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How Secure Are Indian Nukes?

nowadays everything is possible. What can be thought of can be achieved.
This can happen in any nuclear state.
Important thing is not to say " no this cannot happen to us" but rather be prepared for everything.
A wise man said:
if u think it will happen it will not happen ( because u r prepared for it ) but if u think it will not happen then it will surely do.
Whether it happens in india or pakistan it will lead to death and destruction in both countries.
Naxalites fighting in Kerala, lol.Can anybody give atleast one link supporting this.by searching on the vast google. Just one article.

Using Google is very easy bro.

‘‘It is alarming the way Naxalites are spreading their activities, right from the Nepal border down to parts of Kerala now. New mergers are happening, axis are being formed. Foreign elements are supporting them,’’ an IGP from one of the affected states said.

Their hands tied on Naxals, DGPs tell Patil: please clarify

The Varushanadu area, a remote region bordering Kerala, witnessed a revival of Naxalite activity in recent months, leading to deployment of extra police contingents to contain their activities. (Agencies)

ChennaiOnline News : Explosives seized from Naxals in TN
The whole of indian intelligence failed because they couldn't see what hit em or stop it or predict it in any way I think the RAW fell like a pack of cards losing key Indian officers losing out to a planned terrorist attack(which I do condemn) but honestly this is what their job is, if they can't spot that they are a dead agency useless in it's purpose to defend India.

You don't need to throw personal attack you can disagree with my opinion but by expressing your own.

Bane I think you should look at the everyday incidences in Pakistan before commenting like this ..... with news reports of Pakistani FC surrendering and joining Taliban and AQ in FATA and NWFP without firing a shot and you losing Swat Valley to them ...... India has not lost anything like that .... and you can say the same for US, they could not locate the 9/11 attackers inspite of having an intelligence budget 3 times the overall size of indian defence budget .........
Biased and Prejudiced article. Its as Good as saying Al Qaeda controls the Pak Nukes! Come one people you should visit some nuke plants in India and see the Defenses at work!
Here is a good read for you

Why Indian Nuclear Sites are safe.

1. India has shortage of Uranium (with US and Canada having suspended the supplies well in 1970s). So most of the Power Stations are running at 15-20% capacity at best. So where would anyone get any fuel from and that too enriched one?:disagree:

2. Most of the sites ie BARC etc are surrounded by Defence Forces sites especially BARC which even has AD coverage ..... very difficult to imagine anyone getting in now .... especially with army being given orders to be prepared to defend even their residential colonies and to shoot at any preceptional threat.

3. Very difficult to plan an attack like 9/11 in India. People are too busy in interfering in others business and not minding their own for anyone to plan and execute such an attack in stealth ........:rofl:

4. BARC does not have any weapons assembly and mating program ......
now you can also post this

India has about 400-500 nuclear weapons ready to use ..... not 120 as you claim .... for Pakistan as per estimates is about 80 and Indian program is much more matured and long.

So in that scenario ...... India tires of Pakistani "thorn" in side ..... and a group of army officers decide to take over (the Northen Army commander can do so anyways as has 2/5th indian army in his command and additional RR units) ..... and then they decide to launch surgical strikes on Pakistan ...... only this will be Nuclear in nature and against Pakistan C4I and nuclear installations and at the same time RAW and MI send in Special Groups (these are highly secretive and specialised troops with not readily known members having cutting edge technology and weapons at disposal) to eliminate top Pakistani Defence and Political leadership along with Special Forces ..... and on top they have US in confidence at last minute who mobilise their SF too to secure Pakistani nukes and hey what is this, Israelis join in too .......

and they launch neclear strikes with sub-kiloton yields to remove leadership and yet cause minimal civilian casualties ........ and then Pakistan responds with what weapons Indians/US/Israelis fail to secure .... and that maybe not sufficient enough to cause major damage to india

next scenario india sends few weapons to MQM cadres (remember RAW HAS been supplying them moral support)

next India simply nukes the naxals and the J&K valley ..... end of problem .... no one can object as are using nukes in own territory

i mean there is only so far you can go to half baked stories/theories .... something akin to Pakistani nukes being unsafe ...... what nonsense

