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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

He may be your father, but not mine. I do appreciate a lot of his posts, but he no god and is biased even if it comes off as subtle. To say a human is not biased, is completely irresponsible.
I din't comment on his biased attitude, I for one had not seen it yet. However, I simply asked you to debunk his arguments and then freely comment your usual quality content less posts on his dishonesty and fairness...

When did I say he is my father :undecided:
This is not OFF TOPIC because it shows how Nehru Manipulated MOUNTBATTEN who in turn used his bias against the Muslims. This is not my assessment, I am only reporting that which is widely known. Please read abouyt it and inform yourself.[/url]

I have read full-length accounts of Mountbatten and his narration on the partition. I am also well aware of the vices of all the gentlemen of the era and suffice to say nothing said about MAJ was very charitable. That said, it is off-topic, and there is no point in getting into those details.
He very much is, as my father's side as well. I can understand koshur and speak a little as well. My grandfather's sisters and my aunts still speak it between each other.

Ah, so you are now a Kashmiri too after claiming yourself Arian on numerous occasions... :lol:

Make up your mind who you really are and then declare on PDF..
Can some one explain the claim in OP that Gurdaspur was Muslim majority? How ??

If you all agree that Qadianis are Muslims then I will agree else they are fake claims and an act of deceit..
Just like Gurdaspur with a Muslim majority was given to India, so was Chittagong hills district which had a Buddhist majority was given to East Pakistan. The decision had more to do with administrative issues than conpiracies around Kashmir.

And Mountbatten was not the only played in the partition saga. As per the recently released secret letters between Jinnah and Churchill, there was a lot of politicking going on in the background. Viceroy Wavell before Mounbatten had already prepared the break down plan which was followed to the last detail include the Gurdaspur division.

Another lesser know fact is that Sardar Patel had offered Liaqat Ali Khan J&K if Pakistan agreed to recognize Indian sovereignty over Hyderabad. Liaqat Ali instead rebuffed Sardar Patel's offer assuming Kashmir is already "our's" and the rest as they say is history.

This is in Sardar Shaukhat Hayat Khan's book: The Nation That Lost Its Soul
Accordingly, Patel suggested that Pakistan should take Kashmir and renounce its claims to Hyderabad Deccan, which had a Hindu majority and which had no land or sea border with Pakistan. After delivering this message, Mountbatten retired to the Government House to rest.’Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan further relates:‘I was in-charge of Pakistan’s operations in Kashmir. I went to see Liaqat Ali Khan, and pointed out that Indian forces had entered Kashmir and that Pakistan could not succeed in driving them out using the tribal raiders to ensure that Kashmir became part of Pakistan. I even said that it seemed unlikely that the Pakistani Army could succeed in doing so. Hence, I insisted, we must not reject Patel’s offer. But Liaqat Ali Khan turned to me and said, “Sardar Sahib! Have I gone mad that I should leave the state of Hyderabad Deccan, which is even larger than the Punjab, in exchange for the mountains and peaks of Kashmir?” I was stunned at Liaqat Ali Khan’s reaction, shocked that our Prime Minister was so ignorant of geography, and at his preferring Hyderabad Deccan over Kashmir. This was nothing but living in a fool’s paradise. To acquire Hyderabad was clearly impossible, and we were rejecting an opportunity that would have given us Kashmir. Yet, Liaqat was totally unaware of the importance of Kashmir for Pakistan. That is why I resigned in protest as in-charge of Kashmir operations.’
Ah, so you are now a Kashmiri too after claiming yourself Arian on numerous occasions... :lol:

Make up your mind who you really are and then declare on PDF..

Were there never Arains in Kashmir? Would they not marry local women? Am I not a product of this?

I'm not here to tell you my family history, but why do you think I must lie to make my point?
Ejaz bhai, the very notion that Gurdaspur was Muslim majority is wrong. As far as I know, Qadianis are/were not considered Muslims..
No you are wrong. Indian economy is already going south compared to China. In coming years without routes to oil and gas through Pakistan Indian companies will not be able to compete with Chinese companies globally which will get these transport routes. China is developing an pumping money into its south west to bring prosperity and reduce terrorism etc in that region. China is also assisting in developing infra structure in NE of Pakistan. They are also about to take over the running of Gwador which they financed. This and the NE will be linked. So mate India needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs India.

