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How pakistan lets terrorism fester - view from the New York Times


Mar 19, 2011
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How Pakistan Lets Terrorism Fester

Published: May 10, 2012

ON the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death last week, Pakistan was the only Muslim country in which hundreds of demonstrators gathered to show solidarity with the dead terrorist figurehead.

Yet rather than asking tough questions about how Bin Laden had managed to live unmolested in Pakistan for years, the Pakistani Supreme Court instead chose to punish the prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, by charging him with contempt for failing to carry out the court’s own partisan agenda — in this case, pressuring the Swiss government to reopen a decades-old corruption investigation of President Asif Ali Zardari. (Never mind that Swiss officials say they are unlikely to revisit the charges.)

In handing down the decision, one justice chose to paraphrase the Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran. He held forth in a long appeal to religious-nationalist sentiment that began with the line, “Pity the nation that achieves nationhood in the name of a religion but pays little heed to truth, righteousness and accountability, which are the essence of every religion.”

That a Supreme Court justice would cite poetry instead of law while sentencing an elected leader on questionable charges reflects Pakistan’s deep state of denial about its true national priorities at a time when the country is threatened by religious extremism and terrorism.

Today, Pakistan is polarized between those who envision a modern, pluralist country and those who condone violence against minorities and terrorism in the name of Islam. Many are caught in the middle; they support the pluralist vision but dislike the politicians espousing it.

Meanwhile, an elephant in the room remains. We still don’t know who enabled Bin Laden to live freely in Pakistan. Documents found on computers in his compound offer no direct evidence of support from Pakistan’s government, army or intelligence services. But even if Bin Laden relied on a private support network, our courts should be focused on identifying, arresting and prosecuting the individuals who helped him. Unfortunately, their priorities seem to lie elsewhere.

In Pakistan, most of the debate about Bin Laden has centered on how and why America violated Pakistan’s sovereignty by unilaterally carrying out an operation to kill him. There has been little discussion about whether the presence of the world’s most-wanted terrorist in a garrison town filled with army officers was itself a threat to the sovereignty and security of Pakistan.

Pakistanis are right to see themselves as victims of terrorism and to be offended by American unilateralism in dealing with it. Last year alone, 4,447 people were killed in 476 major terrorist attacks. Over the last decade, thousands of soldiers and law enforcement officers have died fighting terrorists — both homegrown, and those inspired by Al Qaeda’s nihilist ideology.

But if anything, the reaction should be to gear up and fight jihadist ideology and those who perpetrate terrorist acts in its name; they remain the gravest threat to Pakistan’s stability. Instead, our national discourse has been hijacked by those seeking to deflect attention from militant Islamic extremism.

The national mind-set that condones this sort of extremism was cultivated and encouraged under the military dictatorships of Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq from 1977 to 1988 and Gen. Pervez Musharraf from 1999 to 2008. A whole generation of Pakistanis has grown up with textbooks that conflate Pakistani nationalism with Islamist exclusivism.

Anti-Western sentiment and a sense of collective victimhood were cultivated as a substitute for serious debate on social or economic policy. Militant groups were given free rein, originally with American support, to resist the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and later became an instrument of Pakistani regional influence there and in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan’s return to democracy, after the elections of 2008, offered hope. But the elected government has since been hobbled by domestic political infighting and judicial activism on every issue except extremism and terrorism.

Before Mr. Musharraf was ousted, a populist lawyers’ movement successfully challenged his firing of Supreme Court justices. The lawyers’ willingness to confront Mr. Musharraf in his last days raised hopes of a new era. But over the last four years, the Court has spent most of its energy trying to dislodge the government by insisting on reopening cases of alleged corruption from the 1990s. During the same period, no significant terrorist leader has been convicted, and many have been set free by judges who overtly sympathize with their ideology.

This has happened because the lawyers’ movement split into two factions after Mr. Musharraf’s fall: those emphasizing the rule of law and those seeking to use the judiciary as a rival to elected leaders.

