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How ‘Islamist’ is the AKP?

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LOL i am bored of those 3rd world conspiracy theorist people in my country like you.

All they talk about is our army.They are so naive to think that our army is "holy".Hell no_Our army was and still is CORRUPT.Lockheed martin scandal is the best example for this corruption.

BTW they were the biggest ally of Israel,i dont know about which "pion of zionist" are you talking.No one could supervise our army,that was the reason of corruption.Look at the past of it,you will see coups,bribes etc.

Thats why i support AKP,they reduce the involvement of the army in our politics.And the reason why AKP is getting too much votes is pollitical dissident is terrible in Turkey.

Also i have to say that zionists are not ruling the world,neither usa nor Turkey.Its their propaganda to show them so powerful that noone can resist.Thats what we call "zionist lies".And they hate AKP,be sure about it.

ps:your english is better than me:lol:

Why should this be boring if we have a history with a fact that 16 times the states was destroyed by same problems? If look today we see exactly the same problems that where in the Ottoman en Selcuk Empires. When you try to devide the people in 36 ethnic identity you will open a way for a federal goverment like what AKP now trying to do with their new constitution. They are planning to take out the word Turkish Nation and see the fact that Turkey is of Turkish people as a immorality and want to change it in people of Turkey. The major problem of Ottomans en Selcuks was that they couldnt control the upper bureaucracy anymore. Like today, AKP is taken out all senior managers and replace them by the man that choosen out fetullah communinity. And who is fetullah? We is behind him?? Siyonists.. So Turkey strungling with the same problems as Ottoman empire had by selling al important things to ‘’devsirme elitleri’’, organising a ethnic problem, replacing and setting their own mans in upper bureaucracy, replacing the supreme court by his own man, taking out the power of army.. So whats the difference between the problems that ottoman empire had and Turkey? You telling that AKP is good and bring up the economy but how?? Like Turgut Ozal did with his neoliberalism politics and sold everything to the same elite? Than in 2002 that elite did a economic coup and out of nothing a hero(tayyip erdogan) appeared and stabilize the economy like what Turgut Ozal did by privatization of all important economic sources to America. So you telling me that this is a way to be independent? Is this the way how a islamist go to work?? By making the siyonists powerfull?

You saying that the Army is corrupt but what can the army do when CIA thanksfull to person like fetullah an their community organising deadly conflicts between left and right, communists, sects etc? I dont say that coup is good but when everyday young people gets killed and government cant do anything, the army must intervene. Important thing is who made these conflicts. And ofcourse there are corrupt people like Tayyip Erdogan but todays Ergenekon is the remnant of Esref Bitlis organisation. When Britain invade Istanbul they only arrested 3 commanders. And today AKP arresting more than hundreds of commanders and generals and professors. AKP is doing a civilian coup and you dont see this pff..

Siyonist are not powerfull when they have the most powerfull army, media, worldbanks, worlds most powerfull businesses, organisations, lobbys etc under their commands and programming the brains of 90% of the humanity?

Nah man your English is better bro :P
Look at me lol full with grammar faults
Erdogan is pragmatical Islamist. He has pan Islamic feelings, want to be a leader of Islamic world, wants to be popular among all Muslims. But in same time he understands that Turkey lacks resources and in order to develope it should remain secular and maintain good relationships with USA and Europe.

Thats because they want to devide Turkey in 4 pieces. Kurdistan, Armenia, Greece and Turkey. And the Turkey after devided must be a islamic country so the foreign powers can control it easy. Thats why AKP is anti Ataturk and taking out all Ataturk standers by arresting them. They know that the principles of Ataturk are protecting the independency of Turkey. So the command is not in AKP's hand but in ziyonist hands. Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul are pions of C.F.R.. the head of the pyramide.
All these theories are nonsense.People like you believe these theories because of the Ataturks principles.You guys have a habit to think if someone doesnt follow Ataturks principles,then he is a traitor.This is funny.Ataturk died in 1938get over it and time has changed since then everything has changed.Ataturks principles isnt useful in todays world.Thats what you cant admit and thats why you think AKP is selling Turkey.

