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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

The fact of the matter remains. That the event of an invisible pink elephant nesting under my bed will ALWAYS be denied by the world at large until the invisible pink elephant decides to show itself in public.
And that event of nesting will always be ingrained in my mind thanks to a nice shot of invisible video from the nesting that Ive had the privilege to see.. BUT ..I cannot prove it until that invisible pink elephant shows itself to the public.
Any further discussion on that matter then, is CLOSED.

Do you see where I'm going with this....

Your analogy fails to account for the absence of one actually feeling the need to prove it to the world. The invisible pink elephant under his bed concerns him and is his problem. The world believing his word or that its just another yellow invisible elephant is a matter the man, laying on the bed with his nose pressed against the ceiling, is the least bit concerned about. What he will do is claim it to be true not because his neighbor chooses to believe in it but because he himself believes and knows it to be true, as is his right. The neighbor, for all his care, could go around the neighborhood forming "there is no invisible pink elephant under my neighbor's bed" club houses but that wouldn't really matter now would it, not to the elephant and no to the man. Nor would the man change his stance because his neighbor, a self appointed judge, who over estimates the importance of his thoughts on the matter for the man and somehow, uninvited, took it upon himself to be the authority to be appeased while never having been in the man's house, refuses to believe in it. It's as if a man trying to disprove the female orgasm.

There was no discussion to begin with, you just thought you were owed one.

Just does not make sense for such an extreme measure. Why send just 4 falcons for escort if the threats were so real, why not 8 or 12 or 16?

If there was any doubt in the minds of the higherups that the C130 pilot would desert, why not simply assign the task to some die hard patriotic above such doubts? and why not place a counter team on the C130 to shoot the pilot if he deviates from the route?

No! I don't think the C130 pilots were suspect, or there was that great a risk of C130 being hijacked from within our borders with a reasonably good sized and efficient airforce on guard, had there been a real risk, there would have been more falcons in hte escort team with potent weapons to bring down treasure cove rather than going the extreme way of ramming it down.

If I were to really believe in that story, then PAF is not even 10% of what we believe it to be in terms of professionalism and capability.

As I understand it this was to be the last ditch effort if everything else had failed not the modus operendi. One has to think of all the contingencies when dealing with an issue as important as this; having thought out everything, so to speak.
Absolute non sense, this article has been circulated through out various blogs, we Pakistanis love to believe in conspiracy theories. Israel has nothing to with Pakistan, last time any Israeli leader mentioned Pakistan it was Shimon Peres who prayed for Musharaf. Infact, in 2010 Israelis offered Pakistan to sell their guided munitions for PAF for war on terror, an offer which was rejected by PAF. This was stated by Pakistan Air chief in a speech. Recently Pakistan Airforce also bought aircraft refueling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey.

I am still wondering how senior and respected members on this forum like "WindJammer" are agreeing with this delusional article.

Pakistan also purchased a lot of military hardware from Israel to arm the Afghan freedom fighters against USSR.......did that mean anything other then the fact that the US was bringing together the 2 countries for a common cause? After Soviet defeat, did we purchase any arms from Israel?
No! Paistan did not purchase any millitary hardware from Israel "directly". CIA purchased the russian origin millitary hardware from Israel which it had captured from Egypt in Arab Israel war (I don't remember which one) and I believe the money came from US and KSA.

Pakistan also purchased a lot of military hardware from Israel to arm the Afghan freedom fighters against USSR.......did that mean anything other then the fact that the US was bringing together the 2 countries for a common cause? After Soviet defeat, did we purchase any arms from Israel?
Pakistan also purchased a lot of military hardware from Israel to arm the Afghan freedom fighters against USSR.......did that mean anything other then the fact that the US was bringing together the 2 countries for a common cause? After Soviet defeat, did we purchase any arms from Israel?

Pakistan purchased F-16 refuelling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey...If i were an indian..i would have been praying that Pakistan never recognizes Israel...cuz if it does...there would be a defence relationship...right now India has a qualitative edge in some areas just because of the Israeli technology

denying is good but denying what should not be denied is wired .... come out of love of IsraHell...

Well Mr Jahangeer, i would be more than happy to believe it if you give me one authentic official source, not blogs and shady sites, let me tell you..right now i can create 10 fake sites, and write anything i want in it...using unnamed sources...i am guessing...probably you would believe that too...please talk with reason and evidence..this is what Quran tells to us...talk with "Daleel" and you don't have one.
No! Paistan did not purchase any millitary hardware from Israel "directly". CIA purchased the russian origin millitary hardware from Israel which it had captured from Egypt in Arab Israel war (I don't remember which one) and I believe the money came from US and KSA.