Asma Jahangir, who helped lead the lawyers’ movement, has become a critic of the courts, accusing them of overstepping their constitutional mandate and falling under the influence of the security establishment. And Aitzaz Ahsan, who represented the Supreme Court’s chief justice during the lawyers’ showdown with Mr. Musharraf, is now Prime Minister Gilani’s lawyer in the contempt-of-court case — a clear indication of the political realignment that has taken place.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s raucous media, whose hard-won freedom is crucial for the success of democracy, has done little to help generate support for eliminating extremism and fighting terrorism. The Supreme Court, conservative opposition parties and the news media insist that confronting alleged incompetence and corruption in the current government is more important than turning Pakistan away from Islamist radicalism.

While fighting Pakistan’s endemic corruption is vital, the media and judiciary have helped redirect attention away from the threat of jihadist ideology by constantly targeting the governing party — a convenient situation for the intelligence services, which would prefer to keep the spotlight on the civilian government rather than on the militant groups they have historically supported.

Convicting the dozens of terrorists released by Pakistani courts should be a greater priority for the country’s judiciary than scoring points against the elected executive branch. And the Pakistani media should be more focused on asking why those deemed terrorists internationally are celebrated as heroes at home.

Until their priorities shift, the empty pronouncements of our leaders against terrorism and the sacrifices of our soldiers in battle with militants will not suffice to change the nation’s course.

Husain Haqqani, a professor at Boston University, was Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States from 2008 to 2011.
How Pakistan Lets Terrorism Fester​

ON the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death last week, Pakistan was the only Muslim country in which hundreds of demonstrators gathered to show solidarity with the dead terrorist figurehead.

Yet rather than asking tough questions about how Bin Laden had managed to live unmolested in Pakistan for years, the Pakistani Supreme Court instead chose to punish the prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, by charging him with contempt for failing to carry out the court’s own partisan agenda — in this case, pressuring the Swiss government to reopen a decades-old corruption investigation of President Asif Ali Zardari. (Never mind that Swiss officials say they are unlikely to revisit the charges.)

In handing down the decision, one justice chose to paraphrase the Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran. He held forth in a long appeal to religious-nationalist sentiment that began with the line, “Pity the nation that achieves nationhood in the name of a religion but pays little heed to truth, righteousness and accountability, which are the essence of every religion.”

That a Supreme Court justice would cite poetry instead of law while sentencing an elected leader on questionable charges reflects Pakistan’s deep state of denial about its true national priorities at a time when the country is threatened by religious extremism and terrorism.

Today, Pakistan is polarized between those who envision a modern, pluralist country and those who condone violence against minorities and terrorism in the name of Islam. Many are caught in the middle; they support the pluralist vision but dislike the politicians espousing it.

Meanwhile, an elephant in the room remains. We still don’t know who enabled Bin Laden to live freely in Pakistan. Documents found on computers in his compound offer no direct evidence of support from Pakistan’s government, army or intelligence services. But even if Bin Laden relied on a private support network, our courts should be focused on identifying, arresting and prosecuting the individuals who helped him. Unfortunately, their priorities seem to lie elsewhere.

In Pakistan, most of the debate about Bin Laden has centered on how and why America violated Pakistan’s sovereignty by unilaterally carrying out an operation to kill him. There has been little discussion about whether the presence of the world’s most-wanted terrorist in a garrison town filled with army officers was itself a threat to the sovereignty and security of Pakistan.

Pakistanis are right to see themselves as victims of terrorism and to be offended by American unilateralism in dealing with it. Last year alone, 4,447 people were killed in 476 major terrorist attacks. Over the last decade, thousands of soldiers and law enforcement officers have died fighting terrorists — both homegrown, and those inspired by Al Qaeda’s nihilist ideology.

