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How Muslims Helped Cause the American Revolution

It's European culture and history that shaped the U.S. And Islamic civilization shaped European history to a large extent. Although they have done their utmost to conceal this reality, they certainly do NOT teach any of this at schools. I have some very good books on this issue in my library. It's amazing how much they lie about history without shame.
European culture was already well developed and unique long before Islam appeared.
hahaha so it was the humble coffee aka Muslim drink that led to the European enlightenment ? Is it any coincidence that the Europeans went on a colonialism overdrive immediately after that enlightenment.

you clearly missed the point for obvious reason it was to easy top take cheap shots then try to understand what he is saying let me explain.

Alcohol kills your brain cells coffee wakes you up for example one can take you around to show the effects of alcohol and i am sure people sitting at a coffee shop will get it right away while the drunks at bar will act same as you therefore wouldn't be able to tell what some one is trying to say.I guess thats why when it says coffee was from Muslim lands you read it and call it Muslim drink.
Do they even believe in evolution???

Hey Mr evaluation if according to Darwin we all came from monkeys how come caste system is part of Hindu religion and even now is practiced in India.

I love this Religion that out right discriminates against Humans and the people who follow it are questioning Islam i suggest you should go fix your own before asking or questioning about Islam.
So Muslim caused American Revolution-----few centuries later----->America attacked and destroyed Muslim nations.

So what should we infer from it ? :blink:
I am not saying that the ideas of the Muslim philosophers discussed by the OP are not worthy. I do ask him to make clear the causal connections, for it seems the Westerners he discussed came up with the same - or more advanced - concepts quite independently of any Muslim connection.

However, the thread title is true, though not in the sense generally meant. The American colonies declared their independence in 1776 but remained pretty much the same as they were, anarchic colonies with the controlling head of state removed (somewhat like Pakistan) for over a dozen years. Over these years, Muslim pirates preyed on American citizens without restraint; ransoming American hostages was a considerable part of the U.S. national budget, as the United States was too weak to respond. This was one of the factors in strengthening the U.S. via the Federal Constitution of 1789 which, by illegally superseding the post-Independence Articles of Confederation, constituted the REAL American "Revolution".

After the new government was formed, it created a standing navy and marine corps and deployed a squadron to the Mediterranean to battle the pirates. The struggle took decades but eventually the Americans allied with disgruntled locals and overthrew the pirate lords.
Hey Mr evaluation if according to Darwin we all came from monkeys how come cast system is part of Hindu religion and even now is practiced in India.

I love this Religion that out right discriminates against Humans and the people who follow it are questioning Islam i suggest you should go fix your own before asking or questioning about Islam.

I don't practice caste system and I don't practice any religion.So before you post any BS here I suggest you should go fix your spelling.
So Muslim caused American Revolution-----few centuries later----->America attacked and destroyed Muslim nations.

So what should we infer from it ? :blink:

First of all i was answering his ignorant rant second where did i say it was Muslims who caused the Revolution third and Most important of it all i said Coffee came from Muslim lands its not a Mulsim Drink.

I understand you had to come to his defense but since you been given the tiltle of think tank i suggest Read it first think about what some one is saying then go ahead and asnwer it.

AGain cofee is a hot beverage which wakes you up and is not a Islamic or Muslim drink
I don't practice caste system and I don't practice any religion.So before you post any BS here I suggest you should go fix your spelling.

You came here all high and mighty questioning My faith whats the matter Mr Hypocrite get caught with your pants down and the best you can do is point out my spelling mistake.

I don't practice any religion

Azazel was either a mysterious desert demon to whom the ancient Israelites sacificed a scapegoat on the day of Yom Kippur, or else a rugged cliff upon which the scapegoat was cast down to atone for Israel's sins

Intrestting nick for a non religious person
It's European culture and history that shaped the U.S. And Islamic civilization shaped European history to a large extent. Although they have done their utmost to conceal this reality, they certainly do NOT teach any of this at schools. I have some very good books on this issue in my library. It's amazing how much they lie about history without shame.

In the Top Capi museum they still have letters from Queen Elizabeth pleading for help and protection during their battle with the Spanish Armada. There were three main powers in the world, and all three Muslims: Sultan Sulaiman Zeeshan of the Turk Caliphate, the Mughals of India, and the Saffavid dynasty of Iran/Khorasan. The West doesn't like those chapters of history at all.

According to them, Muslims just learnt everything from the Greeks, had no literary or scientific contribution, and made no advances. Even though Muslims had breakthroughs and excelled in every area of science. From mathematics to the humanities - Ibn-e-Sina's 14-volume Al Qanoon fitt Tibb, served as a chief guide to medicine, being taught in every major university and learning center in Europe from the 12th to the 17th century - what other piece of writing has stood the test of time for FIVE centuries. The West doesn't acknowledge Muslim contributions, but everything from the word Admiral(Ameer-ul Bahr/Ameer of the Seas) to geographical places like Gibralter(Jabr-ut-Tariq, after Tariq bin Ziyyad), to the very numerals(1-2-3), are Muslim.

But the Islam of then is pretty different from the Islam we see now. These days, people are so rigid and have their egos invested in what they are saying. In the 10th century, it was the norm that scholars would begin their debate/discussion with this statement that said, to the effect, that what I am saying might be wrong, but this is what I have seen so far. No egos and personal attacks just because a person had took a different perspective.