The purchase was from Israel, regardless of it being direct or indirect both countries knew the origin and recipient. Can Pakistan do that with any other Israeli offensive capability such as SAM systems or radars? If not, then both countries were brought together by the US for a common cause.
Pakistan purchased F-16 refuelling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey...If i were an indian..i would have been praying that Pakistan never recognizes Israel...cuz if it does...there would be a defence relationship...right now India has a qualitative edge in some areas just because of the Israeli technology

Well Mr Jahangeer, i would be more than happy to believe it if you give me one authentic official source, not blogs and shady sites, let me tell you..right now i can create 10 fake sites, and write anything i want in it...using unnamed sources...i am guessing...probably you would believe that too...please talk with reason and evidence..this is what Quran tells to us...talk with "Daleel" and you don't have one.

Read Retired Air commodor Qaisar Tufail accounts of that faithful day, He was involved in such matters.
here is something i found on wikipedia


The Operation Opera played a psychological role in Pakistan as it was a success operation commenced by Israeli Air Force.[2] The Establishment and the Pakistan Intelligence Community began to worry about the symmetric operation will be launched near Kahuta with more advanced weapons will be used on the facilities.[2] The Naval Intelligence learned that suspicious activities has been seen near the coastal cities of India, and Indira Gandhi has motives against the nuclear development in Pakistan.[2] As he was made a four-star general in the Air Force, Shamim served as one of the most and closest confident of General Zia-ul-Haq.[3] In 1979, while in private, General Zia told Air Chief Marshal Shamim that ISI had reliable intel that that Indian Air Force, ordered by Indira Gandhi, Indian Premier, has plans to attack and destroy the Pakistan's nuclear research facilities at Kahuta, notably the Engineering Research Laboratories.[3] While asking the capability of retaliation, Air Chief Marshal Shamim acknowledged that Indian Air Force could reach the area in 3 minutes whereas the PAF would take 8 minutes, allowing the Indians to attack the facility and return before the PAF could defend it.[3] Because Kahuta is near borders and to effectively defended it was decided that the best way to deter an Indian attack would be to procure new advanced fighters and weaponry.[3] But in meanwhile, Air Chief Marshal told General Zia to use diplomacy by sending Munir Ahmad Khan to Indian diplomatic mission in Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency.[3]
During this meantime, Pakistan Air Force was put on high-alert with alert level 7. The PAF jets began to take sorties, equipped with missiles, on regular basis.[2] The other day, Air Intelligence confirmed the report about the intel and recommended the acquisition of Mirage-2000 or F-16 Falcon Fighters at an emergency level.[2] Shamim advocated for the F-16s and acknowledged General Zia about the plans.[2] In 1981, the Air Intelligence became alerted of suspected F-16s jets landed near at the Indian borders.[2] Therefore, the Shamim alerted the PAF, and a counter operation was launched, Operation Sentinel.[2] The PAF jets intercepted the suspected F-16s and confirmed their Israeli identity.[2] The PAF jets took aggressive measures and their tactics surprised the IAF F-16s.[2] Panicked and surprise, the mission was cancelled and IAF F-16s were pulled off immediately.[2] Pakistan then used Munir Ahmad Khan and a high level delegation was sent to India where both countries signed a pact not to laid attacks on each others facilities.[2]
Just does not make sense for such an extreme measure. Why send just 4 falcons for escort if the threats were so real, why not 8 or 12 or 16?

Back then, such large number of aircraft can't be spared at one time. Even 4 was a BIG number, considering 28/30 operational F-16s.

If there was any doubt in the minds of the higherups that the C130 pilot would desert, why not simply assign the task to some die hard patriotic above such doubts? and why not place a counter team on the C130 to shoot the pilot if he deviates from the route?

No! I don't think the C130 pilots were suspect, or there was that great a risk of C130 being hijacked from within our borders with a reasonably good sized and efficient airforce on guard, had there been a real risk, there would have been more falcons in hte escort team with potent weapons to bring down treasure cove rather than going the extreme way of ramming it down.
The incident narrated by Oscar was merely last effort, IF everything goes out of order and an aircraft with vital assets go rouge. You will be surprised to hear that militaries even consider worst case scenarios such as Mad Colonel dilemma in their ops plannings.
Pakistan purchased F-16 refuelling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey...If i were an indian..i would have been praying that Pakistan never recognizes Israel...cuz if it does...there would be a defence relationship...right now India has a qualitative edge in some areas just because of the Israeli technology

Well Mr Jahangeer, i would be more than happy to believe it if you give me one authentic official source, not blogs and shady sites, let me tell you..right now i can create 10 fake sites, and write anything i want in it...using unnamed sources...i am guessing...probably you would believe that too...please talk with reason and evidence..this is what Quran tells to us...talk with "Daleel" and you don't have one.

