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How ‘Islamist’ is the AKP?

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LOL... I dont like any of these leaders... They have destroyed our land... be it the secularists or the so called islamists...

So called islamists?I can name you as so called islamist too.What has to be done to avoid to be so-called islamist for you?Getting out of nato right:) Turkey must stay in the system and the ugly truth is Turkey has a lot of common benefits with the USA.We have to have good relations with both the east and the west and also try to influence their politics as we can.This is what we can do for now.The current policy is realist.Maybe not islamist enough for you.

I said you " people can not be Secular !! only societies can be secular" but your sick brain doesn't recognize this !! and "dieing for a tear is your sick brain's claim !!!"
If he was a muslim-hater he wouldn't allow Islam in my country and opened TBMM with prays !!! This proves you are real Ataturk hater.

1: while Ataturk alive, Turkiey could produce its own planes, tanks and weapons. We sold that planes to Belgium and a few different countries.

2: Turkiye was 15. of world since Attaurk alive and after died it passed nearly 100 years but still we are 15. of world. Its not Attaturk's mistake. And chp and akp is the same for us !!

3: Kurds had problem when ottoman empire strong and still they are problem of this region not only for Turkiye ... These types rights were limited after pkk terrorism started !! But we Turks have great forgiveness and toleration. We still give their rights. we do not do other islamic countries same as Iran, Iraq and Syria...

4: Yes we are developing fast and we uses Ataturk's rail ways still. That railways were built while Ataturk alive. shame us !! I am from Kayseri i know it very well so do not mention it !!

who lives in caves we can see !! still your types compare himself between Ataturk who is passed away 100 years ago and thinks the situation was easy as now a days !! and akp is the bast sample of corruption of Turkish history. this has been proved by wikileaks doc.s ... you are not a muslim for us coz you claim someone who is passed away !!!
These kind of problems source is you are !! you have supported Neco and refah than you created these problems !! before it my teacher could teach us with headscarves. And my sister could go to Uni.do not worry we have enough English to explain what we want to say? you and me not native so its no problem can be some mistakes !!

As everybody saw you are real Ataturk hater !! and you claim someone as muslim-hater this type claim is not allowed by Islam !! so you are not muslim anymore for me !!! other thing, you use same tactic of akp and use Islam to effect muslims and also you histrionics of them same as akp does right now !!

I must agree with this we have certainly run into development problems. Look at Japan and Germany after WW2 they are way ahead of us now. In WW2 they were destroyed and look at where they are now and look at us.
Having lived in Turkiye, the Islamists I see still wear suits, are well educated, and well kempt.......

being Islamist is not determined by the length of your beard.......I respect Turkiye because the religious scholars are obligated to enroll in the Imam Hatip programs which educate them on Islamic and ''secular'' studies

AKP is indeed an Islamist party......but they are real Islamists which more and more Muslim countries need. The ones who can balance Islamic ideals while maintaning a secular republic and being ultra business-friendly and savvy.
Killuminati your post is full of hate and unrecognizable typings. Firstly, you need to comprehend that people have a choice. If i chose not to support M. kemal, that is my own decision, no one else can interfere in my thoughts.

You illustrate a perfect kemalist to the audience. A narrowminded, hateful, trying to undermine a person with a very low English.

I will quote a couple of Kemal's sentences which he expressed during speeches eetc.

"I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government;" Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey, by Andrew Mango; "In a book published in 1928, Grace Ellison quotes [Atatürk], presumably in 1926-27"

"We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven, or from an unseen world, but directly from life." Statement (1 November 1937), as quoted in Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango

Now, if you have some level of understanding, the quotes clearly illustrates his views about Islam.

By the way i see a person that is truly thinking backwards, stuck. You expressing this "your sick brain doesn't recognize this". Shows your competence in discussing with a man of different views.

If you cannot even tolerate people not looking up to M. Kemal, than i do not see any reasons speaking with you.

The education in Turkey is one of the worst in the developed or newly developed countries. And i clearly see the outcome here. What a waste... Thought turkish people truly got rid of their nationalistic sentiments and stuckness in Kurds versus Turks issues or such. In Denmark if people read what you have just written they would think you are a primary school student (7.th grade or so). But it wouldnt surprise me if you study at the university. I have seen worse, trust me.

I am sorry but we have to be sceptical if we demand progress. Not realising and seeing our wrongs and learning from them, has always become our greatest weakness. Our honor (Turkey) is only a piece of word without any content.

