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How not to celebrate 12 Rabiul Awwal

It start with your faith , Do you believe that Islam is complete Religion and If it is complete then why do they add or subtract selfmade traditions in religion, If you don't follow religion then atleast don't corrupt it or don't mis-lead public, and you know mostly illiterate part of our society follow them, they lost their all of actual support among public due their typical double standard behaviour with religion and society. Yes, Who are we to judge? We are judging them for our own beneficiary, share with our friends so no one would be mis-leaded again by them, as they have history of spreading fake self made traditions in the name of Islam, Its more have become an effective way of earning money for them, and that same corruption is root cause of all problems in our country.

Good points.

Islam is complete as far as things like speaking the truth, being honest, being trustworthy etc. Belief in one God, And a belief that Mohammad pbuh is God's messenger.

Beyond that, how we dress, what we eat, how we talk, what languages we use, how we travel, how we pray is all part of traditions.

You pray with hands down or hands up or hands around your tummy.

You say takbir 3 times or one time

You say Ameen loudly or quietly

All these things depend on the region where you were born and more importantly the family your were born.

In this way Islam is pretty flexible.

Because if it was not flexible, it would not have appealed to anyone outside the Arabia desert.

For 100s of years Islam has evolved, changed shape, and constantly adjusted so as to be loved by people from all over the world,

It is only in recent dacades that Saudi and Irani version of Islam is trying to be the defacto standard.

And Taliban and Wahabis and iranian Shias are using violence not too different from Christian inquisition to force people to follow Saudi Islam or Irani Islam.

Becuase Saudi think their version of Islam is the "complete" one.

Iranians Ayatullahs on the other hand thing their version of Islam is the "complete" one.

And both Saudi and Iranians are wrong to force their versions of Islam down the throats of other nations and regions.

I hope you understand it now, Let's not start Medieval Christian style inquisition of our fellow Pakistanis just because we happen to follow Saudi Islam or Irani Islam.

There are people, Who are blowing up and slaughtering innocents in the name of Islam and branded Islam as terrorist religion all over the world. I don't think their dance "As per their Islam" is dangerous than other-side of extreme, at-least they are not killing someone.

Its not a comparison of who is dangerous and who is not.
Is this allowed or asked for in Islam or not?
I am on about the videos i posted..
wat da heck was that?:what:

They are celebrating birthday or Prophet Mohammad SAW

And Prophet (PBUH) never asked us to clebrate His (PBUH) birthday.
In fact the dates of His (PBUH) arrival and departure are the same.... So that makes it even worse.
Plus celebrating like this?
@Talon if you read thread title,it clearly mentions 12 Rabi ul Awwal.
And i guess you know 12 Rabi ul Awwal?
So whats the confusion here? Again?
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Its not a comparison of who is dangerous and who is not.
Is this allowed or asked for in Islam or not?
I am on about the videos i posted..

Obviously this is "NOT allowed" in your version of Maslak/Fiqh.

But their "version of Maslak/Fiqh" allows it. Don't you see?

Please try to understand this finer point here.

Your version looks like Ahl-Hadees or (perhaps Saudi Wahabi) tradition/Maslak/Fiqh.

So do not be like puritanical satanical medieval Christian inquisition judge of other "Maslaks/Fiqh".

Do not try to judge others like the Medieval pope used to do.

Because that will bring nothing but death and destruction like it has so far in the hands of Saudi Wahavis, Talib Mullahs and Iranian Ayatullahs.

You are very confused and i choose not to reply to you.

C'mon my fellow Jr TT.

We ought not be angry with each others. Think tanks should be big hearted like real tanks.

So tell us which Muslik/fiqh you follow?

then say

--- According to my Muslak/fiqh, this thingy is not kosher

That's the proper way.


never ever say

--- According to "my" islam, this thing is not kosher

Because that is a big no no!

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Good points.

Islam is complete as far as things like speaking the truth, being honest, being trustworthy etc. Belief in one God, And a belief that Mohammad pbuh is God's messenger.

Beyond that, how we dress, what we eat, how we talk, what languages we use, how we travel, how we pray is all part of traditions.

You pray with hands down or hands up or hands around your tummy.

You say takbir 3 times or one time

You say Ameen loudly or quietly

All these things depend on the region where you were born and more importantly the family your were born.

In this way Islam is pretty flexible.

Because if it was not flexible, it would not have appealed to anyone outside the Arabia desert.

