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How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised

Lol again my little paranoid friend.
Watch your tone matey!
not so hard for you guys to get carried away and have your names painted pink.

I never denied ghauri and shaheen's existence. Your compadre was talking about countering the US with tipu :lol:
Of course I was making the point of you guys underestimating Pakistan Armed Forces, denying every single weapon under development, until it is confirmed and tested.

Tipu is under development and just like you did with all other developments, you call it a bluff

And good luck with targeting India. Too bad we have you surrounded with an airbase in Tajikistan
and is setting up a naval station in Madagascar to monitor and patrol the coast of Mozambique as well as the Southern Indian Ocean.
I am pretty sure Tajiks wont want a few Babur cruise missiles landing on their airbase.
What's the Southern Indian Ocean got to do with us!?!?!?

I doubt your military is stupid enough to start pointing missiles at the most crucial time of pakistan
:rofl: We don't keep them there because they look pretty.

Man you guys crack me up :lol:
the word lame comes to mind to describe your post.
Of all of the posts of yours that I have read, none have had any value, they are all baseless arguments, which end in you failing and resorting to trolling.

these haven't been tested, I'm pretty sure GOP don't want to test these in current situation.

Well enlighten me on this;

Pakistan posses 4500km range missile which has not been tested................lol
All I can say is wow........!!!!

And when would the time according to you come for the test of ICBMs?? U.S. Already raided abbotabad+daily drone attacks+Air operations by NATO planes in Pakistani territory.
Are you people waiting for SEAL operations on your Nuclear facilities??

It always help if we live in the world of reality illusions would get us nowhere.
Well enlighten me on this;

Pakistan posses 4500km range missile which has not been tested................lol
All I can say is wow........!!!!

And when would the time according to you come for the test of ICBMs?? U.S. Already raided abbotabad+daily drone attacks+Air operations by NATO planes in Pakistani territory.
Are you people waiting for SEAL operations on your Nuclear facilities??

It always help if we live in the world of reality illusions would get us nowhere.

The 4000km range missile is under development...news of it being operational are not true...

We don't possess ICBMs,nor there is any plan for them right now...(against US)...I hope this helps...
Well enlighten me on this;

Pakistan posses 4500km range missile which has not been tested................lol
All I can say is wow........!!!!

Maybe you didn't see this in my earlier post..... Now is not the time to test such missiles, genius!

And when would the time according to you come for the test of ICBMs?? U.S. Already raided abbotabad+daily drone attacks+Air operations by NATO planes in Pakistani territory.
Are you people waiting for SEAL operations on your Nuclear facilities??

when we have them, Jheez it's like your sub-conciously taking in the info I told you in distorted way.
Do you know what 'under development' means???

It always help if we live in the world of reality illusions would get us nowhere.

We live in reality, You choose not to see it.
Just like everything else you had thought or assumed about our defences. YOU WERE WONRG!

Your ignorance is blinding you, as usual.
The 4000km range missile is under development...news of it being operational are not true...

We don't possess ICBMs,nor there is any plan for them right now...(against US)...I hope this helps...

the Shaheen and Ghauri are there....
We have been hearing about them for over a decade now.
No test as of yet, and we all know why...
the Shaheen and Ghauri are there....
We have been hearing about them for over a decade now.
No test as of yet, and we all know why...

Ghauri III is nothing more than a cancelled project...there is no use of investing millions of dollars in a liquid fueled system when other options are available...

The 4000km range missile is under-development with a new name...as soon as it will be ready for testing,we will see the flight test...
Ghauri III is nothing more than a cancelled project...there is no use of investing millions of dollars in a liquid fueled system when other options are available...

The 4000km range missile is under-development with a new name...as soon as it will be ready for testing,we will see the flight test...

:disagree: There is no evidence to say it is ready or it has been cancelled, no point debating it's existence, only time will tell
Well enlighten me on this;

Pakistan posses 4500km range missile which has not been tested................lol
All I can say is wow........!!!!

And when would the time according to you come for the test of ICBMs?? U.S. Already raided abbotabad+daily drone attacks+Air operations by NATO planes in Pakistani territory.
Are you people waiting for SEAL operations on your Nuclear facilities??

It always help if we live in the world of reality illusions would get us nowhere.

:rofl:.......where did you get that???
Taimur 7000 km ICBM is lab ready and can be tested anytime. Maybe they're waiting for the right time to test?

Work on Eesa ICBM is underway
Cut the crap first tell me

Are nukes always kept assembled in a ready to fire state? Nopes
Are nukes like that you steal and you fire it? Nopes
Are nukes an childs play to fire? Nopes

Even in the event of stolen nukes which i think was more a possibility in the broken soviet days they cannot be just fired without the technical know how....

The concern is not the nukes from the exteral threats but someone internal going rougue
:rofl:.......where did you get that???

NATO helicopters violate Pakistan’s airspace

Air-borne troops from the US-led Nato forces intruded into the North Waziristan tribal region on Monday in pursuit of militants and took into custody five suspected militants from the Haqqani network.
The Haqqani network – the deadliest of all Taliban factions – has been blamed by the United States for most of the attacks against Nato troops in Afghanistan.
According to media reports, Nato helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace in “hot pursuit’” landed in the mountainous area of Gorveet in North Waziristan and took into custody five suspected members of the Haqqani network.
The political agent of North Waziristan confirmed the incident and the arrests. Locals said that fear gripped the area following the incident.
In Islamabad, the US embassy rejected the report of Pakistan’s airspace violation by Nato helicopters as “false”. The spokesperson said the US embassy has checked with authorities from the International Security and Assistance Force (Isaf) in Afghanistan that they have confirmed that no such incident took place in North Waziristan.
Meanwhile, a young girl was killed and eight others were wounded in a bomb attack at a hotel in North Waziristan, officials said.
The blast occurred at the 12-room Super Waziristan Hotel in Miramshah, the main town of the tribal region.
“An improvised explosive device (IED) that was planted in one of the rooms went off, initially wounding nine people,” an intelligence official told AFP, on condition of anonymity.
Another official confirmed the incident and said a girl died of her wounds after reaching the hospital.
However, according to APP the bomb was planted on the rooftop of Qadria Hotel in the main bazaar of Miramshah and injured 10 persons, including three women and four children. The hotel building was slightly damaged.
Security forces and the political administration rushed to the location soon after the blast and started a search operation.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 31st, 2011.
All nuclear power maintain some nukes are in a ready to fire condition, their location is top secret.

For P5, the location is primarily their SSBN's.
All nuclear power maintain some nukes are in a ready to fire condition, their location is top secret.

For P5, the location is primarily their SSBN's.

even they cannot be fired without lock codes practically till one has know how to dismantle and re assemble them and i am sure lock codes are not with those who actually guard them and those who dont dont have the access to them
so who so ever , will say even a word bad about Pakistan in Pakistan , his or her citizenship will be taken away and he or she will be declared a RAW , CIA OR MOOSAD agent ....?????



thats what every Indian do over here, no bigee
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