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How Pakistan secures its nuclear weapons

Correct me if I am wrong... just a logical question I have in mind. Wouldn't the warheads be stored underground to avoid radioactive detection?

to some extent yes! storing in deep under ground sites do minimize the radioactive detection! that is how we keep there position hidden from the spy satallites! so storing the nukes there serves dual purpose
1. keep the position a secret by avoidind radioactive detection
2. keep them safe in case of any misadventure by the enemy forces, may it be areial or missile attack!

Secondly, there is no convincing the Western people or media on our nuclear security. When someone asks me this STUPID question, my answer is equally stupid. My usual reply is that ..... if you can manage to get your pickup truck into the ammo warehouse and load the "warhead" onto your pickup truck, your all set.

99% of the time I get this look of horror and reply "are you serious?"

:lol: correct!
we never tried to convince the west about our nuclear programme. they point fingers to us that some day pakistan may come under an extremist government and then the nukes will be a threat to the world! what we never have shown them is that india is being ruled by extremist BJP, there statements and news conferences say it all! they say that india is for hindus and muslims should be whiped out of it and all that stuff but still the world never put them under pressure rather they are giving them nuclear thechnology!

and yes your answer to the stpid question you have pointed out is very fine :yahoo: IF someone can come in the storage area and load the bomb in there truck it will be all done! :lol:
i will just like to add that:
1. first of all they have to find out the storage site. so spy satalite can help them.
2.they have to go to more than one storage site to shop for there bomb as it is stored in parts.
3. have to go through TIGHT security block to reach them, both manual and electronics! enev the cheif of army staff cannot go there without all the formal procedures which include the permission of lot of bodies!
4. have to bring all the part back to there safe heaven (india)
5.need scientist to assemble them
6. and i have very limited knowledge of the system so i must be missing thousands of points! also we cannot discuss them in detail over here!!

Time to cheer, :cheers: Pakistan have achieved a milestone that will not be talked about much!
Today my father have came from the testing site of the Gate I referred to in my earlier posts, the test was a success!! :yahoo:
For your review, Pakistani nuclear assets, the warhead are stored in deep underground tunnels. A gate was manufactured for these tunnels able to withstand a direct hit from a massive bomb (cannot mention the exact weight of the bomb). This gate was to be tested on Saturday at the secret testing site, four gates were delivered for testing with various explosives, and thanks to Almighty Allah the test was a success. The gate withstand huge amount of explosives, more that anything that can ever come and hit it!
Or nukes are safe in case of any misadventure by our enemies, be it our neighbor of our so called friend and ally in war on terror!
Pakistan Zindabad!!

Arslan stop spreading classified info :p

sir i havent said a word about its actual abilities!! :enjoy:
and sir trust me, it will prove to be much more then i have claimed!Inshallah!
ther is still a lot of surprise factor in it janab!!!


Note: i havent post the pics of the gates, the actual amount of explosivies and type of explosivies used in the test for the very reason as stated by SAADAHMED. ;)
this report is only for those who will cheer it as they will be happy even without demanding a source which i wont be providing!!

for the time being enjoy the acheivement, keep trust in your engineers and be sure that there is plenty to follow!

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what we never have shown them is that india is being ruled by extremist BJP, there statements and news conferences say it all! they say that india is for hindus and muslims should be whiped out of it and all that stuff but still the world never put them under pressure rather they are giving them nuclear thechnology!

BJP's statements were just political stunts; in fact when they came to power they didn't do anything of their rhetorical right wing statements they had promised - which is generally good - but they also indulged in unnecessary gujrat riots & failed to bring a common uniform civil code, as well as failing to remove special status to kashmir. but on the flip side they didn't construct the ayodhya temple, nor did they "nuke" muslims or pakis. in fact I think they behaved diplomatically in '99 without escalating the conflict, when both countries could have well pushed their nuke buttons.

But thats all history, cuz BJP were whipped by Congress led UPA 2 times in a row which means that India doesn't really like Hindu fundamentalists.


ARTICLE (June 09 2009): On 28 May 2009, a private TV channel telecast a programme under the above subject. The guest speakers emphasised that our nuclear programme is in safe hands and the command and control system is far better than of the Indians. Compared to the US nuclear safety measures where cases of theft of nuclear material have taken place no such incident occurred in Pakistan.

American propaganda mechanism is directed against Pakistan in collusion with the Jews and the Indians to unnerve our leadership and cause confusion in the country. Statements are attributed to no less than Admiral Mike Mullen and Defence Secretary Robert Gates.

