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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

One story from 1998 was that a friendly country monitored the Israeli aircraft headings and notified Pakistan of their possible destination, further intelligence revealed that there were Israeli F-16s present in India, that's when Pakistani foreign ministry made some late night calls to some Western capitals as well as Peking and Moscow making them aware of the situation and threatening a full retaliation in case of any misadventure. Apparently the Israeli ambassador to Washington got in touch with the Pakistani counterpart and suggested, any misunderstanding should be dealt directly by the two countries. In due course, Israel, which first denied the issue, later admitted that it's aircraft were in India......for a joint exercise.
That is absolutely true! I know the person's name but cannot recall, will post when I do.

Plus, all the scientists working on the nuclear program were tried to be bought out by the United States. One such incident happened in early days of May 1998 (I believe), during the hot and tensed period, that one person presented himself to the American Embassy claiming to be working for KRL. They made him a passport, got him the Visa and flight overnight! It latter turned out to be false news, he was just an engineer who made use of the opportunity to move to USA.
The very same where your leader's balls dropped off after making a full plan of 'strategic strikes' in Pakistan's various locations after Mumbai blasts. Your leaders have a lot more brains than you, go back to video games since you don't understand jack sh*t about strategy and consequences of nuclear war.

Show me one statement of Indian leaders threatening strategic strikes after Mumbai blasts
Show me one statement of Indian leaders threatening strategic strikes after Mumbai blasts

Such statements are usually not made public but intelligence reports did suggest that India was planning to take out 'training camps' and a few 'leaders' of groups it has its eyes on in Pakistan with surgical strikes. Its almost the same issue one with Israel- Pakistan being discussed right now. No open statements but plan and intent was there, balls just dropped off.
Thats a surprise- C130 cannot be taken out by missiles or cannons?-

These F-16's were without weapons. The story has it that there was a fear that some pilot may go rogue and destroy the C-130 by firing on it. The purpose behind this was to ensure that the equipment made it safe. If the C-130 was to change routes, then the pilots were ordered to smash their plane into C-130's engines and eject.
Then there were fighter pilots told to use their Radars and visuals as the ground control could've been jammed with Israeli F-16's electronic suite or duplicate erroneous communication may have been established. So the pilots were instructed to use their own radar and their visuals around the sites. Due to this, a PAF F-16 belonging to a different squadron was perceived as a threat as it modified its flight path just a little and cause panic, resulting in half a dozen F-16 to be re-routed towards Chaghai.
Such statements are usually not made public but intelligence reports did suggest that India was planning to take out 'training camps' and a few 'leaders' of groups it has its eyes on in Pakistan with surgical strikes.

In other words you have no proof, :lol:

Its almost the same issue one with Israel- Pakistan being discussed right now. No open statements but plan and intent was there, balls just dropped off.

More like bravado statements with no factual backing, . :laugh:

Here is an example of balls just dropped off.

The bad news is that the militants are driving the agenda; the Pakistan military has too few forces to fight too many battles at one time. They have more troops on the Indian border but felt the need to transfer 5,000-7,000 troops from FATA to the eastern border in the wake of increased Indo-Pak tensions after Mumbai. The latest territorial loss has been in Swat, in the "settled area" of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) about 90 miles from Islamabad, where local/taliban militants are closing schools, beheading opponents, and operating a parallel justice system. The police cannot cope and largely have abandoned locals to their fate.

Scenesetter For Special Envoy Holbrooke
I donot unerstand again...why the hail Israel will unnecessary involve itself directly to India and Pakistan conflict?? Sometimes people from both and India and Pakistan just love to create nice gossip around Israel....It may be a taboo too for journalists to get attention....

Israel's obsession wasn't with India or Pakistan...it was with the 'Islamic Bomb'. And to some degree, they have a right to feel that way. If Iran or others issue daily statements saying Israel should be 'wiped' out of the map....what would you do??
If India made these statements towards Pakistan....what would be the reaction to that and vis-a-vis.....so that's that.

However, Israel has come to terms with the Pakistanis in a way that both the nations know that they are not enemies and a threat to each other. I think that's good progress. Now the same needs to happen between India and Pakistan and they should create an economic block. I think all negativity aside on this thread. But let's take the resolution that 2015 shouldn't be a year of tensions between the Indians and the Pakistanis. People here on this SITE can take that initiative and spread it. How long will this drama, tit for tat really last?
In other words you have no proof, :lol:

More like bravado statements with no factual backing, for the satisfaction of conspiracy soaked populace. :laugh:

Just like I said before, these statements and actions are kept secret for some reason. Its already being discussed in the thread if you pay attention but then again denial where its convenient has almost become a hobby for Indians. :)

The bad news is that the militants are driving the agenda; the Pakistan military has too few forces to fight too many battles at one time. They have more troops on the Indian border but felt the need to transfer 5,000-7,000 troops from FATA to the eastern border in the wake of increased Indo-Pak tensions after Mumbai. The latest territorial loss has been in Swat, in the "settled area" of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) about 90 miles from Islamabad, where local/taliban militants are closing schools, beheading opponents, and operating a parallel justice system. The police cannot cope and largely have abandoned locals to their fate.

Fighting Taliban is one thing, fighting India means nuclear war. Not many troops needed for that, besides its India's aggression and capability of hitting Pakistan and getting away with it being reviewed not the other way round. Plus to sum it all up, one intelligent person in this thread later on said maximum benefit of Indo-Pak war is to China. Your leaders also know this. :)
Ok let alone Indian nuclear facilities. But Israeli Negev facility. Seriously ? Did PAF have the capability to carry out such a strike 6000 kms away without refuellers at that time ?

