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How Putin outsmarted everyone

Putin has exposed Russia's weaknesses while making temporary gains. He should have kept quiet and developed Russia. Snatching Crimea will be the death of Russian imperialism.
Putin has exposed Russia's weaknesses while making temporary gains. He should have kept quiet and developed Russia. Snatching Crimea will be the death of Russian imperialism.

The Crimean federal district is part of Russia under Russian law. It will never, I repeat, never, be returned to Ukraine. There is nothing temporary about that. Borders change all the time, deal with it.
The Crimean federal district is part of Russia by Russian law. It will never, I repeat, never, return to Ukraine. There is nothing temporary about that. Borders change all the time, deal with it.

The world recognizes it as an occupation. Things can change, it's only Russia.
The world recognizes it as an occupation. Things can change, it's only Russia.

Only a few countries recognize it as part of Ukraine. They are old and weak. New powers like China and India and Brazil recognize it as part of Russia. We are the New Guard. We are going to take down the Old Guard. Just like Germany and Japan took down Britain and France.
The world recognizes it as an occupation. Things can change, it's only Russia.

World recognizes it as an occupation? :lol:

What a joke. The only thing that matters is who actually controls it, and it's Russia.

America and the West could have easily intervened if they wanted, but the truth is they don't care. Not enough to risk their own countries and soldiers for Ukraine.
World recognizes it as an occupation? :lol:

What a joke. The only thing that matters is who actually controls it, and it's Russia.

America and the West could have easily intervened if they wanted, but the truth is they don't care. Not enough to risk their own countries and soldiers for Ukraine.

Yes, the majority of the United Nations views it as a barbaric breach of international law. The West didn't interfere because we don't want to start a world war. We will help Ukraine weather the storm. The Russians will be starved out of Ukraine eventually once their economy collapses.
Yes, the majority of the United Nations views it as a barbaric breach of international law. The West didn't interfere because we don't want to start a world war. We will help Ukraine weather the storm. The Russians will be starved out of Ukraine eventually once their economy collapses.

If Russia's economy collapses, they will go into war mode in Eastern Europe, in order to build up more reserves and economic assets to help them weather the storm.

And who is going to risk a nuclear war to stop them? Let's see who sends soldiers against Russia.
Russia has opened up its flanks in Ukraine. No one is going to send troops to Russia, but Ukraine has a legitimate cause to bombard Russian positions outside of Ukraine and their agents in the East which of course is unfolding daily. The west won't interfere and nuclear war will be avoided while Russia well get a well deserved spanking at least in Ukraine. It's a Russian blunder in the making.
Russia has opened up its flanks in Ukraine. No one is going to send troops to Russia, but Ukraine has a legitimate cause to bombard Russian positions outside of Ukraine and their agents in the East which of course is unfolding daily. The west won't interfere and nuclear war will be avoided while Russia well get a well deserved spanking at least in Ukraine. It's a Russian blunder in the making.

I don't think anyone believes that Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war of any kind.

Ukraine's armed forces have been systematically destroyed from within by the previous administration. And Russian patriots have brought plenty of Ukrainian army equipment back to Russia.

The only hope for Ukraine is if America and the West send their armed forces to help.

And they have already said they would NOT do that.
First, Putin ordered Yanukovych to destroy the Ukrainian economy and then publicly announce going for a deal with the EU, only to back down at the very last moment. This angered western Ukrainians who love the EU to take to the streets to protest. Right Sector soon took over to violently overthrow Yanukovych. Putin then ordered Yanukovych to flee to Russia after making a deal with Right Sector. This makes Right Sector look like Right Sector broke the deal. This prompted Crimea to uprise against Right Sector. Amid reports of Right Sector about to invade Crimea, Putin swiftly annexed the peninsula without losing a single Russian soldier. Next, blasting Right Sector as Nazis on Russian TV, Donbas got the false confidence that Russia would annex Donbas just like Russia annexed Crimea. Donbas then uprose against Right Sector. Because a direct invasion of mainland Ukraine would for sure draw international condemnation even from China, Russia did not immediately deploy military to Donbas. Instead, arms were send to Donbas to halt the advance of Ukraine army and prevent the capitals Donetsk and Lugansk from falling to Ukraine. Now that the US is going to send arms to Ukraine because Ukrainian government got the false confidence that Russia will not militarily intervene if Ukraine army invades Donbas, Ukraine army will invade and in response Russia will have the excuse to deploy military to Donbas and annex Donbas in the name of protecting civilians without drawing international condemnation. And voila, two federal districts in two years, Crimean and Donbas, without losing a single Russian soldier because Ukrainian soldiers do not dare to shoot at Russian soldiers. Plus, it'll make Russians hate America forever because America sends weapons to Ukrainians to massacre Donbas Russians. Sooner or later, out of hunger and cold, Opposition Bloc which is remnant of Party of Regions or Communist Party gains power in Ukraine and relation between Russia and Ukraine is restored again.

All these in exchange for a temporarily plunging ruble。

It sure sounds very smart。:enjoy:

Crimea alone is worth 1 trillion USD minimum。

Heck,China would happily pay 2 trillion USD for Crimea。:-)

Putin has exposed Russia's weaknesses while making temporary gains. He should have kept quiet and developed Russia. Snatching Crimea will be the death of Russian imperialism.

Crimea is 10% larger than Wales and a much better piece of land in the right hands。:azn:
If Russia's economy collapses, they will go into war mode in Eastern Europe, in order to build up more reserves and economic assets to help them weather the storm.

And who is going to risk a nuclear war to stop them? Let's see who sends soldiers against Russia.