Conflicting statements are issued by these two officials sometimes saying that our nuclear assets are safe and at the other saying that these could fall into al Qaeda-Taliban hands and used against the US. As a result, our leaders have to issue repeated statements that our nuclear assets are in safe hands.

We lack counter propaganda strategy. Denials are no answer to the problem. Al Qaeda-Taliban, if they have to attack America, will steal nuclear material in America and use it there as it would be convenient for them to do so. The think tanks in America should look into this possibility as well and set their house in order. After all 9/11 event occurred in US right under the nose of those who were responsible for the safety of the American citizens.

Iran is likely to become a nuclear power in days to come. US has chickened out against Iran and North Korea, because the leadership in these countries can give a befitting reply to US accusations. We need a leader like Ahmedinejad of the North Korean President who mince no words to reply to Americans. As long as we adopt a timed approach to US allegations - the Americans will continue to play games with us.

The young man who appeared as a guest speaker on the programme rightly said, "US is not bothered if Pakistan exists or not, their objective is to contain China by making India as a regional superpower which is to be achieved at all costs." US is not a sincere ally and if we go through the past record, we find occasions when US dumped us at critical junctures.

Our Parliament is weak and it is unfortunate that destinies of 170 million people are in the hands of a few, who are guided by self interests. US wants it in the way as is easy for it to manipulate its policies, and objectives under the garb of supporting democracy in Pakistan.

The Americans have made Pakistan "A Kabaddi ground" where policies conceived in Washington are put to test in Islamabad. They have converted our soil into a battleground where the fallout of war on terror in Afghanistan is being experienced in Pakistan. We have to distance ourselves from this American fire burning in Afghanistan.

We need to realign our national policies and objectives and act in extreme national interests of the state. Our MNAs, MPAs have to realise that they are the custodians of the country. We do not need a hand picket government favourites who always speak in favour of the government on all issues. The performance of our legislators has been below the mark. They lack innovations and expertise to bring up laws to protect the interests of the common man.

They feel comfort-able travelling in a motorcade in a bullet-proof car at the inconvenience of the public. Wide gap has emerged between the leaders and the public and this is a dangerous sign in any democracy. There are many issues and irritants confronting the nation at a critical time when our economy is bad, writ of the state is being challenged, loadshedding, unemployment and issue of IDPs wavering foreign policy are areas that need special attention.
Of course all the ... Nukes are Secured.....

There are 100,000 soldiers and 500 Alkhalid tanks guarding them -

nonsense -

They are more secure then stuff in USA, where nuclear waste is readily available in garbage canisters by nuclear facilities:what:

And the CNN and christian Amanpor gives you a update of locations of those sites :rofl:
Wow, excellent news. I am glad to hear. I am curious what's reason for this testing again, upgrading? Advanced Missiles? Thanks for info.

dear i guess you missunderstood my post!
it was not the nuclear weapon testing but the test for a gate for the tunnels in which our nukes are kept. these tunnels have a gate that can withstand a direct hit from huge amount of explosive thus protecting the weapons stored inside!! my post were regarding this gate and its testing where the gates strength was tested against different types of explosivies that can come and hit it in case of a war!

i hope you get my point now!

Correct me if I am wrong... just a logical question I have in mind. Wouldn't the warheads be stored underground to avoid radioactive detection?

Secondly, there is no convincing the Western people or media on our nuclear security. When someone asks me this STUPID question, my answer is equally stupid. My usual reply is that ..... if you can manage to get your pickup truck into the ammo warehouse and load the "warhead" onto your pickup truck, your all set.

99% of the time I get this look of horror and reply "are you serious?"

The warheads are stored in specially designed storage rooms that contain radiation. Also, you do not have a universal mapping system in form of a satellite to detect and mark radio-active sources. The only way to detect radio-active source is to have a detector in ls proximity of the source. If you are that close to the radio-active source to detect it, you would be standing right next to the storage shed nd in the middle of the highly secured facility!
Pakistan's 'loose nukes'
Mark Urban | 19:15 PM, Thursday, 11 June 2009

Every now and then in this business someone in a position to know some enthralling secret passes information on to you, but you have no means of backing it up from other sources.

A few years ago, I was told about extraordinary US contingency plans to recover Pakistan's nuclear weapons, in the event of a collapse of law and order or an extremist coup in that country.