Privatization policies can be criticized but i dont think "kemalizm" is able to respond todays needs and i support anti-kemalist policies.Because its out of date.Wake up call :mod:
All these theories are nonsense.People like you believe these theories because of the Ataturks principles.You guys have a habit to think if someone doesnt follow Ataturks principles,then he is a traitor.This is funny.Ataturk died in 1938get over it and time has changed since then everything has changed.Ataturks principles isnt useful in todays world.Thats what you cant admit and thats why you think AKP is selling Turkey.

Privatization policies can be criticized but i dont think "kemalizm" is able to respond todays needs and i support anti-kemalist policies.Because its out of date.Wake up call :mod:

Yes sure calling things u dont like nonsense theories. The destroyed empires because of the problems i told are jokes, nonsense theories to or not.. Explain me which principle isnt usefull in todays world..

You have a typical nurcu mentality. Keep fooling people by using the Islam and rip their moneys like how denizfeneri and kombassan did in europe. Scammed more than milions of people and earned more than 10 milyar dollar. Thats maybe the reason that tayyip can buy boats for his son.
The collapse of the empires is a different story.

LOL im not a "nurcu" but kemalism is out of date.no need to be "nurcu" to admit that.

BTW the fethullah community has serious problems with the government.Bulent Arinç is trying to warm the wheather.

im not approving all the aspects of islamist parties policies such as wild liberal policies but i stand with them against kemalism because its the biggest obstacle in front of us...
LOL i am bored of those 3rd world conspiracy theorist people in my country like you.

All they talk about is our army.They are so naive to think that our army is "holy".Hell no_Our army was and still is CORRUPT.Lockheed martin scandal is the best example for this corruption.

BTW they were the biggest ally of Israel,i dont know about which "pion of zionist" are you talking.No one could supervise our army,that was the reason of corruption.Look at the past of it,you will see coups,bribes etc.

Thats why i support AKP,they reduce the involvement of the army in our politics.And the reason why AKP is getting too much votes is pollitical dissident is terrible in Turkey.

Also i have to say that zionists are not ruling the world,neither usa nor Turkey.Its their propaganda to show them so powerful that noone can resist.Thats what we call "zionist lies".And they hate AKP,be sure about it.

ps:your english is better than me:lol:

well said. I couldn't agree more.
Yes sure calling things u dont like nonsense theories. The destroyed empires because of the problems i told are jokes, nonsense theories to or not.. Explain me which principle isnt usefull in todays world..

You have a typical nurcu mentality. Keep fooling people by using the Islam and rip their moneys like how denizfeneri and kombassan did in europe. Scammed more than milions of people and earned more than 10 milyar dollar. Thats maybe the reason that tayyip can buy boats for his son.

You have also typical secular "kemalist" mentality. You start to blame people for their political ideology. I will do exactly some to you.

kemalism imposes state controlled economy. All western modern countries using market economy now. Even China and Russia. bUT kemalists still proposing us to use state controlled economy called "devletcilik" in Turkish.

Sorry but your ideology left in 1940. We are living in totally different word now.

Akp (tayyip erdoğan) learned to live reality of this age. They have great and succesfull economic plan. You can read success of Turkish economy from many western sources. Also AKP has a great foreign policy thanks to Ahmet Davutoğlu. I believe all our pakistani brothers can see what Turkey was 10 years before and what it is now.