By the way my brain is not sick at all.
Profilimdeki resimimden belli degilmi? Ve neden türk oup olmadigimdan kuskulaniyorsun? Danimarkada dogdum ama ana bab türk, hatta Kayseri :wave:

Edit: Dont worry i am not from any intelligent service, here to gather some "valuable information" i am as clean as they come
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Gerçekten Turk musun acaba

Kemalist indoctrination is still solid in Turkey but some of us can get rid of that disease.Kemalism loses power each day.The last real defender of it is the army and they are losing base in our politics as it has to be.

So you dont have to be skeptical about him.I am also Turkish:)
I dont hate anybody. I am not a kemalist or whatever. I am talking only about the facts of our history. One of the big reasons that ottoman empire weaken was because of of new culture they brought to our nation. One of that culture was arabic and other western. When a nation is far from his own culture, its like a tree without roots. Thats why Ataturk is a great person for me because of his Turkcu ideology. Its really the only formule to keep our country strong.

You say he was a non-muslim. That doesnt matter my dear friend because we know enough people(sheikhs) that talking about islam but behind the scenes they are the biggest mushreeks. Ataturk said many times that his own folk must be stronger believers. He also was a great fan of the prophet sallallaahu aleyhi wa sallam. The battle of badr and uhud were a big example for him and told that imaan is a great way to keep steadfast in wars etc.

Dear Killuminati...

This is actually true... There was a movement in the Indian subcontinent by the name of Khilafat Movement... This delegation was sent by the leaders of this movement...

The British occupying India did not mean that they controlled the thoughts of Muslims... Muslims were the fiercest in resistance against the British Empire all over the world, including India...

An interesting analysis actually suggests that Kemal abolished the Caliphate because the British pressured him to do so after they saw the Khilafat Movement gaining strength in the subcontinent... because before this Kemal had already made Caliph only symbolic by finishing the Sultanate in 1922...

btw... Gandhi Jee also supported Khilafat Movement... for our Indian readers...

Because of the brittish pressure? First of all if Ataturk was a collaborationist he would not start a Independence War. So its impossible to say that he brought a end to caliphate because of the brittish. Other fact is that there was no ummah to lead. And what if Ataturk was caliph? And what after Ataturk? I think we would have again the same problems and again threat of extinction of Turkish Nation. And i know that caliph is fard for ummah but what if there is no ummah to trust? I dont really know may Allah forgive us all and protect us agains imperial zionists.
I cannot believe I am reading about Turks who would openly or discreetly talk down about their national leader

Ataturk was no fan of the Arabs....but there is little proof to show he was necessarily anti-religion.
M.Kemal was a pragmatist,he used islam for his policies.

And yes he negotited with british.Britain wanted a free kurdistan.Ataturk didnt want that and he abolished caliphate and gave up our rights in northern iraq.Thats how he convinced the brits not to support a free kurdistan.Also he always followed pro-british policies.At the end,brits sold greeks out and we beat them.Thats why greeks hate him and thats why brits,americans etc adores him.
O zaman kurt Turk musun?

by the way, many people label Northern Iraq as ''kurdistan'' so i dont see why the small number of seperatists like PKK and PJAK still want to engage in armed struggles
O zaman kurt Turk musun?

by the way, many people label Northern Iraq as ''kurdistan'' so i dont see why the small number of seperatists like PKK and PJAK still want to engage in armed struggles

yahu hacı sen de taktın illa bişey arıyosun,karadenizli bir türk'üm ben.gerçeğe sadakati olan bir türk'üm.

and yes theres no such a state named kurdistan but it refers to a region where mostly kurds live in.
One of the big reasons that ottoman empire weaken was because of of new culture they brought to our nation. One of that culture was arabic and other western. When a nation is far from his own culture, its like a tree without roots. Thats why Ataturk is a great person for me because of his Turkcu ideology. Its really the only formule to keep our country strong.
Turkey is a continuation of the Ottoman State. That's the fact. Just like all the empires went through in 19th and early 20th century, Ottoman State couldn't resist to nationalism wave even if it came out victorious from WWI. It was going to happen sooner or later. Mustafa Kemal saw an opportunity to change the regime for good and changed it. And he became the founder of the Turkish Republic, took the name Ataturk (Forefather of Turk). These are all in line with the process of other empires. Connecting the fall of Ottoman State with so called "arabic and other western" cultures is just distortion of the truth. If you are so stuck on "Turkish" culture, I guess you also blame Ottoman State for its failures for not being nomad enough just like old times in central Asia.

Especially with today's rapid globalization, cultures always change. It has been changing since first earthlings started to walk.
yahu hacı sen de taktın illa bişey arıyosun,karadenizli bir türk'üm ben.gerçeğe sadakati olan bir türk'üm.

and yes theres no such a state named kurdistan but it refers to a region where mostly kurds live in.

vayyy hac efendim Karadenizlisiniz o zaman ordan yeni bir fully-automatic silah alabilir miyim :smokin:
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