The ONLY scenario under which either countries nukes are unsafe is IF the writ of central government fails and they become Somalia type (with official government controlling few rooms and blocks on a street only and buying best toilet seats for development) ..... these are not small states nor are they incapable states. Am sure both Pakistani and Indian Militaries are responsible and as long as they know where their loyalties lie, there is no problem
Bane I think you should look at the everyday incidences in Pakistan before commenting like this ..... with news reports of Pakistani FC surrendering and joining Taliban and AQ in FATA and NWFP without firing a shot and you losing Swat Valley to them ...... India has not lost anything like that .... and you can say the same for US, they could not locate the 9/11 attackers inspite of having an intelligence budget 3 times the overall size of indian defence budget .........

The Naxelites are also in controll of territory in India and what India is losing is far worse lets not dwelve into that Pakistan is openly fighting against the terrorists and winning thankfully inch by inch but winning none the less let us also not forget the security measures we have in place and in the past ISI has done its job most of the time. Altough things have slipped through the net but nothing on the scale of what happened in India.
The Naxelites are also in controll of territory in India and what India is losing is far worse lets not dwelve into that Pakistan is openly fighting against the terrorists and winning thankfully inch by inch but winning none the less let us also not forget the security measures we have in place and in the past ISI has done its job most of the time. Altough things have slipped through the net but nothing on the scale of what happened in India.

At the scale of whathappened in india???.. can you elobrate with source if possible????
The Naxals are in the forests, Its jungle warfare out there. They dont have Parallel Govts, nor do they shut down girls schools!
The Naxelites are also in controll of territory in India and what India is losing is far worse lets not dwelve into that Pakistan is openly fighting against the terrorists and winning thankfully inch by inch but winning none the less let us also not forget the security measures we have in place and in the past ISI has done its job most of the time. Altough things have slipped through the net but nothing on the scale of what happened in India.

yes in chattisgarh they have this problem quite extensively .... and they control the jungles...... very threatening to nuclear reactors that location is .... that is why the indians built them away from jungles ........
When I said lets not dwelve on that I meant it I am going to read about the history of the Naxelites and what they are, no response until then I commented on what I had read till then if you have any good texts do tell me if you would have read my first post on this thread to my last post I was talking about the massacre in Mumbai and such planned events don't usually slip through the nets of effective intelligence agencies.
hahahab Naxals dont fight in Kerala, some 30 years back they cut the head of a few rich doods and then they were totally wiped off by the Govt! hahahahaha
When I said lets not dwelve on that I meant it I am going to read about the history of the Naxelites and what they are, no response until then I commented on what I had read till then if you have any good texts do tell me if you would have read my first post on this thread to my last post I was talking about the massacre in Mumbai and such planned events don't usually slip through the nets of effective intelligence agencies.

Bane no offense intended.

The post you have posted is too distorted and I think as intelligent human beings we should be able to separate B/S from facts ..... and I did exactly that.

There is no limit to possible scenarios I may post casting doubts on the Pakistani Nukes, the US nukes, the Russian nukes and Indian nukes.

active insurgencies DO NOT mean threat to nukes. the fact that areas under them in india are jungles/forests and is mainly due to lack of development in the region onl serves to highlight the transitory nature of the problem.

as for terrorism, there is nothing that shall be safe. they have rammed PA HQs in Rawalpindi quite effectively with explosives three times I remember and has that led to doubts over the abilities of PA to continue to fight a war? If you subscribe to safety of nukes to inability or unwillingness of GoI to stamp these out in India, then what will you say to PA and Pakistan as whole in which the top scientists have been named in cahoots with AQ and who have offered nuke know how to Osama dear ..... and these are the cream of Pakistani research and defence industry the best and beloved of pakistan? should one not cast doubts over abilities of PA to defend Pakistani nukes with its soldiers surrendering in NWFP/FATA?
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