But if anything, the reaction should be to gear up and fight jihadist ideology and those who perpetrate terrorist acts in its name; they remain the gravest threat to Pakistan’s stability. Instead, our national discourse has been hijacked by those seeking to deflect attention from militant Islamic extremism.

The national mind-set that condones this sort of extremism was cultivated and encouraged under the military dictatorships of Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq from 1977 to 1988 and Gen. Pervez Musharraf from 1999 to 2008. A whole generation of Pakistanis has grown up with textbooks that conflate Pakistani nationalism with Islamist exclusivism.

Anti-Western sentiment and a sense of collective victimhood were cultivated as a substitute for serious debate on social or economic policy. Militant groups were given free rein, originally with American support, to resist the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and later became an instrument of Pakistani regional influence there and in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan’s return to democracy, after the elections of 2008, offered hope. But the elected government has since been hobbled by domestic political infighting and judicial activism on every issue except extremism and terrorism.

Before Mr. Musharraf was ousted, a populist lawyers’ movement successfully challenged his firing of Supreme Court justices. The lawyers’ willingness to confront Mr. Musharraf in his last days raised hopes of a new era. But over the last four years, the Court has spent most of its energy trying to dislodge the government by insisting on reopening cases of alleged corruption from the 1990s. During the same period, no significant terrorist leader has been convicted, and many have been set free by judges who overtly sympathize with their ideology.

This has happened because the lawyers’ movement split into two factions after Mr. Musharraf’s fall: those emphasizing the rule of law and those seeking to use the judiciary as a rival to elected leaders.

Asma Jahangir, who helped lead the lawyers’ movement, has become a critic of the courts, accusing them of overstepping their constitutional mandate and falling under the influence of the security establishment. And Aitzaz Ahsan, who represented the Supreme Court’s chief justice during the lawyers’ showdown with Mr. Musharraf, is now Prime Minister Gilani’s lawyer in the contempt-of-court case — a clear indication of the political realignment that has taken place.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s raucous media, whose hard-won freedom is crucial for the success of democracy, has done little to help generate support for eliminating extremism and fighting terrorism. The Supreme Court, conservative opposition parties and the news media insist that confronting alleged incompetence and corruption in the current government is more important than turning Pakistan away from Islamist radicalism.

While fighting Pakistan’s endemic corruption is vital, the media and judiciary have helped redirect attention away from the threat of jihadist ideology by constantly targeting the governing party — a convenient situation for the intelligence services, which would prefer to keep the spotlight on the civilian government rather than on the militant groups they have historically supported.

Convicting the dozens of terrorists released by Pakistani courts should be a greater priority for the country’s judiciary than scoring points against the elected executive branch. And the Pakistani media should be more focused on asking why those deemed terrorists internationally are celebrated as heroes at home.

Until their priorities shift, the empty pronouncements of our leaders against terrorism and the sacrifices of our soldiers in battle with militants will not suffice to change the nation’s course.

Husain Haqqani, a professor at Boston University, was Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States from 2008 to 2011.


The first line tells the story itself.

Of all the Muslim countries in the world.

Read: ALL!

The only country where people protested protested on the death anniversary of the world's most dreaded terrorist was: PAKISTAN..

...Only Muslim Country.

Says a lot.
Hussain Haqqani..... Complaining about SC verdict on PM...... Trying to paint Pakistan as terrorist supporter just to save his own ***....

Says A lot......
Hussain Haqqani..... Complaining about SC verdict on PM...... Trying to paint Pakistan as terrorist supporter just to save his own ***....

Says A lot......

Is it a fact or is it not a fact that pakistan is the only country where ordinary people took mourning processions for bin laden, with hundreds lamenting?

PhotoBlog - Prayers offered for bin Laden in Karachi, Pakistan

Islamist militants hold prayers for bin Laden in Pakistan | FaithWorld

Amid vows of revenge, cries of indignation, young men hold funeral prayers for Bin Laden – The Express Tribune

It is sad to see our neighbouring country being so radicalised. And their predictable response, instead of admitting it, and trying to find remedies, would be something about colonel purohit, as always. (Who was caught and arrested by India.)