So actually to burst the bubble, no such incident ever happened. Its just another of those paranoid conspiracy theories by the Pakistanis who seek to shore up their importance to outside world.

May be in the 1980's Pakistan didn't have the capability to strike Dimona. I am not sure even now Pakistani missiles can reach there without being shot down--it is a long distance.

However, it is true that Pakistan's nukes have been in some countries' target for a long time. Perhaps as early as 1974 when ZAB actively started Pakistan's nuclear program--Kissinger's warning to ZAB about 'horrible example' is just one obvious memory. I have been a subscriber to Time Magazine. The primary reason I started the subscription was to go through the archives--they go back to 1923! Upon random readings of archives it is apparent that Pakistani nukes were a grave concern even during the 80's Afghan War and there were articles/worries about how to prevent Israel from launching an attack against Pakistani nuclear facilities. And why not?! To the West (read: America+Israel) Pakistan is part of the 'Greater Middle East' and is part of the USCENTCOM responsibility--even though Pakistan is geographically a South Asian nation. And Pakistanis crossed a red-line when ZAB actively backed Arabs in the 1973 war.
I wouldn't blame Israel for what they would try to do to the Pakistani nukes. By the admission of Dr. Qadir Khan Pakistani top planners wanted to arm Iran with nukes. However, for India to get involved with Israel will have long lasting damage for the sub-continent. Not only Pakistani missiles have multiplied greatly in numbers but they have much longer reach than in the 80's and are far more powerful than the 80s' ones. India will be pushed back decades in an all out war with Pakistan. Yes, I know Pakistan will pay a heavy price. But that should not be a consolation to India. Chinese will be all too happy in this scenario.
Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.

Some time ago, RAW passed the intelligence to government that 3 pakistani terrorists about to stuck again. Security intensified, Your Police were on red alert. Later these 3 Pakistani's were found out to be small traders in a computer center in Lahore.

It's how intelligence business works, You got a lead, but sometimes due to urgency you decided not to look deep in to it and decides take precautionary measures first and then investigate further.

But the Indians attitude in this thread is totally pathetic and their obsession with "conspiracy theory" is very much.

If PAF went all in in the month of May 1998, than it clearly showed that whatever intel they got was enough to make them crazy That's how intel business works, if you don't know than stop commenting in this thread!
Thats all very well said.. but isnt that what most nations do? Including India?
The Likes of Zee Tv and Pran Chopra have on occasion left even Zaid Hamid to shame.

Not really. The extent of these conspiracy theories that have vast social acceptance showing a martial Pakistani military is absolutely unprecedented and unlikely in most nations.

While there are takers of conspiracy theories in India, the volume of them gaining social acceptance is ridiculously low. And its not for any kind of seal put on the mouths of people from gossiping.

As a nation it is much to do with the fact that Pakistan is an underachiever in all endeavours - from military victories to world technology and then wishing fiercely to constantly equal and better any match of India. This need(not a desire) to better India risen out of the trauma of partition - affecting India equally i may add. Failure is thus not accepted and an alternate reality is spun around hiding failures and creating glories.

The second reason is that Pakistan has always self-styled/imagined itself as the defender/fortress of Islam. Anything less than glory belies that claim. Pakistan's desire to be more Islamic than the Caliph. Thus the need to present such. And when the opportunity presents, its a zionist waiting to take down an Islamic Pakistan but the military prevented it.

Third, since its the military directly or indirectly running Pakistan, their need to show themselves as superior is a must as their credibility/capability and the need of such a big apparatus must be justified in front of people. Why the people must willingly suffer yet happily give more to the military. Thus control over Pakistan depends on it. They must show that the people made the right choice by giving them resources, that they have 'prevented' many things from happening.
As a nation it is much to do with the fact that Pakistan is an underachiever in all endeavours - from military victories to world technology and then wishing fiercely to constantly equal and better any match of India. Failure is thus not accepted and an alternate reality is spun around hiding failures and creating glories.

Hey, as long as it works! :D
I read somewhere that the F-16 was our own, spotted in Baluchistan, and mistaken to be an Israeli one because of some issues with identification.
But the event was negatively exaggerated I guess.

maray bhai all ac come with IFF, it is not like this is 1916 where u have to identify an ac visually.
Israel's obsession wasn't with India or Pakistan...it was with the 'Islamic Bomb'. And to some degree, they have a right to feel that way. If Iran or others issue daily statements saying Israel should be 'wiped' out of the map....what would you do??
If India made these statements towards Pakistan....what would be the reaction to that and vis-a-vis.....so that's that.

However, Israel has come to terms with the Pakistanis in a way that both the nations know that they are not enemies and a threat to each other. I think that's good progress. Now the same needs to happen between India and Pakistan and they should create an economic block. I think all negativity aside on this thread. But let's take the resolution that 2015 shouldn't be a year of tensions between the Indians and the Pakistanis. People here on this SITE can take that initiative and spread it. How long will this drama, tit for tat really last?

I understand..I appreciate your sensible response....I feel that India and its people are slowly evolving into a mindset where they are coming in terms with good relation with Pakistan...Pakistan should really give a due credit to its political forces that they are really able to achieve one kind of stability in the foreign policy wrt to India in last 5 year....Beleive me ...todays generaton of India and Pakistan understand the necessity to have trade and economy with each other keeping aside enmity between us....Being friendly with each other is a necessity than luxury....so hardly any of the nut politician can stop it...
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