The rich Hindu Brahmin's that control the majority of assets and economy in India will do a deal with Pakistan because they like money rather a lot.

That is the reason that Mushy deal on Kashmir has never been signed. Pakistan High command knows this and is holding out.

China in one quiet but swift stroke has changed the geopolitical and geostrategic equations in this critical region which borders China, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. The deployment of Chinese troops in this region even though for the ostensible purposes of infrastructural improvements of the ‘Karakoram Corridor’ heralds a new phase of China flexing its muscles not only against India but more significantly against United States in the wider global context.

China’s Obtrusive Presence in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Implications for India and United States

London, Oct 10: After the launch of his new political party, All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), recently, Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf has said that India and Pakistan were close to a solution on Kashmir some years ago.
“We were as close as drafting a final pact for a solution. Final drafts were exchanged through the back channel and Manmohan Singh agreed with my four-point formula,” Musharraf told NDTV in an interview last night, when asked how close India and Pakistan came during his Presidency with regard to Kashmir solution.
Asked if his famous four-point formula for Kashmir was the only pragmatic template within which Kashmir can be resolved, Musharraf said: “You said it and let me tell you very proudly, those parameters are mine. I thought of them, because I realised that when I was talking to everyone on Pakistan side, the Indian side, the dispute is the Kashmir dispute. What is the solution? Not one of them ever gave me a solution. So therefore, that set me thinking, and that is where I came into this issue of demilitarisation, maximum self governance, this over-watch and all that, and making the LoC irrelevant. Now you asked me how close we were, we were as close as drafting the final agreement.

India Pakistan were close to Kashmir solution Musharraf Lastupdate:- Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

So simply all Pakistan has to do is sit it out to get a deal that it is acceptable to it or Indians will continue not to fulfill their potential and ever feed their large population. You also have to remember that India also has unresolved border issues with other mainly China as well

You are making two mistakes in this comment, fairly elementary ones.

The first is to think that Pakistan wants a deal, and that India doesn't.

How wrong can you get? Throughout the relationship, Pakistan has inevitably been the belligerent. Every responsible Pakistani commentator, including those from the military, has confirmed this. Lt. General Gul Hassan and ACM Asghar Khan are just two out of many.

So for Musharraf to find an initial glad and positive reaction to his proposals is no surprise; it was a response waiting for an occasion. The deal making foundered on the putrid reputation that Musharraf has in India, as the traitor of Kargil. That reputation has rubbed off on his parent organization as well, and is what stands in the way of demilitarization of Siachen and its environs, which may avert tragedies like Gyari.

The second mistake is to think that China will support Pakistan blindly. China will support Pakistan selectively, for a price, probably a hugely reduced price, but a price. They will expand Gwadar, perhaps, and put it to use; they may expand land communications through Pakistan; but they will not omit to ensure the safety of these investments. Not through military intervention, but through diplomacy; they will prefer to ensure India's goodwill.
Can some one explain the claim in OP that Gurdaspur was Muslim majority? How ??

If you all agree that Qadianis are Muslims then I will agree else they are fake claims and an act of deceit..

Lol my grandmother was not qadiani but that was her city of birth.
Oh hello jeee ! Aryan and Myself are Kashmiris; at least on my part, I've got family in Srinagar, tou bhai kuch tou hammein bhi pataaa ho ga na ?

Hey.. Me too.. I was born in Srinagar.. Have a lot of relatives still there.. And I can go there whenever I want :)

Just setup a 200 seat BPO center in Srinagar .. You do not know how the stuff is changing.. Most educated people who wanted to join Pakistan no longer do (one of the assistant Vice presidents in that new center being one of them), but are embarrassed to admit it as it amounts to them admitting they were wrong to begin with. In private though, the words he used were
" We may be nationalist Kashmiris, but we are not morons.. In today's situation, who in their right minds would like to be a part of Pakistan"
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