What you are saying is a 2 way street. Nobody would risk a nuclear war to stop Russia, on the other hand, Russia would also not risk a nuclear war for Ukraine

Have you ever wonder why Russian stop short from a full assistance? We know they are supplying rebel with arms, we knows this, you know this, the world knows this, but yet, even this is an open secret, and Russia are getting strike at economically, still Russian denial that they are helping the rebel. Have you ever think why?

For Russia to lies, they have to have something to hold on. On paper, whatever the west can do, aside from starting a war has already done, the west sanction Russia regardless. There are virtually no point for Putin to lies lol.

So still, why he lies about it??

People may not know, but Putin is marching Russia to the blink of destruction like back then when USSR finance the war in Afghanistan virtually bankrupting them. Financing the rebel is currently getting 0 in return. Instead it got hit with 3 to 5 billions of social security payment, military bill for equipment destroyed by Ukraine Armed Force.

Those cost a lot to pay, it's all depends on whether the rebel finish the operation in Eastern Ukraine first or Russia ran out of money first. Unless Russian send in divisions of soldier, I would only able to see the outcome would be the latter one. Do remember, with each day, Ukrainian armed force are getting stronger. Either Russia steep up or they should much rather cut lost and go home.

Russia has opened up its flanks in Ukraine. No one is going to send troops to Russia, but Ukraine has a legitimate cause to bombard Russian positions outside of Ukraine and their agents in the East which of course is unfolding daily. The west won't interfere and nuclear war will be avoided while Russia well get a well deserved spanking at least in Ukraine. It's a Russian blunder in the making.

Ukraine will not invade Russia, that part is for sure, they would however, move to first contain the rebel frontline, then move on to take back the rebel hold area. Then they will sue for peace and Russia would have nothing to do with Ukraine and Ukraine will wash their hand with Russia too. This is how it go down in 2015
What you are saying is a 2 way street. Nobody would risk a nuclear war to stop Russia, on the other hand, Russia would also not risk a nuclear war for Ukraine

Have you ever wonder why Russian stop short from a full assistance? We know they are supplying rebel with arms, we knows this, you know this, the world knows this, but yet, even this is an open secret, and Russia are getting strike at economically, still Russian denial that they are helping the rebel. Have you ever think why?

For Russia to lies, they have to have something to hold on. On paper, whatever the west can do, aside from starting a war has already done, the west sanction Russia regardless. There are virtually no point for Putin to lies lol.

So still, why he lies about it??

People may not know, but Putin is marching Russia to the blink of destruction like back then when USSR finance the war in Afghanistan virtually bankrupting them. Financing the rebel is currently getting 0 in return. Instead it got hit with 3 to 5 billions of social security payment, military bill for equipment destroyed by Ukraine Armed Force.

Those cost a lot to pay, it's all depends on whether the rebel finish the operation in Eastern Ukraine first or Russia ran out of money first. Unless Russian send in divisions of soldier, I would only able to see the outcome would be the latter one. Do remember, with each day, Ukrainian armed force are getting stronger. Either Russia steep up or they should much rather cut lost and go home.

Ukraine will not invade Russia, that part is for sure, they would however, move to first contain the rebel frontline, then move on to take back the rebel hold area. Then they will sue for peace and Russia would have nothing to do with Ukraine and Ukraine will wash their hand with Russia too. This is how it go down in 2015

Russia already took Crimea, nobody did anything about it.

Like how America did not stop China from taking Huangyan Island (Scarborough shoal) from the Philippines, despite the US-Philippines mutual defence treaty.
Moscow‘s next target should be the three Baltic countries。

Take a leaf out of the US' book and stir up trouble where it hurts the US and its lackeys most。
Russia already took Crimea, nobody did anything about it.

Like how America did not stop China from taking Huangyan Island (Scarborough shoal) from the Philippines, despite the US-Philippines mutual defence treaty.

Why US need to do anything? and lol What that have to do with my point

Infact, by saying what you are saying is a 2 way street, i have already accepted your position of US wont go to war with Russia for Ukraine, what i said is you seems to missed the point on Russia would also not keen on going allout war for ukraine either

And how are you so sure on US does not contribute on the Ukraine matter when Russian took Crimea?

Ukraine only have 1 Brigade that's ready for fighting before all this started, that's about 4500 men. Their total ground force size is roughly 10 times that and the fighting made up a lot of local militia, which were highly untrained.

Now, I would say this is probably enough when Ukrainian security force go after the equally rag-tagged rebel, but against covert Spetsnaz and the GRU Commando that the Russian say they were not sending? They can't even measure up. Also with 4000+ Para the Russian weren't officially sending, Ukrainian security force cannot even counter any of their offensive as the first couple of week show. But come back and look at it, why the situation now is in a stalemate of some sort?? Either The Ukrainian got that good with just 4 or 5 months fighting, or there are some external factors lol.

In the end, why do US have to get involved directly? When it's ok if we just help things smooth out a bit, I don't see the Russian + Rebel getting anywhere but the Eastern Border, and it really depend on how long Russia can hold under the current economical quagmire.

About scarborough shaol. Well if you care to think or remember, US left Philippine in the 1991, they have rejected 5he base treaty and the defence treaty and kick US out of Clark and Subic bay, what we have now only visiting force agreement. so what do you expect when they kick the American out in the first place?

lol you are really hard to please, when American poke its nose on someone else business and you are saying that we are interfering, when the American stay out of their business and you are wondering where is the American. Dude, take one stance, and one stance only, please
lol you are really hard to please, when American poke its nose on someone else business and you are saying that we are interfering, when the American stay out of their business and you are wondering where is the American. Dude, take one stance, and one stance only, please
You are asking for intellectual honesty. Are you nuts ? :lol:
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