My informant gave me considerable detail. A super-secret agreement had been put in place early this decade following confrontations between India and Pakistan, two nuclear armed nations, over the disputed Kashmir region.

In order to stabilise an otherwise potentially highly volatile situation, Pakistan would tell the US where its nuclear weapons were.

India had been promised, that in the event of some Pakistani national cataclysm, the Americans would move in to remove the nuclear weapons.

The "loose nukes" nightmare would thus be avoided, and India would not be tempted into a first strike on Pakistan's atomic arsenal.

Sometimes stories, even from people who have held senior positions in Western governments, are a little too good to be true.

This one seemed to smack of Tom Clancy. Nobody would ever confirm it, and indeed some of those I checked it out with were openly sceptical. So I never ran the story.

Perhaps, after all, my original informant had been trying to plant it.

Now that the Obama administration is openly voicing its concern about the threat to Pakistan's nuclear weapons from rising militancy in that country, some aspects of that original tip off have come back into sharp focus.

In April, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a US senate committee, that the US spent a lot of time worrying about Iran getting nuclear weapons, but that Pakistan already had them, and that, "they've adopted a policy of dispersing their nuclear weapons and facilities".

In this phrase, "adopted a policy" I detected a possible inference that Pakistan had moved away from an earlier procedure of keeping their bombs in a small number of locations.

My further inquiries suggested this inference was deliberate.

So here at last was a measure of confirmation for something I had heard years earlier.

As to what exactly Pakistan had told the US in the time of president (and former army chief) Pervez Musharraf, we are once again in hazier territory.

We do know however that Mr Musharraf knew far more about the country's nuclear complex than any civilian leader has ever been allowed to learn.

We also know that in the first years after 9/11, there was intimate strategic co-operation with the US.

Of course any suggestion that the US might, in the past, have had plans to sweep up these weapons is politically sensitive in Pakistan.

The country revels in the status that its arsenal has given it. Any suggestion that there were plans to "secure" the bombs, even in a state of anarchy, would strike many Pakistanis as a US plot to emasculate an Islamic nuclear power.

Some feel the nuclear danger is being exaggerated in Washington in order to build support for the Obama administration's ****** policy.

There may be something in this, given that the chance of Taliban storming some nuclear weapon storage point is remote.

But the real danger at present lies in subversion.

Pakistan's nuclear establishment produced the unhappy example of AQ Khan, who sold nuclear weapons technology to Libya, North Korea and Iran.

He is said to have acted from a combination of ideological and financial motives.

The chance currently is less of a complete collapse of order, the kind of circumstance under which possible secret plans of yesteryear would have come into play, but of one or more individuals working inside the system providing Islamic militants with nuclear materials or, sum of all nightmares, an entire atomic weapon.
Pakistan's 'loose nukes'
Mark Urban | 19:15 PM, Thursday, 11 June 2009

Every now and then in this business someone in a position to know some enthralling secret passes information on to you, but you have no means of backing it up from other sources.

A few years ago, I was told about extraordinary US contingency plans to recover Pakistan's nuclear weapons, in the event of a collapse of law and order or an extremist coup in that country.

My informant gave me considerable detail. A super-secret agreement had been put in place early this decade following confrontations between India and Pakistan, two nuclear armed nations, over the disputed Kashmir region.

In order to stabilise an otherwise potentially highly volatile situation, Pakistan would tell the US where its nuclear weapons were.

India had been promised, that in the event of some Pakistani national cataclysm, the Americans would move in to remove the nuclear weapons.

The "loose nukes" nightmare would thus be avoided, and India would not be tempted into a first strike on Pakistan's atomic arsenal.

Sometimes stories, even from people who have held senior positions in Western governments, are a little too good to be true.

This one seemed to smack of Tom Clancy. Nobody would ever confirm it, and indeed some of those I checked it out with were openly sceptical. So I never ran the story.

Perhaps, after all, my original informant had been trying to plant it.

Now that the Obama administration is openly voicing its concern about the threat to Pakistan's nuclear weapons from rising militancy in that country, some aspects of that original tip off have come back into sharp focus.

In April, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a US senate committee, that the US spent a lot of time worrying about Iran getting nuclear weapons, but that Pakistan already had them, and that, "they've adopted a policy of dispersing their nuclear weapons and facilities".

In this phrase, "adopted a policy" I detected a possible inference that Pakistan had moved away from an earlier procedure of keeping their bombs in a small number of locations.

My further inquiries suggested this inference was deliberate.