Supporters of the banned Islamic organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa embrace each other after taking part in a funeral prayer for al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Karachi on Tuesday, May 3. The founder one of Pakistan's most violent Islamist militant groups has told Muslims to be heartened by the death of Osama bin Laden, as his "martyrdom" would not be in vain, a spokesman for the group said on Tuesday.


Activists of Jamaat-ud-Dawa offer funeral prayers for Osama bin Laden on a street in Karachi on Tuesday.


An activist of Jamaat-ud-Dawa weeps during a funeral prayer for Osama bin Laden on a street in Karachi on Tuesday. Hundreds of people offered special prayers for Osama bin Laden in the populous Pakistani city of Karachi, where the organizers declared the Al-Qaida chief as a martyr, police said.


Activists of Pakistani Jamaat-ud-Dawa chant slogans during Muslim funeral prayers for Osama bin Laden on a street in Karachi on Tuesday.


Supporters of the banned Islamic organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa hold up their hands while shouting anti-American slogans before a symbolic funeral prayer for Osama bin Laden in Karachi on Tuesday.


(A supporter of the banned Islamic organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa clears tears while taking part in a symbolic funeral prayer for al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Karachi on May 3, 2011/Athar Hussain)
And yet mainstream pak journos like m.luqman are hellbent on proving this group innocent................
Is it a fact or is it not a fact that pakistan is the only country where ordinary people took mourning processions for bin laden, with hundreds lamenting?

PhotoBlog - Prayers offered for bin Laden in Karachi, Pakistan

Islamist militants hold prayers for bin Laden in Pakistan | FaithWorld

Amid vows of revenge, cries of indignation, young men hold funeral prayers for Bin Laden – The Express Tribune

It is sad to see our neighbouring country being so radicalised. And their predictable response, instead of admitting it, and trying to find remedies, would be something about colonel purohit, as always. (Who was caught and arrested by India.)

Well where the famous Democracy and Freedom of Expression..... They are being called militant for holding prayers...... Seems like Freedom of expression is only to praise West or to abuse muslim prophets. I can see in the pictures above less than 1000 people out of 160 million and a nations is being accused of extremist mindset... THe only radical and extremist here are the people who only want to see extremism to satisfy themselves.
Well where the famous Democracy and Freedom of Expression..... They are being called militant for holding prayers...... Seems like Freedom of expression is only to praise West or to abuse muslim prophets. I can see in the pictures above less than 1000 people out of 160 million and a nations is being accused of extremist mindset... THe only radical and extremist here are the people who only want to see extremism to satisfy themselves.

Of course they have freedom to do that. And we have the freedom to point it out. Nobody said they should be jailed for holding prayers, and in my post I didnt call them militants. I clearly said the sad thing is that "ordinary people" are paying tributes to an acknowledged terrorist. Read it again - I clearly said these are ordinary people.

And by the way you are making it sound all so innocent - "oh they are just holding prayers." You do realise, don't you, that these funeral prayers and mouring is being held for the world's (then) most wanted terrorist? That is why this is different from an ordinary prayer meeting - the fact that all these people idolise and respect osama bin laden, an acknowledged mass murderer.

And nobody said their freedom of expression should be taken away, so don't tilt at windmills. Also, I wonder how much freedom there would be if people were taking processions in support of a hindu extremist. Or does such freedom only exist for supporters of muslim terrorists? If you have perfect freedom of expression, that's great. But there are other avenues to boast about freedom of expression, like freedom of religion, freedom from blasphemy laws, freedom for jounralists to write the truth about intelligence agencies without being "disappeared" etc. Lets face it - yours is a country where one can be jailed for saying anything against one particular religion and so on - it is not a haven of freedom of expression. It is in pakistan, and not in the west that freedom of expression is selective. So don't pretend that what you are seeing on the streets is due to an excess of freedom. Don't use noble phrases like that to justify terrorist sympathisers.