Please leave conspiracy theories behind and start to talk about reality.
^ Sorry but Putin bought everything back and its now under control of the state. My ideology is not left in the past, contrary nationalism is the only formule to keep Turkey independent and make it stronger. You talking about free-market. Free market is nothing else but a strategy of global elites that use this methodes to keep the power(iktidar) or replace them whenever they want. You dont want to see the facts of this. 80% of stock market in Turkey is under control by global elites. So how can you call this dependent economy powerfull? In 1994 the CIA station chief in Turkey selected Tayyip en Abdullah gul instead of their teacher erbakan. He told that they planning to bring tayyip and gul to the power but for one reason.. privatize without complain everything that Turkey has. Than after some years Tayyip and Gul left their party and created a new fresh party. Than the planned economic crisis happend. And miraculous a new fresh party could do a social assistance to milions of people. HOW? And dont forget that Tayyip and gul visited in 90's the white house. Hangi sifatla?? They also invited by C.F.R. a shadow goverment that rule the goverment and the world..

I know you wont see things like this on TV or newspapers and when you tell people about this they dont believe because they are to addicted by wrong manipulative politics on TV.

You saw what happend in yugoslavia, you saw what happend in Palestina, you see what happening in Iraq and still you keep accuse me of conspiracy theories. My poor people of my land. Really media made you guys blind and dont see the emperial threats planned on our land.
My poor people of my land. Really media made you guys blind and dont see the emperial threats planned on our land.

LOL media made us blind?Dude i can read the same things on the net actually i read it.Cumhuriyet,Sözcü,Odatv they are all the part of the media that you blame.Their arguments are not reflecting the reality.And Odatv is hilarous,their capacity only allows them to analyse things as fetullahçı vs We(goodies).

You are the guy encounters these theories on the net and say " wow i have just found the secret of the world,i should take this light wherever i can and enlighten people".So dude,being blind is not my problem.
Wise decision:agree:

The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ), said: “I guarantee a house in Paradise for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right.

Get a grip of reality mate. Your conspiracy theories do not have any factuality. Firstly, you have to understand that we live in the 21. century, that kemalist mentality cannot be incorporated to a modern developed democratic society. There are countless of reasons i say this, if you support such a view you would support a single party solution to "democracy". Civil societies are ever evolving, you can't get stuck at a particular time and person in history. Sure you can get some influence from personalities like M. Kemal, but you can't fully incorporate his ideas in contemporary societies.

Secondly i can see you mentioning a Hadith. If you truly support islamic ideas, you would never support a secular system like Turkey. Since, in Sharia living in a not-islamic country is considered a sin as long as your objective/mission isn't tabligh (invitation to truth).

So mate before you present your views about Islam, AKP and M. Kemal. You ought to build your foundations thoroughly, and basd on factual knowledge.
My dear Brothers from Turkey...

You only need to highlight one aspect in your work which takes the very life out of our enemies... Speak of Islam as an ideology that overcomes all barriers such as nationalism, tribalism and divisions based on linguistic reasons...

The Unity of the Ummah is the thorn in the eyes of the enemy... Always remember this... they are trying their best to prevent it... and we are pushing back with all we have got... Until the day till we are all one!!!!
Mahammad, i fully agree that our primary goal must be to unite in the form of an islamic khalifa. But as long as we have these secular kemalist minded persons, who repeatedly throw mud at good men like Erdogan and Gul our unification cannot be formed.
I can guarantee you that Erdogan is not using Islam as a tool in politics, he is without any doubt true in his words. His wife wears Hijab, and almost all the other AKP members' wife do as well. According to killuminati their goal is individual power and islam is a facade?

If you examine the genesis of Erdogan and AKP, you will come to the conclusion that their original ideas have its foundations in forming a unified Islamic power, which must serve as a counterbalance against the western dominance. Their means, though, can be discussed: allignment with Europe and USA, etc.

But in the longer run, Turkey advances more rapidly (technologically and economically) when cooperating with the West. There is no dispute as to how much Erdogan's government has advanced Turkey in every calculable and non-calculable ways. Every day major online newspapers publish articles about Turkey emerging as a new global power.

Brothers don't see with eyes clouded by prejudice and other forms of nationalistic sentiments. As brother Muhammad says, we need to abolish thoughts which supports nationality and divisions.

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