And in the medieval era, extremist Christians who wanted to become "martyrs" would come to Muslim lands and publically say the worst profanities about our Holy Prophet(PBUH), knowing that it was a very serious crime to do in Muslim lands. They wanted to become "martyrs" and then their hanged/dead bodies would be taken back and paraded through Christian cities to rile up the masses for yet another Crusade. And the Qazis would not summarily hang them, like the Muslims act now. They would repeatedly request and give them chances to recant what they said. Those who recanted were not punished.

Muslims had such a different way of governance, that when Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah recieved an urgent communique from Khalid bin Waleed, ordering him to immediately head out to Yarmuk(for the decisive battle against the Romans, where 40,000-strong Muslim army was surrounded in the Yarmuk valley with a combined Byzantine force of over 200,000), he headed out of Hammas and Bulvak and returned the Jizyah collected, back to the people saying the Jizyah obligated the Muslims to defend the townfolk, and Abu Ubaidah did not know if he would be able to fulfill that obligation now. History records and documents the Christian patriarch of the town as having publically prayed for the return of the Muslims, saying their lives were better under Muslim rule than under the rule of their own fellow compatriots. The West paints a deceitful picture where Muslims were oppressors bent on waging wars and conquering all. They fail to mention that the two superpowers of the time, the Byzantine Romans and the Iranian pagan civilization initiated hostilities against the Muslims first. And both these civilizations were excessively cruel to the people they ruled, tying conscripted soldiers into chains so they wouldn't be able to desert or run, and how almost everywhere the populace welcomed the Muslims.

No-where were there any forced conversions, it is against Islamic law, and it is very hypocritical of the West of accusing Islam of "spreading by the sword". Especially because European nations waged wars all across the world decimating weaker cultures, from the Native Americans who fought with bows and arrows against Western cannons and rifles(not content with that, they also spread Polio and diseases for which the Native Americans had developed no immunity, never being exposed to them before - killing the vast majority of people inhabiting South America). To killing the Aboriginal people of Australia, colonizing in Africa and India. And despite the West's overwhelming military superiority, the natives in all these people desperately held on to their native beliefs - passing them in secret from father to son. Even with forcible conversions and the penalty of death imposed on anyone discovered practicing their beliefs, the culture sustains. When the West left, the native people went back to their old culture. The human spirit can overcome the worst kinds of oppression and tyrany, and still hold on. The West has centuries of proof that you cannot dominate the human spirit "by the sword", as their own repeated attempts have failed.

When Muslims came to India, so moved were the natives by the equality and justice of the Muslims, that Muhammad bin Qasim was thought to be a "Devta"(religious diety) by the locals. The local rulers imposed a strict caste system where if the lower masses did so much as have their shadow cast on a brahman, there was severe punishment. The Muslims believed that all humans were equal and wealth and birth did not make one superior to the other - it was the duty of the rich to be charitable to those less fortunate(zakaat and sadaqa), and five times a day for prayer, the poorest of the poor stood shoulder to shoulder with the richest, for Salat/Namaz.

The Islam we see now, is a consequence of Western colonization. Muslims grew decadent with nearly a millennium of leading the world, and they lost what made them great. In India, the British came as traders begging and prostrating in front of the Mughal king Akbar, and Akbar gave them space in India. The British increased their wealth and influence, and Akbar's descendant Bahadur Shah Zafar was imprisoned by the British and had all of his sons beheaded and their heads presented to the aged king in a silver tray, after he tried to evict the British from his kingdom. The Europeans displayed their high moral standards and humane practices everywhere else, from the Americas to China and Japan, they waged the deadliest wars mankind has ever seen, bombing civilian cities across Europe, eventually dropping nuclear bombs on two(it was considered immoral to harm civilians, and standing armies fought each other). Even in recent history, they've continued to come up with pretexts to attack one country or another, from Vietnam and Korea to Afghanistan and Iraq. The famous historian John Pilger made a famous documentary about the West directly or indirectly invading over FIFTY nations in the past fifty years(and they always attack weaker/helpless nations, they never fight fair fights against an evenly matched adversary).

So - Western bias is not a new, or a surprising thing. Revising history, is one of the milder things they do.
What happened to Muslim states which don't drink alcohol, by default they would have thought more clearly... :P
You came here all high and mighty questioning My faith whats the matter Mr Hypocrite get caught with your pants down and the best you can do is point out my spelling mistake.

Oh please,where did question your faith.I only questioned that rubbish article which claims American enlightenment is a result of Islamic Philosophy.
You people are so insecure about your faith.When ever somebody talks about anything that is even remotely related to Islam,You people become big time teenage drama queens.

Azazel was either a mysterious desert demon to whom the ancient Israelites sacificed a scapegoat on the day of Yom Kippur, or else a rugged cliff upon which the scapegoat was cast down to atone for Israel's sins

Intrestting nick for a non religious person

It is an ugly picture i found in the net.No idea about the demon story,but I do know it is a character in X men movie franchise.BTW what is your connection with cheetah??

Hey Mr evaluation if according to Darwin we all came from monkeys how come caste system is part of Hindu religion and even now is practiced in India.

For the record Darwin never said,Human came from monkeys.Go and study Darwin's theory of evolution before speaking more rubbish.
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