Again, I will repeat - I agree that those people should have the freedom to show who they support - and it is a good thing that at least for them that freedom exists. So the whole world can see that there are many people in pakistan who shed tears for a mass murdering terrorist.
Of course they have freedom to do that. And we have the freedom to point it out. Nobody said they should be jailed for holding prayers, and in my post I didnt call them militants. I clearly said the sad thing is that "ordinary people" are paying tributes to an acknowledged terrorist. Read it again - I clearly said these are ordinary people.

And by the way you are making it sound all so innocent - "oh they are just holding prayers." You do realise, don't you, that these funeral prayers and mouring is being held for the world's (then) most wanted terrorist? That is why this is different from an ordinary prayer meeting - the fact that all these people idolise and respect osama bin laden, an acknowledged mass murderer.

And nobody said their freedom of expression should be taken away, so don't tilt at windmills.

"Our neighbor country being so radicalized" .... Your this assumption was on merely 100 or mostly 200 people..... And you painted a country which consist of 160 million people, an army, Govt, State departments as radical.

Even if they pray for Hitler its freedom of speech isn't it.... Whats the fuss??? Its ok to abuse billion of Muslim's prophet but its radicalization of country when few 100 pray for MW terrorist ......
"Our neighbor country being so radicalized" .... Your this assumption was on merely 100 or mostly 200 people..... And you painted a country which consist of 160 million people, an army, Govt, State departments as radical.

Even if they pray for Hitler its freedom of speech isn't it.... Whats the fuss??? Its ok to abuse billion of Muslim's prophet but its radicalization of country when few 100 pray for MW terrorist ......

Yea abusing a person or prophet doesnt do anybody any harm - but flying planes into buildings and killing people does real harm. Supporting mass murderers is a real cause of worry. By the way, each time some pastor in the US or elsewhere has burnt a quran or abused the prophet, muslims in afghanistan, nigeria and other countres have gone and killed real, unrelated people. Anyway that is a different question altogether, this thread is not about freedom of expression as I said before. I am in complete agreement that these people should have the freedom to do what they are doing.

And yes, it is a serious concern that the neighbouring country is being radicalised. Now obviously such a statement doesn't mean that every man, woman and child in that 160 million is a radical. Having a lot of extremists is what we mean when we talk of a country being radicalised. That is kind of understood. And obviously an entire country of 160 million won't take to the streets together, it will always be a few hundred or few thousands. Thats how mass demonstrations work. And the fact remains that pakistan is the only country where many people can take to the streets to show support for a mass murdering terrorist like bin laden.

Dont you see this same logic being applied by pakistanis when they gloat at pictures about Indian kashmir? When they see a picture with a hundred people protesting Indian rule, do you go tell them that it is a state of 32 million people, and a picture of a protest of a hundred or even thousand people doesn't matter much? You will also see about 15 or 20 kashmiris holding signs against the Indian govt, which your friends trumpet as proof that India is oppressing kashmiris (a state of 32 million).

I am not trying to bring in the kashmir issue here, and I suggest others not to either. I'm just pointting out to you that that is the way in which we always judge other places. Political movements or mass movements or demonstrations are always by a small number of people, not by 160 million or 1.2 billion together. The fact that there are even 1000+ people who openly rally in support of bin laden IS A SAD FACT. The presence of a few thousand terrorist sympathisers is more than enough to label a country as becoming radicalised - you will notice that no other country in the world has that number of osama sympathisers. And labelling a country as becoming radicalised DOES NOT mean every individual is a radical. That is understood.
Yea abusing a person or prophet doesnt do anybody any harm - but flying planes into buildings and killing people does real harm. Supporting mass murderers is a real cause of worry. By the way, each time some pastor in the US or elsewhere has burnt a quran or abused the prophet, muslims in afghanistan, nigeria and other countres have gone and killed real, unrelated people. Anyway that is a different question altogether, this thread is not about freedom of expression as I said before. I am in complete agreement that these people should have the freedom to do what they are doing.

