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How some See "South Korea Warship Sinking Event"

<like i said there are holes in the story of the sinking, and i cant explain how a old north Korean sub was able to to evade a USN/southkorean fleet at high alert and sink a ship. but given how kim acts, he very well could have order the shot.>

You're contradicting yourself. Your opening statement: "there are holes in the story of the sinking,"

how exactly? i believe north did it, but agree the evidence is not conclusive
ie. kim probably did order the shot<- my belief
how could a old sub evade USN? <- a hole in the story

also, holes, sinking, get it? lol
i think during the excersize USN launched torpedo by mistake and now blaming NKR ! unless NKR has stealth submarines which USN cannt detect.

but than again its more likely USN mistakenly did it and lets blame NKR to gain some other purpose such as more presssure on NKR regarding nukes.
i think during the excersize USN launched torpedo by mistake and now blaming NKR ! unless NKR has stealth submarines which USN cannt detect.

but than again its more likely USN mistakenly did it and lets blame NKR to gain some other purpose such as more presssure on NKR regarding nukes.

----Personally I think, the purpose include:
----1, make China fall into dilemma, so that China has to do some things which US hope.
----2, Force China blame NK, break the brotherhood between China and NK.
----3, Make a reason of US army stay in SK and Japan.
----4, Forbid NK innovate and develope economy, weaken the foundation of NK government.
----China feels very dilemmatic now, if China acknowledge SK's result and blame NK, what will happen? NK feels very angry, and the relationship of both countries will in danger. That's a very bad things for China and NK. China Communism Party can't endure it.
----If China denies SK's result, China would be blamed by US, Japan, SK, Australia, Canada, Switzerland.......China become a evil.
----China - The most pitiful country in this event.
There are several questions regarding the S.Korea's proof
1.In such a blast which sink a 1200 ton ship,why still pepole found a full torpedo engine?
2.S.Korea claimed it's a n.korea CH02D torpedo,many military fans (at least in China) searched,but found no pictures,no proof that the N.korea even built such a weapon.
3.Initially the S.Korea media reported that the torpedo is a Chinese made Yu3 which is for PLAN's SSN,then they claimed there was a Japanese sub was there when the blast happened,finally they all agreed that it was a n.korea CH02D torpedo.It sounds that the S.Korea gov. finally forced all its media to report the same stuff.
4.The deepth of the water where sink the ship is 30 m.With a such a large navy(several times than n korea in both size and bugget),pepole can't imagine the navy can't find a small sub.
5.even in s.korea,not all the pepole are convinced by the govement.72% agree,38% against.
What of the Koreans in their 20s and 30s think of Cheonan:
Among his supporters at the rally, most of them in their 20s and 30s, suspicions run deep against the president and the United States, South Korea’s longtime protector.

“I don’t think North Korea did it,” said Lee Soo-hong, 39, who said he was between jobs. “I think the United States is using this incident to control South Korea.”
There are several questions regarding the S.Korea's proof
1.In such a blast which sink a 1200 ton ship,why still pepole found a full torpedo engine?

Do not need to destroy a ship in order to sink it. All it take is to compromise hull integrity and let water, or weight, do the rest. The smaller the ship, the easier it is to sink with comparably less explosive because smaller ships do not have as much compartmentalized sections to contain flooding.

The worst case flooding damage predicted included 3 compartment flooding for each shot scenario (forward and aft, as shown below), allowing all compartments to free flood (i.e. to the waterline).

As for why the drive section of the torpedo remain quite recognizable? Explosions, like pressurized water or electricity, always follow the path of least resistance. When the warhead exploded, the drive section simply broke off from the main body. This is no different than when we found engine blocks or drive axles intact after a car bomb exploded. Been watching too many action movies?
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Do not need to destroy a ship in order to sink it. All it take is to compromise hull integrity and let water, or weight, do the rest. The smaller the ship, the easier it is to sink with comparably less explosive because smaller ships do not have as much compartmentalized sections to contain flooding.

Ship Structure Committee: Case Study I: NEW CARISSA

As for why the drive section of the torpedo remain quite recognizable? Explosions, like pressurized water or electricity, always follow the path of least resistance. When the warhead exploded, the drive section simply broke off from the main body. This is no different than when we found engine blocks or drive axles intact after a car bomb exploded. Been watching too many action movies?

It doesn't matter what they found. What's odd are:

1. the torpedo seems to be made in Germany.

2. NK has no sub to fire such a torpedo according to millitary experts.

3. a proper sub which could fire it would have been detected about 70 miles away by the sank ship or other nearby USN subs. But they didn't notice a r-a-t a$$, even in the mid of a millitary execise when all radar and sonar equipments were supposed to be on high alert.

4. Neither could they detect the sub, the museum piece itself, after the explosion, so that the "NK sub" could succesfully "disappeared" without leaving a trace.