LOL just 2 mini trucks of black and white colour for 18 block50/52 jet stationed in shahbaz AB along with these trucks.
U make me laugh u know because in every thread u give examples of these 2 mini trucks n a offer of mutations in 2009.

Even if we become their biggest friend still they will not sell us any OFFENSIVE TECHNOLOGY that will be effective against our Enemies in a real way.

Even after reading all the comments of senior members in this forum still u say that then i seriously think u really have got some issues here.
Pakistan purchased F-16 refuelling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey...If i were an indian..i would have been praying that Pakistan never recognizes Israel...cuz if it does...there would be a defence relationship...right now India has a qualitative edge in some areas just because of the Israeli technology

Only if Pakistan and Israel stood solitary. And if one is to reach then why not reach for the ultimate? Have peace with India, give them what they want and you wont need Israel? Or do you see the folly in your argument now?

Well Mr Jahangeer, i would be more than happy to believe it if you give me one authentic official source, not blogs and shady sites, let me tell you..right now i can create 10 fake sites, and write anything i want in it...using unnamed sources...i am guessing...probably you would believe that too...please talk with reason and evidence..this is what Quran tells to us...talk with "Daleel" and you don't have one.

No daleel more powerful than a witness, as is in Law and religion. You have plenty of those here. You can't deny a witness unless you can disprove him.
after reading all these pages, there still isnt any neutral sources or proof of israeli planes in indian territory.
i suppose i'll have to chalk this to another of pakistans conspiracy theories

Not really. The extent of these conspiracy theories that have vast social acceptance showing a martial Pakistani military is absolutely unprecedented and unlikely in most nations.

While there are takers of conspiracy theories in India, the volume of them gaining social acceptance is ridiculously low. And its not for any kind of seal put on the mouths of people from gossiping.

As a nation it is much to do with the fact that Pakistan is an underachiever in all endeavours - from military victories to world technology and then wishing fiercely to constantly equal and better any match of India. This need(not a desire) to better India risen out of the trauma of partition - affecting India equally i may add. Failure is thus not accepted and an alternate reality is spun around hiding failures and creating glories.

The second reason is that Pakistan has always self-styled/imagined itself as the defender/fortress of Islam. Anything less than glory belies that claim. Pakistan's desire to be more Islamic than the Caliph. Thus the need to present such. And when the opportunity presents, its a zionist waiting to take down an Islamic Pakistan but the military prevented it.

Third, since its the military directly or indirectly running Pakistan, their need to show themselves as superior is a must as their credibility/capability and the need of such a big apparatus must be justified in front of people. Why the people must willingly suffer yet happily give more to the military. Thus control over Pakistan depends on it. They must show that the people made the right choice by giving them resources, that they have 'prevented' many things from happening.

excellent analysis
after reading all these pages, there still isnt any neutral sources or proof of israeli planes in indian territory.

There weren't reports any of Israeli attacks on Syrian and Iraqi reactors till they were actually done :azn: , so the point being ? Just because it wasn't successful , Tel Aviv never acknowledged it - and exactly what is that hard for Indians to digest here ? Many Pakistani sources have reported this incident ...
There weren't reports any of Israeli attacks on Syrian and Iraqi reactors till they were actually done :azn: , so the point being ? Just because it wasn't successful , Tel Aviv never acknowledged it - and exactly what is that hard for Indians to digest here ? Many Pakistani sources have reported this incident ...

what amuses me is that pakistanis think that it was only because of PAF that India does not attack :lol:
you kids dont know anything about war or its consequences
what amuses me is that pakistanis think that it was only because of PAF that India does not attack :lol:
you kids dont know anything about war or its consequences

You know what amuses me ! :azn:

The firm believe in Indian minds that they can somehow live to see another day in case of a nuclear war and the delusion that nuclear weapons affect only the area they fall on ! Interesting , right ? Then you think you know something about war and its consequences while rambling about " surgical strikes " and " cold start " and two front wars " under the influence :lol:

P.S and No , Pakistanis recognize their weaknesses and never underestimate the enemy , they do not plan the best case scenarios for themselves - none of the qualities that your lot can be attributed with ...

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