And yes, it is a serious concern that the neighbouring country is being radicalised. Now obviously such a statement doesn't mean that every man, woman and child in that 160 million is a radical. Having a lot of extremists is what we mean when we talk of a country being radicalised. That is kind of understood. And obviously an entire country of 160 million won't take to the streets together, it will always be a few hundred or few thousands. Thats how mass demonstrations work. And the fact remains that pakistan is the only country where many people can take to the streets to show support for a mass murdering terrorist like bin laden.

Dont you see this same logic being applied by pakistanis when they gloat at pictures about Indian kashmir? When they see a picture with a hundred people protesting Indian rule, do you go tell them that it is a state of 32 million people, and a picture of a protest of a hundred or even thousand people doesn't matter much? You will also see about 15 or 20 kashmiris holding signs against the Indian govt, which your friends trumpet as proof that India is oppressing kashmiris (a state of 32 million).

I am not trying to bring in the kashmir issue here, and I suggest others not to either. I'm just pointting out to you that that is the way in which we always judge other places. Political movements or mass movements or demonstrations are always by a small number of people, not by 160 million or 1.2 billion together. The fact that there are even 1000+ people who openly rally in support of bin laden IS A SAD FACT. The presence of a few thousand terrorist sympathisers is more than enough to label a country as becoming radicalised - you will notice that no other country in the world has that number of osama sympathisers. And labelling a country as becoming radicalised DOES NOT mean every individual is a radical. That is understood.

Shows your mentality and respect for other religion.......

And yes it does harm.... It harms more than flying planes into building and mass murdering..... Infact such acts are the reasons and motivation for people like OBL and his supporters to fly planes into buildings.....or arrange prayers ( such a radicalized act) for a dead person .....

But for you its Muslims prophet we are talking about so its no harm...... One wonder reaction would be the same if we start abusing Ram and other hindu lords.... Lots of Indian will jump to guns on the very first post.....But my religion and my upbringing teached me to respect other religions even if they abuse yours.
pakistan is for sure helping terrorits. i dont car what pakistanis say here. the entire world know it. their country failed because of their own wrong decisions to support terrorism.
Funny thing is, it's only a few hundred people out of a nation of 180 million people and Haqqani is trying to make it seem like it was a national holiday on OBL's death in Pakistan. He refuses to cooperate with the Memo commission, and now creating imaginary monsters to serve God knows whose interests. There's a saying "Jab zulm had say badta hai tu khatam hojata hai . The more he tries, the harder he will fall.
Shows your mentality and respect for other religion.......

And yes it does harm.... It harms more than flying planes into building and mass murdering..... Infact such acts are the reasons and motivation for people like OBL and his supporters to fly planes into buildings.....or arrange prayers ( such a radicalized act) for a dead person .....

But for you its Muslims prophet we are talking about so its no harm...... One wonder reaction would be the same if we start abusing Ram and other hindu lords.... Lots of Indian will jump to guns on the very first post.....But my religion and my upbringing teached me to respect other religions even if they abuse yours.

check this video - If somebody would have said something about Prophet , you know what would have happened ??This person an MP of all is abusing Ram in India...Yet you know what - No factories were burnt - no schools were shut -- Nobody uttered death rant..Life just goes on ! These things if it bothers you - shows you insecure your entire comm is !

You sir are sadly mistaken..You and lots like you view WORLD only through the glasses of Religion..That is the essence of the problem. Janon is absolutely right - calling bad words, saying something about Ram, Mohammad and Jesus will not do any harm; however killing innocents is definetly a harm. The interpretation of your religion is sadly different for different people - and is tool that religious bigots use to ensure that they are in power.
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