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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

What more is there to understand?

You are blatantly Islamophobic.

Do you realize why most of the Indian Muslim members have stopped participating on the forum?

Well I would take a guess that it's because of the things they have to hear about their religion from fellow "countrymen".

Why don't you go and tell one of your countrymen that his religion is "repackaged"?

We obviously don't care, and you're not going to change anyone's religion amongst Pakistanis.

The repackaged was in response to your crass Windows analogy.

Do not be crass with someone else's faith and expect to come out with your own smelling of roses.

There will be push back.

Whether you are Indian or Pakistani or Omani.
The repackaged was in response to your crass Windows analogy.

Do not be crass with someone else's faith and expect to come out with your own smelling of roses.

There will be push back.

Whether you are Indian or Pakistani or Omani.

There are 2.1+ billion Muslims worldwide. Does that bother you?

It seems like it does.
Pepsi does not, cannot go around, claiming to be the final Cola and that all other Colas are lesser Colas.

Not when Coke is still around.

They would have push back. Big time.

So is Islam.

That's all you took from all I said?

I am done here, clearly you do not have full faculties of your mind and I apologize for trying to reason with you.
If he cannot understand then that is the fault of your Religion, not his. Maybe you should change it so he can understand

The discussions and multiple threads he refers to were between Parsis and largely Iranian Persians. On Zoroastrianism and Islam.

Zoroastrianism has no need nor inclination to explain itself to those not of the ancient bloodlines.

Not all faiths operate in the manner you are accustomed to.

Not when they have seen it all, done it all.

This is not to put down your faith as the junior in the class.

It is just to point out that not everyone accepts the tenets and truth that you cal final.

And they do not need to or want to hear your version.

So please keep it to those who are genuinely interested, and preach in a solicited and balanced manner.
don't quote him, I already reported the loser.
My big question is, who is forcing you to?
Are you in some kind of cult jail where you are being forced to listen to evangelical stuff?
If you are not being physically restrained then what is forcing you from simply walking away from people who evangelize?
That's just common sense to me but maybe it's a revelation to you.

The only people I hear who have a whole lot of resentment are Indian members on this forum. I have not met anyone else who makes up history on the basis of their resentment.
No one is asking you to shut up...
Man I feel like I am having an argument with a 10 year old kid.

let me lay this out like a KG teacher would.

1. In public you don't have the right to privacy
that means that people HAVE the right to spread their message in public.
So Pepsi is allowed to tell you about their product and so can any religion.
2. If you don't want to listen to the message then that is your right.
Pepsi will not force you to buy a Pepsi and neither will a religion force you to listen to their message.
3. If you are annoyed with people spreading their message then that is YOUR problem, deal with it how you want but you have no right to tell them to stop.
4. All religions have a right to spread their message. If Hinduism doesn't use this right then it is Hinduism's fault not other religions. So don't be bitter that others use this right
5. And finally, how does it affect you? Kindly tell me. Are they forcing you to listen? are they forcing you to come to their temple?

Again, you just sound like an angry kid that didn't get his way. I am sorry to tell you but in the grown up world you have some rights and others have some rights. The world will not bend to your feelings.

So now your religion has become a PEPSI & you and your mullah brigades the sales managers of the PEPSI??
As a Indian I feel YUCCKKHHH on your thinking that treats religion as product & head counts following it as a proof of quality the product has.

With such low life example of branding Islam, you think you are a GOOD MOMIN?? Thanks God, you and muslims like you are on other side of border.

For us Religion is sacred as Nationality or Motherland, its our identity we dont share it everyone that meets with us on streets, we are proud of it but dont advertize its greatness to make people believe or embrace it.

So by asking if he is speaking on behalf of Humanity means that I am speaking on Humanity?!?!?!

Amazing Hindu Logic :hang2:

I understand now why my ancestors decided to not use it in favor of better logic. :angel:

I am sorry PDF doesnt have any option to Report someone as BRAIN DEAD, otherwise you would have honour to be first among that category.
There are 2.1+ billion Muslims worldwide. Does that bother you?

