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How stupid are Americans ?

The Most creeeeepy video.

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whatever… there’s plenty of not-so-stupid people in the third world that wish they were ‘stupid’ Americans!:azn:
Such ignorant people r found in every society,as a joke it looks good,but on basis of that if u entitle the entire society as stupids,thats not a joke,that is known as ridiculous,and those who think this was only a joke i will like to know if some other national calls u and ur nation full of fools and stupids do u still enjoy it and consider as a joke
They are not really stupid, but many Americans suffer from lack of general knowledge about other cultures.
Bushisms - Top 10 Stupid Bush Quotes

2) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video clip; listen to audio clip)

lol oh lord he kills me.
Man, it's just a joke.

Americans problem is not stupidity or low IQ. It's their sheer ignorance about world affairs. We know more about their military than 90% of Americans would know of.

Being an engineer i had to take a political science course (Because i go to a liberal arts-engineering college) so in my International affairs/political science class I remember of talking about carpet bombing, B-52 and F-16s laser guided weapons and how they killed women and children. The women and children part was not important, because most of the students didn't even have a clue about carpet bombing or Laser guided weapons.
*Sigh*......i felt like a fool sitting with them...

We know all about the F-16 APG66 or APG68 v5 v9 etc etc.....Americans don't know all this, because they think they don't need to. They get their good food, electricity, good cars, roads and security so most of them don't think about how it would be to live without such luxuries of life.

That' my personal experience so far.....i don't hate Americans, they are as nice as any Pakistani or Indian will be. Some are racist, because they think we might take their jobs (a big LOL :rofl:) but i hate their government and politicians.....just like our very own!
how stupid are americans?????? mmm let me see we are the only superpower in the world. things such as phones, airplanes, atomic power, internet, on which you posted this dumbass question on, were all invented in american. mmmm how about the computer on which you are typing this dumbass queston on dumbasss, that was invented in amerian, the computer on which you are typing this crap question is probally dell or some other which is made by a american aompany.
i have a better question for all of you .
How stupid is the person who posted this question???????????
America has its fair share of smart and dumb people, like every other country. Most American people are well-intentioned & want to know the truth, but get badly swayed by the propaganda preached by the media here, which reflects badly on the whole nation. The lack of critical thinking, individual thought, & the rising sense of self-esteem to the point of narcissism amongst the masses is a huge problem.
In other countries including the U.S. kites have been used to begin stringing such cables. Rockets have long been used to shoot lines from boats. It all seems like a natural progression, not something particularly innovative.

Well I Dont Know they are Stupid or not. But See this One PoSt :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is America not the sole superpower of the world, doesnt most of the technological and scientific achievements come from America. Their culture is emulated, their institutions are the best and their system is perfect. it's all possible because of thier people.

Not really stupid then, such stereotypes are offensive and we would not like if someone said the same about us.

Agree with you except for the bolded part. Their system is far from perfect. They have their chinks such as their Healthcare system and College education. US has one of the worse healthcare systems in the world. They do have amazing healthcare facilities but those facilities for the most part are out of the reach of the masses. People frequently cross over into Canada for medical attention. College education in the states is very expensive and the % of the people enrolling into colleges and graduating is not on the rise. Barring the minority lucky ones, most of the students take out student loans on astronomical interest rates which takes a lifetime to pay off. I can point put more issues as well but it think these two points would suffice to establish that their system is not perfect. I am not against the US and truly appreciate its contributions to the world, but just wanted to set the record straight.
the title of this thread is atrocious and racist....whats next...Stupid Indians or Stupid Pakistanis?
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