For 100s of years Islam has evolved, changed shape, and constantly adjusted so as to be loved by people from all over the world,

It is only in recent dacades that Saudi and Irani version of Islam is trying to be the defacto standard.

And Taliban and Wahabis and iranian Shias are using violence not too different from Christian inquisition to force people to follow Saudi Islam or Irani Islam.

Becuase Saudi think their version of Islam is the "complete" one.

Iranians Ayatullahs on the other hand thing their version of Islam is the "complete" one.

And both Saudi and Iranians are wrong to force their versions of Islam down the throats of other nations and regions.

I hope you understand it now, Let's not start Medieval Christian style inquisition of our fellow Pakistanis just because we happen to follow Saudi Islam or Irani Islam.

Well , As far as traditions are concerned then It would be better if we celebrate it as our regional tradition instead of combining or linking it with Islam ,

Ways of following is a seperate but its a deep debate , and should be left later discussion.

but as far as Saudis or Iranis are concerned, when your peoples are being killed just becuz rivals thinks that they are hurdles of your plan , blaming them terrorist or blowers are just justifying ways of commiting sins . but still social media or government organisation never helps you when you need them but also takes step against your community then it itself lead you to find someone other who atleast have some sympathy for you. when your own nation don't feels for you then you ultimately get feelings of not belonging to same land.

Well , thats wat happening with us as a nation but still our ignorance or blindness don't letting us to observe things beyond our imaginations and now I don't believe in this "unity" , or such kind of thing did ever existed in our society.
You are very confused and i choose not to reply to you.

I understand from many posts here, that islam has many dos and donts (on some there is clarity and some there may not be), but dont you think by saying 'this is unislamic' (even though you are right)you are basically promoting the friction in society.
Let people enjoy the way they want, you dont like it, so dont do it. You are not defender of islam, are you?

Basically all I am saying, looking at current division in society, dont judge people and dont put pressure on people. It causes unnecessary grief.

You live life in your way, and am sure you will be rewarded if there is allah..
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Well , As far as traditions are concerned then It would be better if we celebrate it as our regional tradition instead of combining or linking it with Islam , .....

This point obviously carries a lot of emotions with it.

Many Pakistanis (especially the born again Islamists in UK/USA) fail to understand the following equation that explains the makeup of a religion.

Any religion = basic tenants of faith + global traditions + local traditions

Islam too is a combo deal based on this equation.

And so is Christianity, Hinduism, Bhudism, and any religion that exists beyond a small village with a population of 20.

Thus it will be utterly wrong to force local traditions out of this equation. That has already resulted in so much death and destruction in Pakistan.

Just enjoy your Maslak/Fiqh and let others enjoy theirs.

This life is too short to worry about other Maslaks/Fiqhs.

peace to you brother peace to you
This point obviously carries a lot of emotions with it.

Many Pakistanis (especially the born again Islamists in UK/USA) fail to understand the following equation that explains the makeup of a religion.

Any religion = basic tenants of faith + global traditions + local traditions

Islam too is a combo deal based on this equation.

And so is Christianity, Hinduism, Bhudism, and any religion that exists beyond a small village with a population of 20.

Thus it will be utterly wrong to force local traditions out of this equation. That has already resulted in so much death and destruction in Pakistan.

Just enjoy your Maslak/Fiqh and let others enjoy theirs.

This life is too short to worry about other Maslaks/Fiqhs.

peace to you brother peace to you
:D I don't know why I feel like we both think in a same way. but with different methods and thats what creates a perfect society with lots of differences , Let me share my experience with you, I always try to avoid religious discussions specially with friends who belongs to different Fiqah. But they try to poke things and always try to prove that their way is right and I should follow them, similarly they do with others and when their ways don't effect much on us then they start to act wierd , sometimes they even use harsh words for us . but again when they feel that their thoughts are losing grips on society then they try to impose it by different ways, try to change things politically or with guns. In such conditions you do feel like you are living in some colonial regime , where all type of strength is being used against you , In that case your love for your Fiqah\community itself starts increasing and you starts hating others. I'm sure thats wat happening with everyone, Don't you think its our national failure when politicians itself use religion, ethnicities , tribes to increase their vote bank and get into power?
When the video is at 13 mins the guy wearing black dress is dancing like "Tandoori Chicken" when the songs says "Tandoori murgi" :lol::lol::lol:

Any ways I do not know much about the Islamic tradition but the guys are having fun.
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