So here at last was a measure of confirmation for something I had heard years earlier.

As to what exactly Pakistan had told the US in the time of president (and former army chief) Pervez Musharraf, we are once again in hazier territory.

We do know however that Mr Musharraf knew far more about the country's nuclear complex than any civilian leader has ever been allowed to learn.

We also know that in the first years after 9/11, there was intimate strategic co-operation with the US.

Of course any suggestion that the US might, in the past, have had plans to sweep up these weapons is politically sensitive in Pakistan.

The country revels in the status that its arsenal has given it. Any suggestion that there were plans to "secure" the bombs, even in a state of anarchy, would strike many Pakistanis as a US plot to emasculate an Islamic nuclear power.

Some feel the nuclear danger is being exaggerated in Washington in order to build support for the Obama administration's ****** policy.

There may be something in this, given that the chance of Taliban storming some nuclear weapon storage point is remote.

But the real danger at present lies in subversion.

Pakistan's nuclear establishment produced the unhappy example of AQ Khan, who sold nuclear weapons technology to Libya, North Korea and Iran.

He is said to have acted from a combination of ideological and financial motives.

The chance currently is less of a complete collapse of order, the kind of circumstance under which possible secret plans of yesteryear would have come into play, but of one or more individuals working inside the system providing Islamic militants with nuclear materials or, sum of all nightmares, an entire atomic weapon.

What a bunch of nonsense - the author basically says that he knows nothing about what is going on, the one 'contingency' he was briefed on appears absurd (as he himself admits), and Pakistan has indeed spread out its nukes and even deployed some in hardened underground bunkers to preserve a second strike capability.

What does the article add to the discussion?
Pentagon comfortable with Pak N-safety steps
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon on Tuesday reaffirmed its confidence in the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear assets with a spokesman saying he was not aware of any Taliban attacks on the South Asian country’s nuclear installations, reported in the Indian media earlier in the day.

Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said he does not know about the reported Taliban attacks against Pakistani facilities to be actual. “I can just repeat what you have heard time and time again from Chairman (Joint Chiefs Staff) Mullen and Secretary (of Defense) Gates that they are comfortable with the security measures that the Pakistani government, the Pakistani military have in place to ensure that their nuclear arsenal is safeguarded,” he said.

Morrell said since he has not heard of any such attack, he is not in a position to talk about it in particular. The press secretary was asked to comment on claims made in a Times of India report that extremists tried to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities on three occasions in recent years.

Pentagon comfortable with Pak N-safety steps
Pentagon comfortable with Pak N-safety steps
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon on Tuesday reaffirmed its confidence in the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear assets with a spokesman saying he was not aware of any Taliban attacks on the South Asian country’s nuclear installations, reported in the Indian media earlier in the day.

Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said he does not know about the reported Taliban attacks against Pakistani facilities to be actual. “I can just repeat what you have heard time and time again from Chairman (Joint Chiefs Staff) Mullen and Secretary (of Defense) Gates that they are comfortable with the security measures that the Pakistani government, the Pakistani military have in place to ensure that their nuclear arsenal is safeguarded,” he said.

Morrell said since he has not heard of any such attack, he is not in a position to talk about it in particular. The press secretary was asked to comment on claims made in a Times of India report that extremists tried to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities on three occasions in recent years.

Pentagon comfortable with Pak N-safety steps

What ever the security measures we took, the day is coming when there will be the attack on our Atomic assets not in form of millitary but through UNO, and all westren members will ask Pakistant to give control of his ATOMIC Weapons under UNO.

Thats the big matter for which we have to be ready, and Are we ready for that yet ?????????

This is the big Question????:no:
What ever the security measures we took, the day is coming when there will be the attack on our Atomic assets not in form of millitary but through UNO, and all westren members will ask Pakistant to give control of his ATOMIC Weapons under UNO.

Thats the big matter for which we have to be ready, and Are we ready for that yet ?????????

This is the big Question????:no:

I dont think that will ever happen, China has a seat in United nations, and as Its your good ally , They can handle international pressure to an extent, I know this is a very immature statement, but I dont know much about this, forgive me if I am wrong...
What ever the security measures we took, the day is coming when there will be the attack on our Atomic assets not in form of millitary but through UNO, and all westren members will ask Pakistant to give control of his ATOMIC Weapons under UNO.

Thats the big matter for which we have to be ready, and Are we ready for that yet ?????????

This is the big Question????:no:

And please would you elaborate why UNO will ask for this?

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