China can easily test out results for Pakistan
But China lacks the dataset. The idea as you hint at
when speaking about Israel is possible dissemination.
Your reasonings themselves as to how are fine but we
have no evidence that it's even plausible at this time.
The shortest possible way is to have a well tested design.
Well, yes, of course but it can't suffice as we can show :
The present nuclear head on the Rafale's & M2000N-K3's
ASMP_A is the TNA that was finalized by simulation. We
missilised nukes before, in fact a TN-81 head was on
the ASMP predecessor.
So proven design yes but that is only to keep your product
renewed with fresh warheads. To make new better products,
simulation is a sine qua non. Either that or a now illegal test.
France wanted to go nuclear independent, and that didn't please the US that is why it did not want to share its dataset, it was easier with England though because the latter was a strategic closer ally of the US than France..
Well, yes also but you get to the core point : the UK is not
independent anymore, you know who makes their nukes
* but
that has nothing to do with how the simulation duo happened.
So sure they had access to US test results but their next nuke will require help.
Each had something the other wanted and expected to beat
the other to a fourth that both could get but one was behind in
the key metric, even uncertain to make it period.
Washington edged its bet that on powerful lasers (
that didn't exist
at the time ), both would eventually score so moot point while
dataset acquisition was complete for them but quite uncertain
for France considering upcoming treaties and politics and so on.
In that context, it made correct sense to trade for the 2 other
techs (
computers vs imagery ) on which the point was to get first
something the rest would get eventually without having to share
a necessary thing that you own and the other does not and may
never get.
That bet was disproved in blood when the Rainbow Warrior sunk.
We sometimes see very enthusiastic discussions on things like jets
and nukes here on PDF that seem to treat those subjects as if they
were akin to buying iPhones and trading baseball cards at recess.
That just isn't right or real!
Besides . . .
you only need as many nuclear weapons as to extract too big a cost on
a potential invader so as to make its endeavour a losing proposition.
Great day to all 3 and the rest, Tay.
* So sure they had access to US test results but their next nukes will require help.