said Ahmadis should leave.

EDIT: I have watched the video, few weeks later Mubashir Lukman had to run anti Ahmadi programme after receiving death threats. What of it?
I have very few friends my best friend is Ahmadi and served with me retires as Major 2IC, he used to Talawat in morning and we are all very found of his unique style of Talawat.

So Ahmadis should keep quiet and expect the benevolent majority to let Ahmadis live in peace, which still doesn't happen anyway.

Even after declaring Ahmadis non Muslim, has the killing of Ahmadis stopped? Nope. Are we allowed to practise our "religion" in peace? Nope.

Got it. That's why I said Ahmadis should leave.

EDIT: I have watched the video, few weeks later Mubashir Lukman had to run anti Ahmadi programme after receiving death threats. What of it?
Join politics and struggle through elected assembly but I believe Sir its matter of feelings we Muslims can beer if someone says his God is different OK but a person call himself Muslim and says Mohammad PBUH his not last Prophet and follows someone else. Sorry Sir we can't.
Watch they video once more especially last part and listen what the Shia lawyer said and my point of view is same.
Qadyanis are not muslims or not any sect of islam.its a clear cut thing.there is no doubt about it.they cannot call them slef muslims.
They ar same like any other minority in Pakistan have every right like other minorities have.
I will support and feel proud for a qadyani if he do something special for my country like people from other minorities.
But pls dont try to mix qadyaniat with islam.because there is clear cut rules for being a Muslim.there is no if and but about them.
I respect all minorities in Pakistan like i respect a Muslim.
Actually it was also to protect their lives and property as Mr ZAB first tried to delay it but he changed his mind after so much agitation, so he knew that it will harm qadiyanis more if govt did not deal the issue properly.
Mr ZAB was another hypocrite who did not want to put his seat in danger for a minority
and Pakistanis are still suffering because of his decisions
moreover qadyani community is still harmed i remember a news that i read about mob killing a pregnant qadyani woman in gujranwala.
Thanks to MR ZAB who gave these mullahs free hand to oppress the ahmadi's

Qadyanis are not muslims or not any sect of islam.its a clear cut thing.there is no doubt about it.they cannot call them slef muslims.
They ar same like any other minority in Pakistan have every right like other minorities have.
I will support and feel proud for a qadyani if he do something special for my country like people from other minorities.
But pls dont try to mix qadyaniat with islam.because there is clear cut rules for being a Muslim.there is no if and but about them.
I respect all minorities in Pakistan like i respect a Muslim.
they did many special things for this country.they raised a fighting battalion named furqan force 1948 which fought for kashmir independence
Pakistan's ballistic missile system and space program was brain child of Dr.Abdus Salam and yet he is dishonored to this day
Mr ZAB was another hypocrite who did not want to put his seat in danger for a minority
and Pakistanis are still suffering because of his decisions
moreover qadyani community is still harmed i remember a news that i read about mob killing a pregnant qadyani woman in gujranwala.
Thanks to MR ZAB who gave these mullahs free hand to oppress the ahmadi's
Like all humans Mr. ZAB also committed mistakes but this was one of the excellent decisions he ever made but actually it was not his but decision of national assembly and the senate in total unanimity. They were the representatives of 97% Muslim majority of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and they did an excellent. He did not give anyone to oppress anyone rather if the parliament did not listen to people of Pakistan, they would have caused more problem. Qadiyanis were never Muslim and Pakistan's constitution justly acknowledged it on Sep 7, 1975 a golden day in the history of Pakistan.
Sure. All Muslims should be declared Kafir.

Read about Muhammad Kazzab if you can

Qadianis are as much Muslims as taliban and daesh are

There was one incident, only one violent incident in the entire history of qadianis in Pakistan. Surely it was used as a scapegoat to declare them kafir as well as dozens of sects to come, giving birth to kafiristan

Jinnah himself was ismaeli Shia

He is referring to founder of Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was Ismaeli Shia, not some Sunni terrorist

itna randi roona Mirza Kazzab k bete Nasir Kazzab ne assembly mein kiya hota tou tum logon ko kuch faida bhi hota .... Hamza ki moom batiyan jalate rehna ab ...
Qadiyanis were never Muslim and Pakistan's constitution justly acknowledged it on Sep 7, 1975 a golden day in the history of Pakistan.
i agree with you sir but the problem i am pointing out is why have they been denied their rights as Pakistani
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