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How long will Russia last?


Mar 15, 2010
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Zakaria, author and host of CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," spoke to CNN this week. Here is an edited transcript:

CNN: The Obama administration has indicated they want to reset the relationship with Russia from the Cold War mindset. Do you think that is a good idea?

Fareed Zakaria: Yes. Russia is a major power, spanning three continents, with thousands of nuclear warheads. It is also a prickly nationalistic country. So dealing with it means giving it some respect. There are lots of areas where deals can be struck with them -- such as nuclear arms -- and the Obama administration is doing the right thing in tackling those. I would only caution that Russia is a weird great power, one who's basic economy is not very impressive and getting weaker not stronger over time. So, we shouldn't pin too many hopes on a U.S.-Russian partnership.

CNN: Why are there so many Russian billionaires? One just bought the New Jersey Nets and there seem to be many on the Forbes list.

Fareed Zakaria: It's a sign of the weakness of the Russian economy. Every one of them is a natural resource billionaire -- their fortunes derive from oil, natural gas, nickel, copper, aluminum. These were assets of the Soviet state that were privatized and some Russians ended up with the lion's share. There are few real entrepreneurial fortunes in Russia, despite having had many engineers. My own suspicion is that many of the scientifically trained Russians left Russia in the 1990s, most ending up in Israel -- which has had a tech boom based on the talents of its Russian immigrants. (Israel today, only excels in a few areas, including agriculture and radar systems.)

CNN: There appears to be close ties between these billionaires/oligarchs and the Russian government. Is that causing political problems in the country?

Fareed Zakaria: There are ties, but the balance of power has shifted. The oligarchs are now distinctly subordinate to the government. Putin's first great power shift was to assert the power of the Russian state -- over the oligarchs. He has continued to consolidate power and at this point, while the oligarchs are very rich, they exist at the pleasure of the state -- and they know it.

CNN: President Dimitry Medvedev has admitted to the corruption problem. Why is he not able to do anything about it?

Fareed Zakaria: Two reasons. First, the rot is deep. So many elements of the Russian government are corrupt and are implicated in this almost mafia-like system of rule that it's not easy to change. They quietly subvert any efforts at reform. They have allies throughout the government at all levels, so even if the directive comes from the top, it never actually gets implemented. Second, it remains unclear how much power Medvedev has. He seems to say all the right things, but his words are rarely followed by action. He may have some influence, but it still appears that the "deep state" that actually rules Russia is run by Vladimir Putin and his coterie of advisers.

Russia frustrated with Iran but unlikely to fully support sanctions - CNN.com

It's Manifest Destiny that you guys should surpass Russia in the next decade. But, instead of China's rapid progress being the only factor, one has to take Russia's stagnancy into account. More importantly, what will be the military fate of India if its daddy retires?
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wow! russia is gigantic then! with such a low and shrinking population, coupled with a weak economy, how they can keep up with the vastly more populous and economically powerful China and USA?
wow! russia is gigantic then! with such a low and shrinking population, coupled with a weak economy, how they can keep up with the vastly more populous and economically powerful China and USA?

The only viable way is to crank up its military and hang on for as long as possible. However, the greatest obstacle to that is the corruption within the military. Putin just cancelled a roster of next-generation projects because 40% of the fund produced no result. In Chinese analogy, it's even worse than SAC.

Government: corrupted

Education: getting crappier by the day

Economy: corrupted, inefficient, little success in entrepreneurship.

Population: aging, shrinking

Military: corrupted, braindrained

Resource: not running out anytime soon, but will be robbed if the military stays the way it is.
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The only viable way is to crank up its military and hang on for as long as possible. However, the greatest obstacle to that is the corruption within the military. Putin just cancelled a roster of next-generation projects because 40% of the fund produced no result. In Chinese analogy, it's even worse than SAC.

Government: corrupted

Education: getting crappier by the day

Economy: corrupted, inefficient, little success in entrepreneurship.

Population: aging, shrinking

Military: corrupted, braindrained

Resource: not running out anytime soon, but will be robbed if the military stays the way it is.

what great propaganda....keep it up...Russia is not going anywhere...

i think all the parameters above are good to define China instead...
Russia will last much much longer then china.

Russia has natural resources china has scarcity of them.

Russia has technology, china has copying machine for old Russian stuff.

Russia has most number of nukes in The world.

Russia has more land.

Russia has less population, less mouth to feed, less liability.

Russia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Russia has one true friend India. :cheers:
it wont last a decade russians are **** scared of the emerging CHINA and the US and their great alliance together....

i doubt how long will the world last ?

i can see the future ..........
2012 anybody ...... oh no 2018 chinese fifth generation fighter taking to air and scared of this russia decides to disintegrate
1. Russia has only 10% population in comparison to China. :yahoo:

141,950,000 - 2008
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

So, less people to feed, less people to provide facilities and take care of. :devil:

2. Russia has vast energy resources in Oil, Gas, and coal. :yahoo:

China is biggest importer. China is dependent on other countries for them.

3. Russia has unlimited water. :yahoo:

There is very serious water problem in China.

4. With only 10% population in comparison to china's population, Russian GDP is about half of China. :yahoo:

$1.68 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2008
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

$4.33 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2008
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators
wow! russia is gigantic then! with such a low and shrinking population, coupled with a weak economy, how they can keep up with the vastly more populous and economically powerful China and USA?

the highlighted HOW is the big question i am sure the answer to every how can be found in russia's eastern neighbour
honestly..this is a stupid question to ask..how long will Russia last..heck what do you mean by that ??
Economy might go down, population might shrink..what else with the time...(BTW the Russian economy after a dip during recession has seen slightly an upward trend this year ,if i am not wrong)..If we start evaluating on the basis of these stats,then sorry but many other nations are more likely to cease to exist than Russia.
4. With only 10% population in comparison to china's population, Russian GDP is about half of China. :yahoo:

$1.68 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2008
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

$4.33 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2008
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

2009 China GPD 4.9 trillion USD
2009 Russia GDP 1.2 trillion USD


Please learn some simple math buddy.

I am sure in another decade, China's nominal GDP will be ten times larger than Russia's. Believe or not, USSR was the glory of yesterday, the future glory will belong to our mighty People's Republic of China. :china:
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