5. What a sheer coincidence that the piece specifically marked with the "Korean love letter" was intact after the explosion, and happened to be found by the investigation team, to serve as the "smoking gun" for home telly comsumption of morons.


So keep pumping, S&#224;ig&#242;n Gi&#225;p. :P
I don't know how people take the Independent investigation results, but most people seem to question about why would the Dear Leader put a signature on the torpedo to blatantly indicate that it was from them?.

What is the Dear Leader trying to achieve by showing to the world they sunk the Cheonan?.
I don't know how people take the Independent investigation results, but most people seem to question about why would the Dear Leader put a signature on the torpedo to blatantly indicate that it was from them?.

What is the Dear Leader trying to achieve by showing to the world they sunk the Cheonan?.
This is one of the more absurd argument around, that this is a signature. In manufacturing, especially heavy equipment and a torpedo do qualify as 'heavy equipment', people routinely mark components to assist in clarity. Just like how furnitures with 'Some assembly required' usually have parts labeled with 'A' or 'B' stickers for the customer's benefit. For a weapon like a bomb or torpedo, what does it matter if no one wipe off these markers? This behavior would be consistent with every bomb, torpedo or dining room table coming off the manufacturing floor. So when forensic investigators compared the torpedo's remains with what they have in storage of NKR and Chinese weapons, that one marking in the torpedo's driveline component is consistent.
This is one of the more absurd argument around, that this is a signature. In manufacturing, especially heavy equipment and a torpedo do qualify as 'heavy equipment', people routinely mark components to assist in clarity. Just like how furnitures with 'Some assembly required' usually have parts labeled with 'A' or 'B' stickers for the customer's benefit. For a weapon like a bomb or torpedo, what does it matter if no one wipe off these markers? This behavior would be consistent with every bomb, torpedo or dining room table coming off the manufacturing floor. So when forensic investigators compared the torpedo's remains with what they have in storage of NKR and Chinese weapons, that one marking in the torpedo's driveline component is consistent.

What is your take on the investigation results?.
What is your take on the investigation results?.
Too early to tell. But forensics is highly suggestive of a NKR involvement despite all the talks about German origin or SKR/USN sonarmen incompetence.
Too early to tell. But forensics is highly suggestive of a NKR involvement despite all the talks about German origin or SKR/USN sonarmen incompetence.

There are many questions unanswered, but i still think it is unusual to have markings on the torpedo. With furniture or other goods I can understand as it is a way to show their origin for commercial reasons such as branding.

Like if you by a LV bag or a Gucci you would want to show the markings as it is status. But I doubt the North would want to label it for such an big event where it knows would cause a global response. That is just my opinion.
There are many questions unanswered, but i still think it is unusual to have markings on the torpedo. With furniture or other goods I can understand as it is a way to show their origin for commercial reasons such as branding.

Like if you by a LV bag or a Gucci you would want to show the markings as it is status. But I doubt the North would want to label it for such an big event where it knows would cause a global response. That is just my opinion.
What you are describing is properly called a 'prestige' label. This is not the same as a component marked for assembly or shipping purposes. Prestige labels are supposed to be visible. That torpedo driveline component marking was on the interior, out of sight.
Has there been any indication recently that Israel may want to see North Korea blamed for attacking a South Korean ship?

May 12 2010 – Israel’s foreign minister on Wednesday declared North Korea, Syria and Iran the new “axis of evil,” claiming that North Korean weapons seized in Bangkok in December were bound for Middle Eastern militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

… Lieberman, who heads an ultranationalist party that is a junior partner in Israel’s coaltion government, also claimed that “missile programs” in Iran and Syria were receiving crucial assistance from the North Korean side. He gave no evidence.

Do not need to destroy a ship in order to sink it. All it take is to compromise hull integrity and let water, or weight, do the rest. The smaller the ship, the easier it is to sink with comparably less explosive because smaller ships do not have as much compartmentalized sections to contain flooding.

Ship Structure Committee: Case Study I: NEW CARISSA

As for why the drive section of the torpedo remain quite recognizable? Explosions, like pressurized water or electricity, always follow the path of least resistance. When the warhead exploded, the drive section simply broke off from the main body. This is no different than when we found engine blocks or drive axles intact after a car bomb exploded. Been watching too many action movies?
I agree there was a chance to remain some componets after the blast,but this time the remained part is too big.particunally in full.
In fig. 1,there is a clear N.Korea mark.If this is true, the N.Korea woul d be too stupid to leave some evidence.If I was Kim,I will use a third country topedo to sink the ship.
Still more questions
1,apparentlly the sank S.Korea navy ship had enough time to send signals for help.Did it do this? What did the navy do after recieving the signals? Why a supposed WW2 level slow N.Koreal sub still escaped from the advanced S.Koreal navy's hunting in a deepth 30 meter sea?
2.The accident happened in March if I am not wrong,why did it suddenlly become hot in the end of May which is nearlly three months later?

3.What Kim could get from this accident
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