It seems like it does.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.

And it does not bother me.

Not when there is an alliance of 2.4 billion Christians and 1.2 billion Hindus and 25 million Jews that we are a part of.

Sugar in milk my friend. Sugar in milk.
The discussions and multiple threads he refers to were between Parsis and largely Iranian Persians. On Zoroastrianism and Islam.

Zoroastrianism has no need nor inclination to explain itself to those not of the ancient bloodlines.

Not all faiths operate in the manner you are accustomed to.

Not when they have seen it all, done it all.

This is not to put down your faith as the junior in the class.

It is just to point out that not everyone accepts the tenets and truth that you cal final.

And they do not need to or want to hear your version.

So please keep it to those who are genuinely interested, and preach in a solicited and balanced manner.

please spare me the patronizing.
Instead, try and use your "ancient knowledge" and make a proper reply to me previous post.
Some of the culture is shared, so Indians cannot claim it to be their own. Nor can pakistanis.
But the OP was specifically pointing to bollywood promoted culture, not IVC, so lets stick to the topic.
So now your religion has become a PEPSI & you and your mullah brigades the sales managers of the PEPSI??
As a Indian I feel YUCCKKHHH on your thinking that treats religion as product & head counts following it as a proof of quality the product has.

With such low life example of branding Islam, you think you are a GOOD MOMIN?? Thanks God, you and muslims like you are on other side of border.

For us Religion is sacred as Nationality or Motherland, its our identity we dont share it everyone that meets with us on streets, we are proud of it but dont advertize its greatness to make people believe or embrace it.
Sir first read Islam before talking about it Sir Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world because of converts and eating with kafirs as long as food is halal is allowed Sir you Indians are imitating culture of west and also the old culture which you have is mostly those things which are left by Muslims who ruled you so first know what the hell is Indian Culture
please spare me the patronizing.
Instead, try and use your "ancient knowledge" and make a proper reply to me previous post.

I am not patronizing you.

Somewhere in your DNA, is that ancient knowledge as well.
What are these fundamentals?

At one point Hindus are vegetarian, at other points they love beef and pork.

At another point they are conservative, and another point they literally think they have created pornography.

At one point they are monotheists, and another they are polytheists.

This wishy washiness seems absurd and opportunistic to say the least.

Because you guyz need to be taught what life is. Its not Black and white. Its a grey area. No one can claim to understand life. You can come closer but not complete.

Again you have to understand every timeline has its own culture and life style. Hindus have gone thru this complete timeline unlike any other religion. We have brahmins, vaishnavs and shaivyas depending on the decendents from either of the 3 major gods. Brahmins are strict veggies, vaishnavs are limited veggies and shaivyas are rigorous non veggies. The lower caste of today, shudras, NTs are the shaivyas. There was time when they ruled da land, today brahmins do. In the future some other. You never know. But with changing times the cultures and style also change. Now this is called Evolution Theory, WHICH I THINK MUSLIMS DONT BELIEVE IN.
So now your religion has become a PEPSI & you and your mullah brigades the sales managers of the PEPSI??
As a Indian I feel YUCCKKHHH on your thinking that treats religion as product & head counts following it as a proof of quality the product has.

With such low life example of branding Islam, you think you are a GOOD MOMIN?? Thanks God, you and muslims like you are on other side of border.

For us Religion is sacred as Nationality or Motherland, its our identity we dont share it everyone that meets with us on streets, we are proud of it but dont advertize its greatness to make people believe or embrace it.

I am sorry PDF doesnt have any option to Report someone as BRAIN DEAD, otherwise you would have honour to be first among that category.

C'mon man, even I refuse to believe that you are this dumb. Stop embarrassing yourself and address the actual points.
I do kind of understand why you are playing dumb, I mean if I had to defend such an "ancient religion" as Hinduism, with all the....."interesting" aspects, I too would play dumb. :mamba:

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